Pick Me Right up off the Ground


I missed school the next day, too scared to go in incase Benji and Joel decided they would drive me home again and have a chat with my dad. Even though I was frightened half to death over my dad, I was more scared to have my friends defend me and get hurt in their defence. I ignored their phone calls and emails, instead listening to music and locking myself away from my dad when he pounded on my door.

“You’ll have to come out sometime!”

He would scream from behind my door. He would pound his fists and kick my door, screaming at me that once he got his hands on me, I would wish I was dead like my mother. I buried my head into my pillow, ignoring him as much as I could. I refused to let him in, pushing my dresser against my door when I felt like my door couldn’t hold him back.

It was nearing dinner when my stomach growled and tightened with pain. I glanced over at my window; I had taken the screen out a week ago, and hadn’t used it in a while. I packed my purse and opened it, intently listening to my house. I could hear the TV on downstairs, but my dad could be right outside my door, trying to listen to me.

I climbed out and made a mad dash towards the other side of the street, running with all my power. My back was probably torn apart again, and my knees were wobbly from no food for close to twelve hours. I ran all the way to the Madden’s place, nearly twenty minutes away from my house. I knocked on the door as nicely as I could, but I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking.

Joel opened the door, and gasped when he saw my tear streaked, bruised face.


He ushered me in and up the stairs, into his room that he shared with his brother. Benji was playing guitar. When I came in though, he stopped abruptly and stared at me. I felt like crying again; I knew they were disappointed in me but I couldn’t stop him. I sat on Joel’s bed with him, and wiped at my face.

“Are you okay?”

Benji whispered. If their mom saw me, she would call child services, even though I was almost eighteen years old. I nodded at him, and Joel wrapped an arm around me, letting me lean against him.

“Lacey, you can stay the night. You can bunk in Sarah’s room, if she’s okay with it.”

Joel offered, just like I knew he would. I shook my head, leaning my head against his shoulder.

“I can’t, Joel. My dad will know I’m gone and he’ll come looking for me. Then he’ll kill me for running away.”

“Is this why you missed school?”

I nodded. He hugged me in close again and kissed the top of my head. Joel and I were more than friends most days. He wasn’t just the brother I wished I had, he was my rock and without him I think I would have died nine years ago.

“We’ll help you, Lacey. We’ll get you out of there.”

Joel said softly, staring at his brother. Benji nodded and came over to the other side of me, leaning against me protectively. I shivered and closed my eyes. I loved these boys, I really did.

Too bad I might never find a chance to tell them that.