Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 10


Yes! We were nearing Chicago at last! "Hey, how long now?" I asked our designated driver. We had switched to Rian driving because Alex was exhausted and if Jack drove there was a possibility we would die. Also, if he drove it would mean one of Rian or Alex sitting in the back, and neither of them wanted to sit in the back after what had happened this morning. Alex kept reminding us he would need to get a new car. I would have driven, but I'm not used to American roads.

"I'm gonna guess maybe twenty minutes. We'll drop you and Jack off, and you can go spray painting, me and Alex will carry on and drop flyers out the car and set up at the beach. Hopefully we can find a small place, maybe like one of those coves or something. The acoustics would sound real good there."

"Dude, did we even bring the guitars? I can't remember?" Alex suddenly asked Rian, who nodded.

"Yup, I knew I'd be the only one to remember. We got yours and Jack's. Zack won't be playing until the last show when we meet him in LA. I bought a tambourine."

I laughed, and they stared at me. "'s know, the most manly guy here and he has a tambourine...I just thought it was funny is all..." yeah maybe not. Awkward.

"Uhoh," Alex muttered, glancing up at the rear view mirror.

"What? What did I say?" I was confused. I turned to Jack, and he was glaring at me. GLARING. "What?!"

"He's the most manly? Really?" Ah. His ego was wounded. I couldn't stop the giggle from bubbling up.

"Oh come on Jack, you can't deny if anyone was to play fairy princess in this car besides me, it would be you," I said patting his shoulder.

"I'm not the one who performs ballet in the dressing room and wears a tiara frequently...Alex!"

"Hey! Just because she likes me and Rian better, no need to get personal," Alex winked.

"HAH! Well I'll have you know that wasn't the impression she gave this morning! As a matter of fact she fucking loved it when-"

"JACK! THEY DON'T NEED TO KNOW!" I yelled and covered his mouth mid sentence. He just looked at me with an evil glint in his eye.

"Oh you know you loved it...I know you loved it. You did say you'd always fantasized but never knew it would be THAT good." Oh my god, I will kill him. After we've had sex in an actual bed.

"Dude, ALL our fans fantasize about having sex with every single one of us, no big deal," Alex joked, winking. I had to laugh at the look on Jack's face. If looks could kill.

"Well actually everybody respects Rian and Cassadee because they're just so damn cute together, Zack's hunk of a guy but he just has too many muscles for me. And you, Alex, you're just cute. Like a squirrel. Or a chipmunk. Like I wanna pinch your cheeks, Jack however...Jack is hot. I mean...Just look at his hair! And his stubble and his eyes...and that tattoo! I mean if anything says 'sleep with me' it's gotta be a shirtless, unshaven Jack in skinny jeans with a pink guitar. Right?" I said, smiling at Alex, as Rian sniggered.

"Oh dude, you just got rejected ya cute little chipmunk," Rian teased, pinching his cheek but still keeping his eyes on the road.

Jack smirked. "Sorry, but I guess we all know who her favorite is now."

" have poor taste in men. We all know how super good looking I am."

"Yeah with an ego to match..." I replied. "And then wouldn't that also mean Jalex doesn't exist?"

"Oh I'm so over him now, he ditched me for a chick."

"What can I say? Lexie has the touch. You fail," Jack said sweetly.

"Fuck you man."

"That's the point., I don't want you to fuck me, sorry sweetheart," Jack said in a voice reminiscent of Russel Brand. If Jack grew his hair out quite a bit he could look like Russel Brand...I may suggest it one day. Russel's hot.

"Alright kiddos, time to drop you two here I think! Got the paint?" Rian asked.

"Yup!" I answered and held up the cans. We were going with red, black, blue, green, yellow and orange. So we had a lot of variety.

Rian nodded and pulled over so we could get out.

"Meet you at the beach in like three hours then? We'll call you to tell you whereabouts we are on the beach, and then when you get here give the kids an hour to show up," Alex said, making sure we knew what was going on.

Jack nodded. "Right, I've sent the tweet telling the kids to be on the lookout. See you at eight!"

And with that we went our separate ways. They drove off and Jack and I walked hand in hand to random points and sprayed their band name and arrows pointing the way. It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of walking. And when some police guys spotted us, we had to hurry the artwork and run, sometimes I was dragging Jack, other times he was dragging me. Somehow we made it and we finished, and just as we reached the beach, my phone went off.

Jack looked at me. "Seriously? You still have Dear Maria as a ringtone for when one of us calls?"

"Hell yeah!" I said before answering the phone. It was Alex.

"So you at the beach?"

"Yup, did you find somewhere to set up?"

