Summer Skin

Do you remember that summer?

Do you remember that summer three years ago? We lived at What-A-Burger and stayed out all year. We didn’t go home until the nights got cold and our fingers began to freeze to our smokes. That summer I slept with your brother and learned how to hate. You watched us fall apart, but this year I can see the cracks growing in your heart.

Do you remember the day we got high on your sleeping pills? We walked into your back yard in our panties and tried to mix your moms rum with old Sonic coke. It was awful but we drank it anyway. We smoked hookah and I threw up and your mom came in but she didn’t do anything. You’ve been throwing up a lot this year you know.

Do you remember that first night I slept over? I was hanging out with you at What-A-Burger for the first time. I was so into Martin and no one believed that I smoked so they refused to give me a cigarette until you vouched for me. You spent that night making out with G-Wag in his truck while the others and I played Frisbee in the parking lot. I almost slept with Martin that night and you wanted G-Wag so bad that summer. You mentioned him yesterday.

We were so young then. We were silly and foolish and our troubles were simple and school was out and nothing was ever that hard. The year after we dropped out of high school. Nothing was easy after that. We lost friends and dated many boys. You were always better at that than me. I always got bored but you kept strong. Too strong and now he’s tearing you apart. You can’t sleep and when you do your dreams are terrifying. Now hookah makes you sick and you’re on anti-depressants and I wonder how it got this bad but I know. He made you that way but at least now you know. But he’s still around and I still struggle to keep your head above water. I’m tired but I’m not going to let you drop because that summer three years ago means everything to me. You are my best friend and I’m not letting you go down that road again. You are staying right here.
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This is all true and about me and my best friend.