Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 28


I was so excited. By the end of the month, I would be married. We'd had to leave Baltimore though to see Zack and Vienna's kid, they had a little boy, born on the first day of Reading and we hadn't visited yet after seeing Lexie's mom and my parents. But we'd talked over all the stuff we wanted and in one weekend we had pretty much everything covered. My mom was gonna see to booking the reception and catering and such. She knew what we wanted and who we wanted, but she was still going to make a cake for us. She had said it was her duty...guess it's a mom thing. All we had to do really was to get a dress for Lexie and a suit for me. Which really wouldn't be that difficult...well maybe it would be for Lexie as she is a girl, and you know what girls are like with clothes. 

I was ecstatic that everything would be sorted and we would be married in a few weeks, I just couldn't wait to make Lexie mine. Really mine. I couldn't contain my happiness. I loved her so much, I really did. And I just wanted her to be with me, like properly with me. And then as if that wasn't enough to be happy about, there was our baby. My second child. I would be able to be a real father, look after this one properly. Of course I hadn't just forgotten about Millie. I'd called her all the time we were away and we had skyped. I missed my baby girl so much, and I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow to tell her she would be getting another younger brother or sister, aside from her brother she already had. I would still give her all the love and attention she needed, she was my little girl, and I'd waited so long before I could start to be a dad. I wouldn't love her any less, but I was just happy I'd be able to be there the whole time for mine and Lexie's first child together.

I sighed in happiness to myself, staring out at the rapidly decreasing sun over the ocean. It was perfect scenery. I loved having a house on the coast, we were like virtually on the beach, it was fucking awesome. Our kid would love it here. Hell, Millie loved it here! I was so fixated on the sunset and my own thoughts, I didn't notice someone was behind me until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and their head lay on my back.

"What're you doing still up? Come back to bed," Lexie murdered, her voice thick with sleep.

I turned round to face her and pulled her close to me, devouring those blue grey eyes of hers before leaning in for a kiss. This moment was perfect. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I couldn't help but smile as I kissed her.

"I'll be there in a minute, don't worry. You look real tired, why are you up?" I asked, stroking her face.

Lexie's head leaned into my palm. "I felt a little sick, but I'm fine now. I think I'll just go back to bed."

I nodded and smiled tentatively at her. "Okay sweetie, I love you."

"I love you too, don't be up too long," she said before giving me a swift kiss and walking back into the house. I was one lucky guy.


"AHHHH! He looks so cute! What did you call him?" I asked Vienna excitedly as we sat down on her couch.

"Nathan. I kind of wanted Alex, because I liked that name, but then Zack reminded me that that could get confusing because you're called Alex and then there's band mate Alex, so Nathan it was!" Vienna said, giggling but trying not to wake the sleeping boy in her arms.

I smiled huge and stroked his small cheek with my thumb. God he was so gorgeous...just like Jasey. Oh god. Jasey. Jasey hadn't lived this long. Jasey hadn't had a family. Jasey was...well not here. She wasn't here. With me, like she should have been.

"Lexie? Are you okay?" Vienna asked snapping me back to reality. I blinked a few times.

"Oh, erm, yeah, sure, just thinking know."

Vienna nodded. She did know. We had become good friends since after the car accident, and I'd called her a few times just to cry to her. She was pretty supportive. "Oh sweetie, you know Jasey wouldn't want you to be like this, right? You need to focus on the good in your life. This baby, it won't replace Jasey, but you get a second chance. It'll be fine, I promise you. You're going to be a wonderful mother."

I smiled at Vienna. She always knew how to make me feel a little better. "Thanks. I guess I'm just scared."

Again, Vienna nodded. "I know, I was like that with Millie and Nathan. But seriously, you'll be fine. You wanna hold him?"

I really did, he was just so adorable! I don't know how long we were sat there just talking about the world and babies and our other halves who were currently outside playing some sort of tea party in fairy princess theme with Millie, but it must have been pretty long. We hadn't notice the sky turning orange, and that was when Jack bounded in wearing a pink tutu over his skinny jeans and a tiara. Zack had glitter and bright pink lipstick on his everywhere on his face, and was showcasing a yellow tutu...with sequins on. Yeah he looked pleased about that...

