Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 24


I looked down and saw Lexie's hand making a small movement encased in my own. The machines were going wild and I saw her eyes move behind her lids. There was so much bleeping, I didn't know if this was good or bad. I prayed to god it was good, that it meant she would wake up. I needed her so bad.

I jumped out of my seat and ran out the room into the corridor. "NURSE! DOCTOR! ANYONE!" I yelled, and pressed myself against the wall to make room for the flurry of people rushing in to check on that sleeping woman. I had to stand away, I couldn't get close to Lexie with all these people, so I just wrapped my arms around myself and nearly bit off my lip due to the nerves and anxiety. God, I really hoped she was okay. She had to be okay. She had to live. It had been a month, surely this was it now? Surely she would wake up...but what if she didn't? What if she was dying right now? Dying right in front of me and I couldn't do anything.

I tried to hold back the tears. This couldn't be happening. Not to her, not to my Lexie. I loved her. I needed her to be okay. I felt so trapped, so alone, hating myself for the fact that i hadn't had the good sense to hold onto her. I should have held onto her. Why didn't I? Why did I just let her go? I should have gone to the airport, I should have spent more time trying to hunt her down in England, I should have found out where she lived when we were in her city. I shouldn't have let her go. Because now she would be leaving me all over again.

"Mr Barakat, I'm going to have to take you outside for a moment," a nurse told me. I looked at her.

"No. I'm not leaving Lexie. No way. Not again," I said adamantly.

"I'm sorry sir, but she is in the best capable hands possible, and you need a shower, shave and a big breakfast. They need to work." Basically, I wasn't being given a choice, so I took one last look at Lexie as the nurse dragged me away.

I have to admit, the feeling of hot water on my skin was heaven, and using the shampoo and shower gel actually made me realise how much I stunk. Fuck, poor Lexie having to put up with that from me. I shaved quickly, not really caring about that, and as soon as I put the first bite of bacon into my mouth, I easily wolfed down the rest of the huge plate of bacon, sausage, egg, beans, tomato and mushroom. Okay so it wasn't exactly healthy, it was what Lexie would call "a full monty" or something. But it tasted so good after barely eating a cracker each day. Of course, it didn't help the breath situation so the nurse handed me a toothbrush and toothpaste, and in less than five minutes my breath was minty fresh again.

When all was done, I had figured that I had been gone for about an hour and a half, and I hated that. I really didn't want to be gone from Lexie for longer than necessary. But the nurse gave me a gentle smile and said "okay, you can go see her now."

That was all I needed. You didn't have to tell me twice.

So I ran down the corridor, through some doors, turned right, blew open the doors to the familiar room, and saw a doctor hovering over Lexie, obscuring her face, monitors back to a slow steady bleeping. When he moved away, I saw that Lexie's eyes were open. The doctor tunred to face the intruder, and saw me. He smiled. "Well Lexie, looks like you have quite an eager visitor here. I'll leave you two alone," and he left the room, patting my shoulder as he passed.

Lexie's eyes finally found mine. I was in shock for a moment, frozen to the spot, but then she smiled and I didn't even remember closing the distance between the doorway where I was stood and her bed. I just knew that now I had her in my arms, and she was clinging to me for dear life. We both let tears fall, unashamedly, and I stroked her hair as my other hand just held her tight to my body as I sat on the bed cradling her. "Oh Lexie, i missed you so much. you fucking scraed the life outta me," I said, managing to keep my voice from breaking.

"I'm so sorry jack, I never meant to leave you this time, I really didn't. I'm so sorry," she cried, and her sobs became louder and sounded like it was ripping her apart. I pulled back a little to observe her face, tears falling fast and thick. Automatically my hands cupped her face and wiped away the tears as much as I could.

"Don't you dare apologise. It's not your fault. I have you back now, that's all that matters. And I'm not letting you go again." After that she was quiet, but smiled.

It took a few weeks, but eventually the doctors felt that she was fit enough to leave, so I just bought a place in LA to make it easier for her. Zack offered for us to move in with him for a while, but they already had enough stress with their baby on the way, it was the beginning of July, so the baby would be here next month. I didn't want to add any pressure. I figured I may just live here rather than in Baltimore. It's closer to the studio, the weather is beautiful, and I just prefer it in some ways. Obviously I'll still go visit Baltimore, but I kinda wanna spend the majority of the time here with Lexie. I wanted to ask her to move in, but I didn't knwo if she would think that was too fast. I had gone past caring though, her getting hurt made me realise how our lives can be cut short when we least expect it. It's that whole "why do tomorrow what you can do today" thing.

Somehow I'd arranged for everything to be moved over here and I had sold my place back in Baltimore...okay I'd told my mom to sell it and let her handle it. She was a mom...she was much more responsible when it came to these things!

Lexie was sleeping on the couch after a hard day at the studio, head in my lap. I told her not to go in, but she kept ignoring me and kept going in to work. They told her it would be okay to delay the release, but she wouldn't have it. They said that they would definitely be delaying the music video though, because she had just barely recovered. So her album would be due out in like a week, and Hopeless were really pushing to promote it. We were going to do a special vlog for fans on The Hustler Club and later on YouTube just to let the fans know to go buy the album, and they probably would seen as we did collaborate with a couple of the tracks on her album. Lexie wasn't allowed to do any signings or anything because they needed her to be as relaxed as possible and healthy for Reading, seen as she refused to not go, and insisted on still playing bass for us. She was working herself too hard in my opinion. At least she didn't have to go back to the studio for a while now. She needed the break.

