Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 2


"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled in surprise at the girl stood before us, iPod in her hand, but the earphones dangling to the floor.

After a moment of staring at us, she blushed, mumbled a quick apology, and stuck her earphones in. She had her music so loud, you could hear the music faintly. She was playing our songs...oh. So she was a fan.

Rian stood up, and we followed shut as he approached her. He tapped her on the shoulder, she spun around, and smiled hugely, going a deeper shade of red. Alex took her iPod from her, and her earphones.

"Oh my...THE POTATO JUST TAPPED MY SHOULDER AND THE SEX GOD GASKARTH JUST TOOK MY IPOD! HE TOUCHED MY IPOD!!!" Ouch, that girl had lungs. And she said all that pretty fast too.

"Dude, do you REALLY need to shout?" I questioned. Not that I didn't love going's just...well we needed to be somewhere, and I can take some things in life seriously. Plus I kinda needed my hearing for the show...

The girl opened her mouth to say something, then closed it, probably thinking twice about what I'd said. Then she mumbled another apology and reached out for her iPod back from Alex.

He pulled his hand away. "Nope! I wanna see how much of us you listen to!"

The girl blushed again. "Well...I was gonna be listening to you tonight...but I just missed the bus, so I won't be able to get to the Meet and Greets, and I'll be late and it's all shit."

Okay, she was worried about meet and greets? REALLY? "Uhm, hey, you do realise that you're meeting us right now? So technically you don't even need to get Meet and Greets," Zack said, echoing my thoughts.

"...but I still wanna get a good spot. And this isn't the same. I waited years to become a member of The Hustler Club, and when I won Meet and Greets it was the best moment of my life. I haven't won this, so it's not the same...why are you even here? You should be at the venue!"

Rian rolls his eyes. "Yeah Jack, we should be, shouldn't we? Asshole."

"Hey! At least we had an interesting day! Normally you just sit around complaining about how bored you are!" I defended myself. The girl laughed. "What?"

She looked up at me and I noticed for the first time her blue grey eyes. Wow. "Well, it's just...I mean, it's always you, isn't it? Trust Jack Barakat to get into this sort of mess. It's just something you'd offence."

Right..."erm...non taken?" She smiled and nodded. She had a nice smile.

"So...erm...sorry, what's your name?" Alex asked.

"It's Alex."

Alex shook his head. "Okay, yes, we get the point, you're an All Time Low fan and can't believe your meeting us...but I would quite like to know you're name."

She looked at him as if he was stupid. "Yes...well done, my name IS Alex." Oh great. Well this was going to be confusing.

"Okay, to save confusion, Alex, I'll call you Lexie, and I'll call you Alex," I said to them.

"Wait...which Alex?" Alex asked...oh great, now I was confusing myself.

"Okay, GIRL Alex can be Lexie. GUY Alex, you stay Alex, sorted?" They both nodded.

"Right, now that's sorted, LEXIE, which bus do we get to go to the venue?" Zack asked.

"Just get the same as me, we're going to the same place after all. The next one is due...oh shit..."

"What? What's wrong?" Rian asked.

Lexie sighed. "Turns out we have another ten minutes until the next bus. Which means we won't actually get there until like nearly five you need to either forget meet and greets, or push everything back by like half an hour."

"Oh great, absolutely fan-fucking-tastic...thanks JACK!" Alex sighed.

I stuck my middle finger up at him. "Suck on it."

"Oh I will. When and where?" he winked.

"Right now bitch. Behind that tree."

"Classy," Lexie said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey! You're supposed to be a crazed fan! You're supposed to find everything we do awesome! WHY YOU ROLL YO EYES LEXIE?!" I whined.

She laughed, a little silvery thing. "Sorry...guess I just can't take the sexy that is jalex..."

I grinned at her, but everyone else rolled their eyes.

"Guess I'd better go call Matt," Alex said, and walked a little distance away to use his phone. Rian and Zack started practicing again a little. I just stood by Lexie.

"I like your hair...kinda reminds me of my skunk hair know, with the blond? Except your hair looks nothing like that...blonde at the front and black at the back...kinds different...I don't even understand where I made the link...but anyways. Nice hair."

Lexie giggled. "Thanks. I miss your skunk hair. It was cute."

I feigned hurt and put my hands over my heart. "You mean it's not cute now? You evil woman! I never want to see you again! No, don't try to change your mind now, it's too late. I've moved on, don't come to another show again! I never want to see your face heartbreaker!"

Lexie patted my arm. "Oh come on, I still want your barakittens, is that not enough?"

I shook my head. 

"Fine, whaddya want? I don't have anything to do with Home Alone on me. And I left the bra I was gonna give you at home...I was kinda in a rush." She could always show me her bra now...okay that was perverted wasn't it? Well I don't give a fuck. I'm a guy. It's allowed. Everyone knew how perverted I was.

That kind of gave me an idea..."I know what you can do for me!" I said excitedly.

"What?" Lexie replied, holding back a laugh.

"How about-"

"AHHHH! The bus!!! GUYS COME ON! THE BUS IS HERE!" Lexie yelled before I could finish. Damn. I had such a good idea too.

We piled on the bus and took up the back seats. Over the next half hour on the bus, Lexie spoke to all of us, asking loads of trivia and fangirl questions she'd probably been preparing since she became a fan. She thanked us a lot too, for getting her through some rough times. While everyone else joked and laughed with her, I couldn't help but catch myself staring at her. She would catch me a be blush, then look away. I wasn't embarrassed to stare. I would stare the whole ride and not once feel embarrassed. She was a gorgeous girl. Too bad she was a fan though. That's always an annoying factor.

We decided not to push anything back, but simply hold the Meet and Greets later, after the show. We didn't have an aftershow to get to tonight. So we made sure Lexie got in first, and by the time all the crowds had assembled, the first acts had played and it was finally time for us to get on stage, I looked down and right in front of me, Lexie was there. Smiling up at me. I was really flattered she'd picked my side of the stage. I wondered if I was her favourite...not gonna lie, I would be SO MAD if someone else was he favourite. I shouldn't be...I mean I only just met her today. Like what the hell Jack? She's just a fan...Lexie is just a fan...oh fuck. What was happening to me? I zoned out a few times in the set and Alex had to pull me back. He just made a few wise cracks and I went along with it. I honestly just couldn't wait til we were done so I could go and see her at the Meet and Greet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so next chapter! Oh my god guys I get my A level results from the January exams back frickin nervous!
Hope you liked this!
Oh and Alex, you said you were like jack with the ADD or whatever it was, you know about being all erratic all the time like happy and stuff :')
Let me know what you guys are thinking about this!