Ghost Town

new girl

''heyy saki why dont you just like grow your hair out the you would look more like a girl'' my friend miki said and i did the hair flip thing ''because mabe i like looking like a dude i mean if i wanted to be a girl id dress in that tight-ass shit that you wear right?'' i said looking at her people cant bealive that we are best friends because she is a prep and i am emo/goth/punk and i have only been here 2 whole days hehe then cody walked over to me ''hey your saki the new kid right? i just wanted to know if you was doing anything tonight because if not me and they guys was woundering if you wanted to come watch us play foot ball,miki is going'' he said smiling then i smiled and said in my smart ass voice ''yea i guess i mean since im going to try out and every thing you know'' and miki nudged me and whispered in my ear ''saki are you crazy you'd be disqualified if they found out you was a girl!!!'' and i said ''no they wont i know the coach hes my uncles bestfriend so i think he would talk mr.price into letting me play...IM TRYIN OUT FOR QUORTER BACK!!!!'' i yelled the last part bc of the bitches behind us kept whispering about what they thought i was gonna try out for ''oh ok,woah wait your a girl?!!!?!?'' cody practicly yelled and i nodded ''yup i have a vigaina and boobs and i even have a fucking peiriod every month you douche'' i said and walked off i think i actualy kind of like him i heard miki telling him to ignore my mouth and that i was actualy a good person...for some reason he looks formilure i wounder why well i think im going to vist my dad's grave after school today
-at lunch-
miki sat by me and as soon as cody saw me he walked over and sat on the other side of me ''so,cody truth or dare'' i asked ''dare'' he said smileing ''i dare you to get on the table and to the dougie right now''i said and his eyes got big ''hell no chicken out'' he said after a couple minuts ''miki truth or dare'' he asked ''truth'' she said ''why did you break up with bret'' he asked ''because he was always tryin to have sex with me saki-kun truth or dare'' she said looking at me ''dare me'' i said ''i dare you to lean over the table and kiss cody'' she said and i looked at him and he smiled ''you still have three chickens'' he said then i leaned over the table ''fuck that chicken boy kiss me'' i said and kissed him then the intercom came on ''SAKI MARIE CRYSTALIST GET YOUR GODDAMNED SLUTTY ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!! luv mnew''crystal said and i got up and walked down their all the teachers hwere tyed up ''i cant bealive you kissed him!!!!'' crystal screamed ''we was playin truth or dared miki dared me'' said then i heard aj ''MIKI YOU PREP ASS GET UR SLUTTY ASS DOWN HERE TO!!!'' she screamed into the intercom ''omg lol fml and gth bitchez!!'' i said into the intercom crystal and aj are my two best friends wanna know why because they are my cousens that i live with and they always get into trouble ALWAYS