Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 1

Today was the concert, finally!!!! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day! I mean, I'd seen All Time Low in concert before, but this was a whole different thing. This time I was a member of The Hustler Club, and I had finally won Meet and Greets for them!

But there was one small problem. Yes, I didn't have to get up early because Meet and Greets were at a specific time, and you didn't have to rush for them. That wasn't the problem. I was running late, but that was because my oh so loving mother had decided she needed to go out with her friends and have a fun time, and seen as my brothers and dad was out, I had to do the fucking dishes. Yeah, I know, sucks to be me right?

I got them finished anyway, in record time might I add, got dressed into black skinnies and my hustler shirt, converse and wavered on taking a hoodie or not...yeah it looked cold. Better safe than sorry. Unfortunately, by the time I had all my make up and hair sorted, I was running way too late. It was 4:30. Doors opened at six for everyone else...but Meet and Greet people had to get there for five, and it took half an hour to get to the fucking venue.

I ran out the house, just about remembering to lock the door, and would you believe I missed the bus just as it pulled away and I got to the stop? Yes you would, because it's my rotten luck. Yep. That just said me all over. I sighed to myself and stuck in my earphones, blasting the band I was about to see through my ears. I was going to miss the Meet and Greet. That's just sods law. And those guys don't wait up for people. Damn.


"Well where the fuck are we?" Rian asked, as we tried to figure out our surroundings. We weren't in a city, we were just sort of in a suburb place I guess you could say. Just houses and a few convenience stores, cafe's and a couple of hairdressers.

Okay, so it may have been my bright idea to sneak away from sound check and just go on a fun bus ride England. Yeah. Because I'm so smart. It had seemed like a good idea at first, and we managed to get a few laughs, but we had Meet and Greets started at five, and it was four thirty. We had no idea where we were, how long it would take to get back, and even which bus to get. I suppose we should have noted the bus number down and the stop down. But we didn't, and now I was getting all the blame.

"Look, there's a McDonalds! We can get fries! And ketchup!" Alex rolled his eyes at Zack.

"Dude, ketchup doesn't solve everything," he stated.

"No, but it makes it better! Come on!" So we headed to McDonalds, and fed ourselves.

We still needed to figure this out. What if we couldn't get to the show? DAMN! Why was I so stupid? Oh well. I guess there were only so many times I could get away with it.

ALEX'S POV (girl)

"Come on you stupid bus! Where the hell are you? SOME OF US HAVE A CONCERT TO GET TO!" I yelled at the post that marked the bus stop and kicked it. Yeah, that hurt, big time.

I cranked up my iPod and just prayed the next bus would be along soon.

Halfway through A Daydream Away, I heard some voices faintly drifting through my music.

"Dude, if we're gonna be stuck here we may as well practice."

"I guess so. What should we do first then?"

"Stay Awake? Or maybe Time Bomb?"

I wondered if they were like an All Time Low cover band or something. Maybe they'd missed their bus too.

"Well yeah, Time Bomb, seen as we're opening with it. Let me finish my fries first. Can't sing with a mouthful. It's rude."

"You got that right Lexie baby! Although you're mouth is rather large. Gotta be when you're around me."

"True dat Jackie."

"For god's sake, Zack and I do not wanna hear what sick little games go on in your bunks!"

"N'aww your only jealous Rian! But don't worry, I'll make time for you too my sweet potato!"

Hold and jack...Rian...Zack...No. No. My mind must be playing tricks on me! I mean, why on earth would those guys be here? I shook my head and put the thought out of my mind and concentrated on the music. After a while I heard the same guys singing Time Bomb...but they sounded exactly like...

I froze for a moment. Listened with everything I had, then risked a peak over my shoulder.

They weren't paying attention to me, they were too lost in the music...just sat down on the pavement. Rian had some drumsticks, and was tapping the beat out on the floor. Zack and Jack were making random noises, joining in for back up vocals when necessary and acting out the chord shapes with their hands, whilst Alex was simply singing.

After staying cool for about thirty seconds, and then...

♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter...kinda short. This one is for my good Liverpudlian friend @shehasn0idea and her name is Alex! If it helps with imagining her, she has blue grey eyes and sorta blond hair at the front, black at the back...imma make Jack refer to that later. It was kinda short but I hope you liked it! More to come, and I've had a request for a sequel to my first fanfic, so I'll get round to that once the two I promised Alex I would do for her are finished.

Also, I may not be posting as frequently, because I have my english coursework, history coursework and two philosophy exams to prep for, and if my results tomorrow are bad, then I'll have to resit two more exams! So this will be in spare time really. Thanks for reading anyway! :D let me know what you think!