Status: New Story!!

Please Don't Tell

♥C H A P T E R O N E ♥

'It would be so much easier to just end this.' Emma thought as she ran the razor blade over her stomach. She watched as the blood slowly ran down her skin, sighing as if it had been making her hold her breath. She thought, 'Why not cut myself? I deserve it. I messed up everything so I have to pay for it. I'm the reason my dad is gone.' Tears ran down her face as she looked over at her body. Her stomach was covered in scars that were made by her, they were fading but still there.

But one very visible scar stood out the most. Emma ran her hand along it. It ran from her rib on her right side all the way across to her left hip. She pulled her hand away from it an shook her head before any of the memories could come rushing back. She grabbed a wet cloth and clean up her newly formed mark.

"Emma are you ready!" She froze hearing her older brother yelled from behind the door.

"Yeah! I'll be down in a sec!" She yelled.

Emma waited until she heard her bedroom door shit before she ran into her room and grabbed her sandals and bag. As she ran out the door she grabbed her light colored hat from her wall and put it on her head rushing down the stairs. Once Emma reached the last step she was greeted by her five brothers.

"Finally." Paul said making Emma roll her eyes.

Emma had a total of eight brothers making her the only girl. Her two oldest brothers where in college. Hunter, 20, and Chris 19. Next were the twins, Justin and Paul who were both 18 and seniors in high school. Then there was Kellan who was one year older then me and a Junior.

After Emma was born two years later my mom had Ryan who is 15 and a Sophomore. Then came James who is 14 and a Freshman and last but not least was little Seth who was two years old. Since Emma was the only girl all of the guys were ever protective of her. Every guy at school wasn't really aloud to talk to her unless one of her brothers approved of them. Which she understood because of what happened that summer.....

After saying bye to her parents they all piled into the Hummer that was one of the twins. Emma happily sat on Kellan's lap since there was only five seats in the car. The drive to school wasn't long seeing as they only lived around the block from it. Once they pulled into their usual parking place they all got out. Voices filled their ears from all the teens standing outside the school talking.

"Emma I missed you!" One of Emma's friends yelled hugging her. She let of a small laugh and pulled away.

"Ivy it's only been a week!" Her other friends, Summer, Ever, Sarah, and Jess, laughed as they walked up taking turns to give her a hug. Ivy pouted crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well..Still!" Emma shook her head and turned to Summer.

"Where's your dance bag?" Summer asked. Emma gasped and mentally slapped herself.

"I totally forgot it!" She yelled.

"Got you covered sis." She turned and saw Kellan walking up behind her with her dance bag. She smiled and squealed.

"This is why your my favorite!" Kellan pumped his fist in the air said "Yesss!" Causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey sweet cheeks, Wanna dance for me?" Paul winked at Taylor, seeing her in her dance clothes, making her blush.

"And that is why you still single." Emma said walking away.

"Hey!" Paul yelled.

"See you girl later!" Emma called behind her as her brothers followed her into the hallway's of the school. As they all walked down the hallway people stopped and watched them. Almost like in movies when the popular people walked in.

"This never gets old." Justin smiled wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Emma shook her head and laughed, walking over to her locker but not before her eyes fell on a guy standing next to one of her friends Scott . She had never seen him before but for some reason she felt like she knew him.

~~~Ian's POV~~~

Ian groaned as he rolled out of bed realizing it was his first day at his new school. He grabbed a towel and took a shower. Once her was finished he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed back to his room to get dressed.

"Ian, honey are you up?" His mom yelled outside of his door.

"Yeah!" He yelled back dropping his towel and pulling on his boxers along with his jeans.

"Ok, I'm going to get Ella dressed, so your food is on the table." She yelled.

"Ok!" He said pulling on his black shirt. Ian walked over to the side of his bed and pulled his converse on.

It was sunny outside but still cool so he grabbed his plain red, black, gray and white shirt over his black shirt. Finally he added his gray beanie before putting his backpack on and leaving his room. Instead of eating his food he took a piece of bacon off the place and ran out the door.

He already knew where the school was so he had no problem finding it. Ian parked and got out of his truck looking around at the semi empty parking lot. He blew air out of his mouth and walking into the school to the office. The lady at the front desk was short and in her late 50's she wore glasses and he hair was gray and brown. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Hi, I'm new here." Ian said.

"Oh hello dear, well welcome to Westfeild high."She smiled and grabbed some papers sitting on her desk. "Here is your schedule and locker combination. Also I will need you to get this paper signed by all your teachers and brought back at the end of the day." Ian nodded and took all the papers from her. "Oh and a map of the school in case you get lost." He nodded and thanked her before he walked out of the office. Ian stood in the hallway looking at the map trying to figure out where to go.

"Why the fuck does this school have to be so big!" He cursed. He heard a chuckle and looked up.

"Need help?" The guy standing in front of him had brown hair and green eyes. He was as tall as Ian and looked like he was on the football team.

"Yeah thanks dude." Ian said.

"No problem, this school is huge and you can get lost fast." The guy looked over Ian schedule and nodded. "You have almost all the same classes as me so you can just hang with me.

"Oh ok. I'm Ian. " He said.

"Scott." They shook hands. Just then the hallway doors opened and six people walked in making everyone stop what they were doing. There was five guys and one girl, the all looked related. His eyes fell on the girl, she was beautiful! He long blond hair reached to her ribs and she had blue eyes. She looked like she had just stepped out of a magazine.

"Who are they?" Ian asked. Scott looked at the group and smiled.

"Those are the Matthews, Justin, Paul, Kellan, Emma, Ryan and James."He pointed them out. "They are run the school. But not in a bad way, I'm friends with them and the are cool." He said. 'Emma' He said in his head looking at her.

"Don't think about it dude. They are very protective of Emma." Scott said looking at his new friend.

"I don't know what the hell your talking about." Ian looking back at Scott. Scott shook his head and chuckled before they both headed to class.
♠ ♠ ♠
First Chapter!! Keep or Kill???

Emma's outfit!