DVH (Death Vally High)

the seceret revealed...almost

"sara your so motherfucking adorible!!!" sami practicaly yelled i was wearing my purple skull shirt red trep pants and my gothic boots that go to my knees she was wearing her orange hat a black baggy shirt green baggy camo pants and her short boots "hey sexy" some dude said to me and smacked my ass "hold my hat" sami said almost taking her hat off but i stopped her and we walked home and went into her room i was staning agenst the wall when she walked over to me and she kissed me her kisses are always so warm and sweet then her hands slipped up my shirt and mine whent to her rainbow belt finaly she stoped kissing me "ur dads gonna be pissed" she said and i just shrugged im definitly in love "love you"i said to sami "love you to" she said we where both out of breath for kissing for so long then she started kissing me again "sara!!!" i heard someone yell i didnt pay attachen i put a barrer up on all thedoors and windows so noone could get in then sami licked my lip and i slightly whined then i heard bashing on the door so sami decided to stop so we wouldnt get caught she sat cross legged on the floor and i sat in her lap guess who it was it was my jackass brother crona some how he heard me whine and now if i dont listen to the little motherfucker he threats to tell but i bet dad already knows crona is 5 sec younger than me hes the eigth one im the seventh so the little bitchass gets to do wat he wants bc our dumbass step mom likes him better any ways i went back over to sami's on saterday and i get to spend the night we just layed in bed and talked then she rolled over a grabbed somthing "what the hell is that dildo lookin thing?!?!?!?!" i yelled she took the cap off "a marker smart one"she said and i felt stupid "samiiii ur so mean!!" i yelled and she grinned i havent saw that grin in forever i loved her grin so much that i found my self kissing her then before i knew it i was asleep with her under the blankes