The Girl Who Counts

Chapter 2

Molly arrived back at her apartment to find Sherlock staring at John's blog. As soon as she set foot in the apartment his eyes darted up to her.
"It is 5:30, you are usually back by 5. Where have you been?"
His bright blue eyes stared into her and she could tell he was trying to figure out the reason for himself. She walked towards the kitchen and placed her groceries on the counter.
"I had some extra work to do."
She replied simply while she turned around leaning on the counter.
"Really? Have you got a case?"
His eyes twinkled with the prospect of a case, he had been dying to do something since he got here and had become more irritated each day. His eyes stopped inspecting her as his other senses caught up with them and his smile faded.
"You saw John today."
Instead of asking how he knew she just nodded. She could tell that Sherlock wanted to ask about him but he stayed silent. She dropped her bag on the table as made her way to the bathroom as she shouted out
"There are groceries on the counter, you cook tonight."
Sherlock looked from her to the groceries with a bemused expression and then looked back at his computer. Molly sighed as she turned on the hot water and stepped in the shower, letting the water run all over her face. It was amazing how someone as smart as Sherlock could be so clueless. When she finally stepped out and put on a towel she could smell dinner cooking. She slipped on sweatpants and an old university jumper and walked out into the kitchen. She saw Sherlock placing two plates filled with pasta onto the table. Her eyes widened as she sat down at her place and looked at the meal.
"You can cook?"
She asked.
"What made you think I couldn't? Its simple enough. You just add ingredients."
He said this while pouring them both a glass of wine. Molly couldn't help to think how much this looked like a date and her heart started to beat frantically again. Sherlock ate nonchalantly and then looked up at her.
"Molly. You're giving me that look again."
Molly shook herself and ate quickly, eager to go to sleep. There was a strange taste to the food that she couldn't quite identify but she ate anyway. When Sherlock had finished Molly yanked the plate away from him and placed it with hers in the dishwasher.
"Feel free to stay up as late as you like but remember I have work tomorrow so please try and keep it down."
Sherlock rolled his eyes as she told him this every night.
"Oh please Molly, I won't be disturbing you."
He wandered back to the computer and continued staring at it. Molly made her way to her bed and fell to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Molly woke that morning to the sound of furious typing. She rubbed her eyes and padded out to the kitchen to she Sherlock making an entry for his website.
'Sherlock! What are you doing? You can't update that!"
"I am not an imbecile, Molly. I am merely writing one which I will save to my drafts. I will have to tell everyone that I am not dead eventually and when I do I will be very behind so I am making entries now to add then. Plus it gives me something to do now that you got rid of my gun."
Molly bit her lip as he glared at her. She was hoping her wouldn't noticed even though she knew that was pointless.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"
He asked as if he had been reading her thoughts.
"No, not really. I just didn't want you to start shooting the wall out of boredom. People would suspect something."
"John told you."
His scowl told her that she shouldn't have mentioned that. He didn't phrase it as a question so she didn't answer. She was about to go and get dressed when a thought crossed her mind.
"Sherlock...what exactly do you do here when I'm at work?"
"I go out."
Her mind reeled at how simply he said it. Before she could frown at him he added
"I go in disguise Molly."
She could tell Sherlock was getting restless just sitting around doing nothing but she couldn't think of anything that he could do without blowing his cover.
"Ok, as long as you're careful."
Sherlock just looked at her
"I'm going to go to work now. See you tonight."
She smiled and he just flopped onto the couch.


Molly arrived at work to find Lestrade waiting for her.
"Hello Greg, what's up?"
"Oh you know, another day, another crime to solve. There's a girl for you to autopsy."
Lestrade took a long sip from his coffee and walked into the mortuary with Molly. She inspected the girl while Lestrade hung back, leaning on the wall.
"She's only a teenager…"
Seeing deaths of people so young had always got to Molly. It was such a tragedy that they were taken from the world before they even got to live in it.
"That's why I brought her to you straight away. We have to get the scum that did this. Anyway, I have some leads to follow up, call me with any news?"
Molly nodded and Lestrade left in a hurry, eager to bring the murderer to justice. Molly was left to start her autopsy. She was about to pull down the sheet when she started to hear a strange wheezing noise. She turned around and couldn't believe what she saw. A blue telephone box had materialized where Lestrade had been standing just a few seconds ago. Before she had time to process anything her mind went black and her head hit the floor.
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Chapter two, a bit longer than the last chapter and I had a little trouble trying to accurately write Sherlock but I hope I did ok :) The doctor shall be in next chapter!