Suddenly Lexie stirred and opened her eyes lazily. I smiled down at her. She was fucking gorgeous. "Hey," she said.

"Hey yourself," I replied and stroked her cheek, leaving my hand there.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to Zack's firework display? You know they'll all miss your antics, and you had a set to play later on the's nearly eight, you should already be at Zack's!"

I rolled my eyes. "Calm down Lexie, it's fine. I told Zack I wouldn't make it and they don't need me for the acoustic set."


"Lexie, no. I'm staying here. With you. I'm not leaving you here and you're still not well enough to go. You're over working yourself. I worry about you," I replied, interrupting her.

She stayed silent for a moment. "I heard you, you know," Lexie said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"When I was still out of it. I heard you. Well, that's not exactly true. First I heard Millie. She told me you needed me so I had to come back, and that she didn't like seeing you cry. Then she left and I gave up, but I saw Jasey. I saw my daughter. God, she was so beautiful, Jack, she really was. She told me it wasn't my time yet, that she'd still be waiting for me and looking out for me. She's with my dad. She said that I needed to be with you, and then she showed me you. I saw you, but I couldn't hear you. But then I heard you say that you loved me and I knew I couldn't stay with her, as much as I wanted to. That was what woke me up, but then...well she said it wasn't my fault...what happened with her. She said it was okay. I think...I think she likes you too. I think she wanted me to come back so I could be with you. So she knew to show me you and let me hear you tell me you loved me. Unless...well unless it was my imagination and you didn't say it." Lexie's eyes looked up at me, questioningly but also with fear in her eyes.

I smiled at her, thankful that she had heard me, and hoping she felt the same. "It wasn't your imagination. I do love you, I really do. And I want you to move in properly, and spend the rest of your life with me. Please...I just...i don't think I could live without you. And seeing you just...well it made me realise that I don't care if this is too fast. I just need you. I need you so much. Please say yes, or at least that you'll think about it."

Lexie bit her lip before sitting up and wrapping her arms around me tightly. I returned the hug as I anxiously waited for her answer. "Of course I'll move in with you, you big idiot. I love you too, so much. I can't bear the thought of losing you again. Just promise me one thing," she said, letting me go a little bit to lock eyes with me.


"No more secrets, okay? It tore us apart last time and I don't want that to happen to us again," she said looking down a little.

I put a finger under her chin and tipped her head back up. "Hey, I promise. In fact, let's start now. I have a secret I need to share," I said and leaned in, mouth close to her ear. "I really want you right now," I whispered in the perviest voice I could muster.

She giggled and kissed me, slow and sweet and filled with passion. This was the first kiss since last year. It had been too long. I didn't realise how much i had missed it. Or maybe I did, but I just didn't want to face up to it. "I really want you too. But just in a bed instead of on a couch."

I took the hint and dramatically swept her off the couch in my arms, and practically ran up the stairs.

In a matter of minutes our clothes were scattered around the room and I was hovering on top of her in the huge bed. "Are you sure you're well enough for this?" I asked her. Yes I wanted her, but I didn't want her...over-exerting herself.

She rolled her eyes. "Fuck, Jack, yes I'm well enough for this! Just get the fuck inside of me and stop pratting about!"

I gave her an evil smile and did exactly as she commanded. A small gasp escaped her mouth as I started slow, but soon the lust overpowered us both and we were heading full speed towards a mutual goal, gasping and moaning, hands everywhere, calling out each others names, sweat appearing on both our foreheads until we were both tired enough to stop. As I pulled out a small part of my brain registered that we had been in bed together for over two hours. Fuck. I knew I had stamina but bloody hell, I didn't think I was that good.

We both tried to get our breathing under control as I cradled her close to my body. It was nice, having this again. Just being together, no sound other than our breathing. There was no better feeling...well there was...but we'd just had that so after that there was no better feeling.

"Jack?" Lexie asked quietly after a while.


"When we were on the couch said you wanted me to spend the rest of my life with you...I were you asking, exactly?"

Ah. I knew what I was asking...but she hadn't really given me an answer so I didn't push it. I was just happy to be with her. I wanted more, but I wasn't sure if she did. But i guess I had to ask now. "Well what did you think I was asking?" I said shakily.

She shrugged. "I...I mean...I just want to be sure because...well I want you to spend the rest of your life with me, so..."

My stomach did somersaults and my heart skipped way too many beats, almost flying out of my chest. "So does that mean you will? Marry me, I mean?" I asked with a new found confidence.

Lexie's eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across her face. "Of course I will you idiot!"

And then my mouth was on hers and somehow we found the energy to return to what we were doing about twenty minutes ago.

Happy fourth of July.
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I'm so stupid. People told me Jack lives in LA...and I didn't realise :') so he lives there now okay? XD unless he doesn't live in LA anymore...oh idk I'm just confusing myself -_- don't kill me for not knowing, I'm a huge fan but I don't really know living arrangements apart from the basics...but now Alex fucked that up by moving in with Danny, unless that's just while they're recording...DAMMIT SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON! :')
I know they're from Baltimore...but now I'm just confused :'D

I feel like all the big romantic events I do happen on 4th July...I guess it's because I like that sorta American day, it seems so much better than any other day we have in England! I'll probably do another fourth July event in my next story :'D

This story still isn't finished though! I mean Lexie still has to play Reading! Bloody hell I wish I was going :/

But anyway, hope you liked it, lemme know what you think! I love you guys! Thanks for reading/subscribing! All comments will be greatly appreciated!