"Yeah, if you're at the top of the beach, turn left, walk for like ten minutes and there's this huge cove type thing. There's a little stream kinda thing running from it to the sea, so just look out for that. We're not too far inside, because it is a little dark in here. We got some candles and stuff and set them up. I don't know how Rian did it but he got some fairy lights all wired up, must be battery powered or something. But yeah, just look for the lights, a stream and a cove."

I chuckled. "Gotcha," and hung up the phone. "Come on then Jacky, time to go play some music!"


I was totally wired up for this. Like a real surprise show, a free show. Like Nick and Norah. I wondered how many guys would be finding a girl and trying to find us with them. I wondered how many would fall in love with that girls smile tonight, and how many would kiss her when they finally found us. I already had the smile from the girl I loved. And she was smiling right back at me as Alex and I played our guitars and sang and Rian played his tambourine with everything he had.

The practice went pretty well, and we saw it was like nine already. And then we heard the screams as approaching fans heard Alex's singing. And so it begins, I smiled to myself.

After about half an hour we had played stay awake, vegas, six feet under the stars and time bomb. Everyone was having a good time, the kids weren't trying to attack us either, they just sort of sat on the floor and listened, which was nice. We were all enjoying it.

"So, if I play Remembering Sunday, how do you guys feel about Jack's little girlfriend over here helping me sing it? Or Rian...Jack doesn't love me any more so he doesn't get to." The crowd screamed a mixture of names in reply to Alex. A lot of them asking who the hell my girlfriend was. I didn't mind them knowing. It was probably a good thing, the fans not knowing about Vienna made things worse I think. There was always so much pressure, that was where her manipulative side stemmed from I think, her mental health was only part of the reason.

"But guys, you gotta be nice to her okay? Because I absolutely adore her. I love her more than I love Home Alone, and you know how much I love Home Alone, unless you're not a fan. In which case why the fuck are you here? So you gonna play nice?" They all screamed a resounding yes. I was happy enough so I nodded at Rian to push a bewildered looking Lexie forward.

I grabbed her hand and grinned. "Erm, I'm not actually good at singing..."

"Bullshit, I hear you in the shower. And when you're listening to our music."

"Yeah, and in the car when you forced us to listen to our own music," Alex contributed.

Her eyes looked to the ground as she tried to figure out another excuse. "I...I don't knwo the words..."

"Bigger bullshit! There is not a lyric of ours that you don't fucking know! So shut the hell up and sing woman!" I told her, smiling.

Her eyes narrowed. "I'm gonna fucking kill you Jack Barakat. And then Alex is next. Rian, I'll let you live because you're too nice."

"Hey guys! Lexie said yeah!" I shouted, and the crowd cheered. We'd picked a few more kids up by the looks of it. They probably had trouble following our directions. Or they were just walking by and got intrigued.

Alex started singing and playing, I joined in with my guitar, Rian tapped the beat with his tambourine. Then it was time for Lexie to sing. I saw her take in a deep breath, and she sang. God, she had a beautiful voice. It matched her eyes. I think the whole crowd agreed, because soon enough they were going wild, and some even shouted "I love you Lexie," but they were guy voices...and i was getting slightly jealous of them. They were like...hitting on my girl. Kind of. I mean I knew she wasn't anywhere near them, I mean she went back to sitting with Rian who was behind Alex and I.

But yeah, it was a good night.

And we spent the night in a hotel. Yes, a big soft bed, nice sheets, warmth, and Lexie laying next to me. We were snuggled up to each other, breathing heavily, clothes somewhere on the other side of the room.

"Well...that was...nice..." I said, not quite knowing how to put my feelings about her into words.

She giggled, and I felt the vibrations of her laughter through my body. "It was a lot better than this morning. That car almost put my back out."

"You realize Alex is never going to forgive us for that, right?"

"Jack, do I really look like I give a fuck?"

"No, but you can have one of you want?" I hinted.

Lexie laughed. "Again? We just did!"

"I'm nothing if not enthusiastic. I have good stamina," I said winking.

She acted like she was contemplating it, so I took this as my moment and rolled onto her, not really giving her a choice, but from the moans escaping her mouth, I don't think she really cared as with each thrust I drove us further and further away from the world, striving for a little piece of heaven right here, with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't even know if there's a beach in Chicago...but let's pretend there is eh? Can you tell I'm not American? :')

Also I checked on a map of the states and saw Illinois was on the edge of some huge lake or that's why I'm saying there's a beach...if you're good at geography or American or you live in Illinois please correct this poor english girl :')

Hope you liked it! Alex wanted more sexy time with Jack so I let her have it.

Let me know what you think! Right, now, time for that english essay :')