Not again.

South Park is about as normal as ever; Kyle and Cartman are at war, Kenny is poor as shit, and Stan is still crazy for Wendy. Changes may be made, new students may arrive, but still, it's South Park so just fucking read it.
  1. Respect My Authoritah
    Kyle and Cartman are at it again! Stan is trying to get Wendy back, and Kenny is having a hard time with a school bully.
  2. Screw you guys
    More stuff happens. Kyle gets in trouble. Kenny is slowly healing, and the voice he heard wasn't that of a cute girl, not at all.
  3. Wercome to The Sheety Wok
    Dylan and Zendaya make their first trip to the Shitty Wok to get some Pawk fra-rash. Kenny is at war with himself. Stan is getting over Wendy, and now has a new love interest. Cartman and Kyle are still going at it. Craig's finger remains UP.
  4. Oh hey Jesus!
    Jesus, Zenny, and fish...