A Mother's Sacrifice


"Joe please!!!!! You can't leave me. What will I do alone? I love you!" I sobbed into my hands as I saw the mean look on his face. He has never looked at me that way before. That’s not my loving Joe. Who is this person in front of me now?

"Ann you were supposed to be on the damn pill. You betrayed me. I don't want a noisy kid on my heals. You brought this upon yourself so don't expect me to help you. From this day you are all alone with this thing. I have nothing to do with it and you better not use my name in the birth certificate. You are going to live to regret this day. The day you betrayed me. Thought you can trap me that way? Hell no! I won't be trapped by a stupid woman like you. You thought I loved you? Well you were only here for my pleasure. Farewell Hun!"

He left me! He left me broken and sobbing on the floor of what used to be our bedroom. I didn’t plan on getting pregnant and I didn’t stop the pills, it just happened. What am I supposed to do about that? And what will I do now? I’m 21 and I haven’t completed high school. My mom was the person taking care of me but when she died when I was 17 I had to drop out and since then Joe took me in. but he made me work and pay the bills and whatever was then left from my wages went to the bar.

Sometimes he'd come home drunk and beat me but after all he did to me I loved him. After all he took me in when I was poor and homeless. I was certain of one thing though. I’m going to keep this baby and give him the best life ever.