Vienna and I took one look at both of them and burst into laughter simultaneously. Zack scowled. "Well it's alright for you two, escaping her wrath and cooing over babies, Jack and I have been attacked with fairy princess knowledge."

Jack poked him. "At least you got the sequins! I was very disappointed that your tutu was too big for me."

"Why does she even have tutus anyway?" I asked.

Vienna smiled. "She wanted some for her tea parties...with you two. You're gonna be having a lot of fun with those..."

Zack sighed in defeat, but smiled. I doubt he minded. Plus now he had a boy he could take to the gym and such. Jack pretended to h e wings and flew over to me, planting a sloppy kiss on my forehead. "I'M A FAIRY PRINCESS!" he stated, and I laughed right in his face.

"Good for you Jack, good for you," I said, patting his head after handing Nathan back to Vienna. "Where's Millie?"

"I'm right here auntie Lexie!"

Aww...auntie Lexie, how cute! I smiled at the little girl and walked over to her, picking her up. "Okay Millie. I want to thank you. For helping to wake me up. I heard you." I hadn't had chance to say it before, and this time I whispered it so no one else could here as they were all talking to each other.

Millie beamed at me. "I knew you would. I knew you couldn't leave daddy. Thank you for coming back," she said and hugged my neck tightly. 

I hugged her back, and then released her and set her on her feet. She smiled then bounded off to hug her dads knees. I giggled, and joined the rest of them.

We stayed for another hour, but then I started yawning. Jack noticed. "Ah, I think it's time for us to go, lady with a baby is getting tired. You wanna leave?" Jack asked me.

I could barely keep my eyes open, but I nodded sleepily, stifling another yawn. "Sorry," I mumbled, feeling like I was being rude.

Vienna laughed and patted my shoulder. "It's okay sweetie, I was the same when I was pregnant, I was sleeping all the time. No need to apologise."

I smiled at her a little. God I really was exhausted. Jack fetched my coat and we were stood at the door saying our goodbyes, when Millie ran to us.

"WAIT! Jasey wants me to say bye for her!" Millie yelled.

That woke me up. I stood there, frozen, feeling like all the blood had drained from my face. Jasey? No.

Vienna smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, it's her imaginary friend, she's called her Jasey, I'm so sorry," she said, lowering her voice when she said imaginary.

Millie stood right in front of me, but turned to face an empty space. "No...I don't know...I think so...Daddy hasn't said anything...yeah she is...I know, I don't like it either...okay, I'll tell her," Millie said, as if talking to someone else...her imaginary friend. Then Millie faced me. "Jasey says she loves you and she doesn't want you to be sad anymore because that just makes my daddy sad and your daddy sad. She wants you to be happy and she hopes you look after her little sister." Then Millie hugged my knees, and went back to play with Zack.

I stood with my mouth open, eyes not particularly focused on anything. Oh my god. Vienna said something, and then I was being guided back to the car by Jack. I didn't even notice the ride home, and somehow I ended up in my pyjamas in bed. Jack lay down and wrapped me in his arms.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "'s just...Jasey...she came back. She's Millie's imaginary friend. She's looking out for me..." I said, still shocked and hoping Jack wouldn't think it was nonsense, but Jack smiled sweetly and brushed my hair from my face.

"I know. She kept talking to Jasey when we had that tea party. But how do you feel about it?"

I thought for a moment. "I feel...better. At least I know she won' know...hate me for loving another baby."

Jack smiled at me. "Of course she wouldn't. How could she? Your her mother." Then he kissed me sweetly and turned out the light.

"Jack," I whispered.


I bit my lip as I smiled big. "We're having a daughter..."

He laughed and held me tight. "I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like this is a boring and crappy filler chapter, but I liked the imaginary friend part, so yeah...maybe I'll just skip to the wedding and then write a couple more chapters...idk but it shall finish soon and then I will start on a new Alex Gaskarth one and that shall have a sequel cos I have a few ideas about that...I feel like I can't write about Jack as good :/ hmm well anyway, thanks for being patient!!!!