When Tragedy Hits

When Tragedy Hits

Its raining and im currently trying to get out of the rain. I stop sharply at a corner because a car was passing. As it passed i got drenched in water. I gasp and spit out water. I began to shiver because it was so cold out. And my attempts to stay warm were failing.
“well, this is just freakin awesome!” i yell.
I stand there in the pouring rain, when suddenly i didn't feel it anymore. I look up and see a handsome older guy who looked to be about 20 or so. He pulled me close to him and then said.
“now, you don't wanna catch a cold do you?”
i felt my cheeks get hot as i looked at this amazing looking stranger. He smiles and states his name.
“Tony” he smiles again and then winks at me. Holding me a little tighter.
"sorry, but im underage” i say with an innocent smile.
He loosens his grip on me.
“but thanks anyway.” i say with a wink.
“well i just cant leave you out here...” he says
“you don't even know my name.” i state in a smug-ish tone.
"oh, uhhh” was all he could say.
I smile and snicker to myself. “its Amy” i reply
“well Amy you don't mind if you come to my place tonite do you?” he asks
“as long as you keep your hands to yourself” i say with a smirk.
This time it was his turn to get red. “of course...” he answers. “ okay then, lets go,go,go!”
We get to Tony's house it was huge.
“here is some spare clothes you can were for tonite.” he says handing me the clothes.
“gee, thanks i say accepting them”
“you don't mind if i take a shower do you?”
“No not at all” he answers back “okay were is it?”
i ask “first hall to your left.”
After i was done taking my shower Tony took me to my room and i fell asleep in a bed for the first time in months. The next day tony took me to work with him. He worked as a chief at a police station or something. He had found a small uniform to fit me that only made me question if this was really a police station or a strip club. The girls uniform was a tight black Tee, a blue mini skirt and a blue vest to match with your choice of shoes. But it wasn't that bad i was already use to wearing clothes like this. I was walking down a hall not really paying attention when i bumped into somebody. I fell and tripped backwards.
“ow!” i yell.
“hey are you okay ?” i heard a voice say.
I look up and see a boy my age. He helps me up and i brush myself off.
“wow” he says.
“excuse me?” i ask
“Tony's dream girl is here.” he states
'yet im to young, pitty”
“huh?” he asks
“hi, im Amy and im 16 years old!”
the boy looked stunned, then he looked me up and down as if trying to see if i were really telling the truth. When he ccaught what he was doing he introduced himself.
“oh, well im Amy. Nice to meet you” i reply
“you dont work here do you?” he asks me
“no, would you believe me i said i was tony's daughter?” i asked
“what?!” he almost yelled
then i laughed “im kidding he's more like a brother”
“how long have you known him?” he asked
“since yesterday!”
then he looked at me like i was delusional