You've Got To Fall To Win

You've Got To Fall To Win

The name's Isobella, but you can call me Bella. Even though most people don't refer to me by either of those two names. To most people I'm known as the crazy HIM fanatic. I guess that's fine, but I'm not really crazy. Actually I'm rather sane, if I do say so myself. I know I'm a fanatic though, there's no point in every pretending I'm not because I totally am.

I know everything and I mean everything there is to know about the band HIM. Ask me anything about them and I'll be able to give you the answer. I also know everything about all the members, including past members. I've been to every HIM show there's ever been in my area and a few in some surrounding areas.

Most of my friends and family think I'm just a tad bit too in love with the band, but if anything I could be more in love with them. If you ask me they're not in love with them enough. Don't get me wrong, they love HIM, just not to the level I do.

So here's the thing.

HIM is going to be here tonight for a private show. Meaning I don't have tickets! I know I shouldn't be freaking out, but I am. It's like if I don't go to this show it's going to break my record of going to every show they've had here in this beautiful city of New York. Which will totally break my heart and make me cry in bed all night then my bestie will have to come over and make me feel better. Which will be nearly impossible to do since I'll be way to depressed to even think about feeling better.

So here's the plan.

My cousin works at the venue where HIM is going to be playing. So he's going to help me sneak into the building and help me get up into the vents so I can crawl around up there and see HIM through the vents. Not nearly as good as actually being in the crowd, but this is the best he can do. Or so he says.

"Bella!" I heard him yell.

I sighed and continued putting on my eyeliner.

"Bella!" He yelled yet again.


"It's time to go!"

I finished up my eyeliner as fast as I could, but I wasn't fast enough for him.

"What are you doing?" He asked while standing in the doorway.

"My make-up."

"Why? You're going to be up in the vents getting all dirty and gross, but yet you're still worried about your make-up?"

I nodded.

"You're one weird cookie."

I smiled happily, "Everyone says that about me."

"Yeah," he mumbled, "and it's not meant to be a compliment."

I stuck my tongue out at him and followed him out of my apartment and into his car.

Once we pulled into his parking spot and looked over at me.

"So here's the deal, Bella."

"Uh huh..?"

"You're going to follow me inside and act normal, just as if you're supposed to be walking in there. Then I'm going to lead you into the back area where we keep a whole bunch of boxes. Once we're there I'm going to help you crawl up into the vents and give you a little map and flashlight so you'll know where you're going. After the show is over you'll come back down the way you came and go right out to my car and wait for me there."

I nodded rapidly, "Okay, I think I can handle that."


"What happens if I get caught though?"

He patted my head, "I had nothing to do with it."

"Oh, okay!"

He smiled, "Let's get to it!"

Up in the vents I coughed as quietly as I could. It was just so dusty and dirty and gross up here. Plus there were spiders, mice, and bugs everywhere! If I wasn't such a devoted HIM fan I would have crawled right back out of here the second I saw the first spider. But alas I am the world's biggest HIM fan and nothing will make me climb out of this vent until I see their whole performance. Speaking of which it should be starting any second so I should start crawling faster.

After a good five minutes of crawling I finally came across the spot right above the stage and I had a perfect view of everything. Just as I was getting comfortable the beginning of Passion's Killing Floor started playing and as the small crowed screaming with joy I did too. Who would notice, right?

By the time the fifth song was on I was really getting into it. Which I must is rather funny considering I'm in a vent, above the stage, jamming out to my favorite band. I almost wish I had thought of bring a camcorder so I could record myself and laugh at how stupid I look later.

Right as Ville began singing the next song I heard the metal in the vents begin to creak.

"Uh oh," I whispered.

I began to scoot off of the spot I had been sitting in for the past twenty minutes or so, but the metal started to creak some more and now I could actually feel it giving out.

"Oh shit."

I tried crawling faster, but I wasn't fast enough.

The vent gave out under me and I went falling. Thankfully, the fall wasn't a big one.
I landed right in front of a shocked Ville Valo, who had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I stared up at my idol with a similar look on my face.

Everything went quiet so fast.

Someone in the distance was yelling, "Security!"

Ville shook his head, "There's no need for security!"

"Are you sure?" Linde asked.

Ville just nodded in response.

I wondered why he wasn't having security on my ass like TP, but I'm sure there was a good reason for it.

"Um," I said nervously, "Sorry."

Ville's face broke into a large grin, "That was fucking hilarious."

I smiled back at him and we both just broke into laughter.
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