Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 19


I was just finishing up some scales, just to play something, when my phone went off.


"Lexie! It's Alex!" Oh yay. Fan-bloody-tastic.

"How did you get my number?"

"The people at Hopeless. Anyway, I have a favo-"

"If it's something to do with Jack the forget it. No fucking way," I said interrupting his sentence.

"No, it's not, I pinky promise."

I rolled my eyes. "You can't pinky promise over the phone dumbass."

"Yeah I know, but anyway. So you're playing Reading right?"

Okay, this was a weird change of conversation. "Uhm, yeah. I'm playing a set. Why?"

"Well it just so happens that coincidentally we are playing Reading too. But Jack can't come because of family stuff, so would you mind covering for him in our set?" Alex sounded extremely hopeful. Seriously? Why the hell was he dragging me into his problems?

"Can't you find someone else? I don't want to have to be thinking of Jack when I'm playing."

"Please, there's no one else. You're the best! We want you! Well, I do, I haven't gone to the rest yet but I think they'll agree. I mean you've covered so many of oh songs and Actors sounded really great! I think Jack was pleased to hear I approved it. I was under strict orders not to let anyone record it unless they really were phenomenal and able to get all the right emotion out. I'm telling you, we need you! Please Lexie. Save my life!"

"Fine," I sighed, just to shut him up. "When do you want to start rehearsals?"

"Well just to get the guys used to you and to incorporate your style with ours I think we need to start as soon as can you be at Zack's like now?"

"I don't even know where Zack lives!"

"I'll text you the address, it's like ten minutes from the studio. That's where you are now right? They told me you'd be there all day." His tone was smug. He knew he'd win and was probably celebrating the fact. Although I'm not gonna lie, I missed them. And part of me was starting to let the fangirl back in and was just thinking how awesome it would be to play with All Time Low.

"Great. I'll see you in ten then," I said with a sigh and hung up the phone. It was a little bittersweet, I'd get to see and play with them, but I would still be missing Jack. It was for the best though, I knew that. 

It was only a ten minute drive, and it was a really nice place too. I rung the doorbell and I hardly had to wait before the door opened to Alex. 

He grinned hugely. "Ah you're here! Awesome! Come on in; everyone else is here."

I followed him through to the huge living space, and my face immediately lit up at the sight of Zack...but...well...

Alex said something. Probably an introduction or something. I didn't know, because I was too busy locking eyes with the same chocolate eyes that had broken my heart.

I just froze. I wanted to look away. I wanted to run and hide but I couldn't. He was keeping me here. I felt a hand on my shoulder and twisted to see Alex.

He looked a little scared of my reaction, but I was too numb to care.

"I lied. I'm sorry. But please, we need you. Zack can't come to Reading. So please?"

I could tell from the tone of his voice he really was desperate. And as much as I wanted to say no, I knew I had to say yes. I wanted to spend time with Jack, but we just couldn't be together. So maybe playing together would be the right medium. I just nodded, and Alex smiled at me. Only small, but still, a smile.

We just started practicing right there and then, I could play electric, I just chose not to as often as I played acoustic. They wanted to know if I could play the bass lines, which I could. They seemed happy with how it was going. Apparently we fit together better than Alex had thought we would.

I enjoyed playing with them. There was a buzz that you couldn't get from playing alone. It was a little awkward to play without Rian here. But we made it work as best we could. We decided on a couple of nights and days  we could practice. The biggest problem we had was my schedule. Now I had actually decided to sign with Hopeless, they wanted an album, not just a couple of demos which had previously been agreed. They wanted me to do a few music videos too. Yeah, it was hectic. To think this had only started as a hobby, and I'd never actually wanted to get signed.

After three hours we were done for the day, and I would have headed back to the hotel if it weren't for the fact that my car had gone.

"YOU HAV ETO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I yelled at the empty space where my car should have been.

"Ah dude, looks like you got ain't all sunsets in LA you know," a voice joked from behind me. Alex had left, so it wasn't him. It wouldn't be Rian. Zack was still inside his house, looking after his girlfriend. She was pregnant apparently, and that was why he couldn't go to Reading. I was happy he had found someone. That just left Alex, but I don't think he was too bothered at the moment.

No. The person beside me was Jack. I didn't say anything.

Jack sighed after a minute. "I'll walk you back. We're at the same hotel believe it or not."

I looked at Jack questioningly, who smiled sheepishly avoiding my eyes. "Alex told me."

I nodded and we started the walk back to the hotel, in silence. It was a long walk.

After fifteen minutes, Jack opened his mouth. It was like he needed to get it out. "I'm sorry Lexie, I read your letter and I'm so sorry. If you'd have just told me-"

"Oh like you could have told me? Yeah, funny that," I interrupted bitterly. I regretted it because of the immediate look of hurt in his eyes. I jut had to be honest, for once.

"I...I didn't want push you away. I didn't want what happened to happen."

I sighed. "It's not your fault Jack, I should have told you I knew and maybe we could have spoken about it. I'm to blame too."

He shook his head. "No, you're not. I get it, I understand how it hurt you. And Lexie?"

I looked up at him as he stopped walking.

Back put a hand on my shoulder and said, "I'm so sorry for what happened to you."

That was the first time anyone had said that to me. My mom had never said it, I think she was glad in a way. My aunt never knew. I looked him straight in the eye and gave a little smile. "Thank you."

Jack smiled back, and we were able to walk the rest of the way without feeling too awkward. It was like we both knew time had healed the initial anger. We were better. Of course, I wasn't ready to completely forgive him, I was just so hurt. But I knew time would help even more, and being back around was helping. Sometimes the sickness really is the cure.

Maybe we could be friends. He had Vienna, so there was no danger of becoming more. I suppose that did kind of upset me a little bit.

Eventually we reached the hotel. And guess what? We were on the same bloody floor. Like this wouldn't be awkward.

"Well, here I am. Goodnight Jack," I said and went to open my door. Oh shit. No, this could not be happening. Fuck. I groaned and called out to Jack before he went into his own room.

"Jack, can I share with you? My card for the room was in my car. I'll have to sort it in the morning but for you mind?"

Jack shook his head. "No problem, come on in."

This could potentially be either the best or worst decision that I could have made.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't help thinking that every chapter I post in this story is shit :/ I'm gonna work on that. I figure when I'm writing on my laptop I write better, so I'll start doing that :)

Anyway, I hope this was sufficient. More to come on Jack and Lexie talking, although I know "Lexie" wants me to put in more than just talking :')

Thanks for reading guys!!! I'll either update later tonight or tomorrow night. Tomorrow I'm dedicating the day to working on coursework and maybe a little guitar :)