Status: Only the begining

Danger Days: A Killjoy's Story

One More Life Saved From BLI

DeathPill POV:

"So, what’s your name?" I just finished saving this girl who is about 10 years of age. She was saved from the horrid place I used to call home. “Grace…” she moved a strand of hair away from her face. “Really!? I always loved that name!” I said to girly for my liking and she giggled from my sudden outburst. “What’s yours?” she asked in her small but powerful voice.” Well, if you must know my real name, it’s Tyler Alice Lee. My killjoy name is Death Pill… The only time you say my real name is when no one, and I mean NO ONE, is around. Got that” I asked “mmm yeah” “Good” I said flipping a classic green ray gun in my hands.

Currently, we were waiting for Aidan (Lotus Flower) and Hannah (Land Shark) to come pick us up… Aren’t they in for a surprise. “Where did ya find this anyways?” I said speaking of the green ray gun I held protectively in my hands. “Ummm, it was outside the surveillance room.” “Well I feel bad for whoever lost this beauty…” I said trailing off. I heard the honk of a car horn. I turned to see a very annoyed Aidan because Hannah was playing with her hair. “Would you stop it already?!” Aidan yelled. “Okay” Hannah replied simply. Aidan furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Grace. “Er…Who’s this?” she asked. “This dear friend is Grace!” I said grinning like an idiot. “Well what is she doing here?” “She’s coming with us to the diner we saw the other day and were gonna let her stay with us.” I said casually. “Was zur Hölle? (What the hell) She yelled in German. “Are you out of your messed up mind! You don’t even like children!” “She’s different. Plus I used to look after Marceline and Ashton so, I do have experience.” I grinned. She crossed her arms and shook her head.

“Oh, she’s gonna lose this fight” I thought to myself. “Please” I begged. “Please please please please please please please!” “No” she said in a bored tone. I pouted and continued to beg “Pleeaasseee-” “FINE!!” she cut me off. “YES!” I scooped Grace up and hugged her tightly with her hugging back.

“Oh my god! I look stunning today!” Hannah squealed as she observed herself in the mirror. “Don’t mind Land Shark, she’s full of herself” Aidan said. Grace, Aidan, and I laughed while Hannah rolled her eyes. Finally, a day that turned out the way it should.
♠ ♠ ♠

Zombies+ Vampires= Zompires


Xox Tyler

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