Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 27


"No, babe, I got it. You just go on in and get your pretty little butt on that couch, okay?" Jack told me as he stole my rucksack from me.

I rolled my eyes at him. I wasn't even that far along. It was the beginning of September so I was what? Just over two months. And he had constantly been there, doing anything he could. I found it sweet but so annoying. I mean, I wasn't even showing that much yet! It was ridiculous! I had never seen anyone so protective before. After Reading we had stayed on for a little while to let mom know she'd be a grandma. And let me tell you, she was made up. It was so different to her reaction when I was expecting Jasey. Maybe she realised how much she had wanted a child to fuss over after all. 

Jack had wanted us to go see his parents and tell them the news too, before fans found out, so that's where we were now. He slung my backpack over his shoulder, dragging his own suitcase behind him as we approached the door. I didn't understand why he needed a suitcase, we were only staying for the weekend. Monday we would be on our way back to LA.

Just as we reached the door, it flew open and I was attacked with a hug. A warm, motherly hug. The fondness overpowered the initial shock and I found myself embracing Jack's mother without a second thought. I'd be lying if I said I didn't fangirl at meeting Jack Barakat's mother. I loved her on Straight To DVD. Yeah I know, I'm so weird. You'd have thought I'd have gotten over it by now. But no. Jack had only salvaged my All Time Low merch because I persuaded him that there was nothing creepy about owning the odd tshirts or wristbands. The posters had to go though, he didn't want me drooling over his band mates. I had found that quite funny but nonetheless they had come down any. Of course they were still in a scrapbook and in a draw. What he didn't know couldn't hurt him.

"Oh I'm so glad you're both here! Oh Jack, baby, I missed you!" Joyce released me to envelope her grown son in a hug and sloppy kisses. I used a hand to stifle the laugh threatening to escape at the sight of Jack's freaked out face. Now he knew what it felt like, although Joyce didn't go around just licking people's faces like Jack did.

"Yeah, I missed you too mom. Can I breath now?" he joked, only half serious. His face did look like it was verging on purple.

Joyce let him go and ushered us inside. Jack took our bags up to what I presumed was his old bedroom...I wondered if he still had posters of bands he liked in high school. Oh my god, I would see my idols old bedroom....okay yes he is my fiancé but come on! You never lose that little fangirl in you. I sat down on one of the couches as Joyce sat down and offered me a cookie. I couldn't resist. I did have an excuse though, I was pregnant. Eating for two and all...even though you're not supposed to eat for two when you're pregnant. Oh well, who gives a fuck really? I'm a lady with a baby and if I'm hungry, I am hungry. 

Joyce sat next to me and put her hand on my knee. "So, Lexie, dear, what's this urgent news you two needed to come all this way to tell me? I did tell his father to make sure to be back but it looks like he's ignored me again..."

"It's fine, really," I said around a mouthful of cookie. Joyce smiled and then Jack entered the room, also smiling at the sight of a family coming together. 

"You didn't tell her yet, did you?" Jack asked me, eyes wide. I guess he really did wanna do this together, as a couple. As a team. I shook my head as an answer and Jack beamed. "Well mommy, you know how you always wanted me to settle down? Well that ring on he finger isn't just for show."

Jack's mom looked kind of disappointed. Oh god. Here comes the "I'm sure she's very nice but she's a fan" speech. Her actual words surprised me. "I already know that, it's all over the Internet and you did call."

Jack looked confused. "Did I?"

"Yes, you sounded very enthusiastic. Must have been back in July." 

I glared at Jack. "Don't ever mention that to my mom or she will be so pissed that I forgot her."

"Now now, language missy," Jack scolded, finally sitting down right next to me on my left. He leaned round me. "Now, our ACTUAL news," he said, grinning and tightening his good around my waist.

"You're having a baby?" Joyce guessed with an excited smile.

Jack pouted. "No fair! I wanted to say it!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh Jack, come on, you told everyone, someone had to guess sooner or later." It was true, he'd even told my mom literally the minute we saw her because he just couldn't wait to sit down before we told her.

"Oh this is wonderful! Another grandchild! And you're finally settling down...which reminds me, are you getting married before or after the baby?"

Jack and I looked at each other. "We hadn't actually figured it out yet...Uhm, maybe before? So no one has to keep an eye on the kid or something during the wedding." Jack nodded, so at least I knew it wasn't too soon for him.

Joyce paused for a moment before allowing a sly smile to spread across her lips. "Any objections to a wedding soon?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "As long as we get married...I mean after the car crash the sooner the better, right?" Jack asked looking at me. After thinking for a minute I came to the conclusion that he was right. Life was so fragile and too precious to waste time thinking about something that wouldn't be done until tomorrow. Our time was so limited. We needed to grab it with both hands and live it to its fullest. So I nodded and Joyce clapped her hands.

"Excellent! How does a wedding on the pier at the end of the month sound to you two?"
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It's short and crappy but I thought it was kinda sweet...idk just me? Well anyways it's a filler. I woulda written more but god I'm so tired!!!!! I'll update again tomorrow for yah!