Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 3


The show was fucking awesome. Best. Day. Ever. I knew if they looked at me they'd probably laugh at how much I was freaking out during the songs. Jack wasn't really up to his usual he was good, really good, but he just seemed to lack some...I don't No that was the wrong word, he was still as just seemed like he wasn't as into the music. Luckily the heartbeat of the drums, Alex's banter, and Zack's kick ass bass held the show together and made up for it. It was like the last couple of times I'd seen them, sweat, heat, saw voices, mosh pits and energy. A lot of energy. Yeah I got pushed into the barrier a couple of times, and let me tell you, that fucking hurts if you don't already know what it's like, but I really didn't care. I thought I saw Jack give a glare at the people rushing forward that had caused that, but I must have imagined it, because the next time I looked he was all lost in the music.

That was until the next time it happened, and the pressure on my gut was too much. "HEY! Guys! Calm the fuck down okay? You're going too far now! If you aren't at the front that's your own damn fault for not getting here earlier! DEAL WITH IT! Don't be ramming into people like that so they can't even fucking stand!" Jack yelled through his mic. Erm...okay?

I got pulled out and I saw Jack give the security guard a look of worry, and said something to him, but I couldn't really hear, the pain really was too much. The guy carried me to a room, but it wasn't a medicine room or something. It kinda looked like a dressing room. He laid me on the couch and told me a medical person would be with me in a minute.

After I'd received a check up, some water and such, the woman who had seen to me told me to stay lay down. I wanted to go back to the concert, even if I was at the back, but she wouldn't let me. Apparently someone would come and tell me when I could leave. Shit, I thought to myself, staring up at the ceiling. I was gonna miss the show. I would miss the Meet and Greets. I held back the tears and reached in my pocket for my iPod. Oh great. Guess what? That was smashed beyond repair. Well what a fucking coincidence. Just my bloody luck eh? Great. Injured, pulled out, missing the show, would miss Meet and Greet, and now I didn't have an iPod. What an awesome day I was having. Well at least I had met them...

I small smile appeared on my face as I let myself drift off to sleep.


"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you man? You've never interrupted a song when people are getting pulled out before!" Alex said as we made our way off stage.

I shrugged. "It looked bad, that's all."

Yeah...they were pissed at me. We were really getting into Poppin Champagne, but I just couldn't stand by and watch that. Something was wrong with me. We hung around and waited for them to assemble people for the Meet and Greet, then we came out, made small talk, signed stuff, posed or pictures, cracked a smile, joked around, drank a few shots and then it was over. It really was tiring. As soon as we were free to go, I raced the other guys to get to our dressing room.

"Someone's eager," I heard Rian mutter. Hah, Rian, you have no idea I thought.

I pushed the door open, and there she was. Lexie was sleeping on the couch on her side, curled up a little. "Oh, so THAT'S why he's so energetic," Zack said, mocking and very loudly.

"Dude! Shut the fuck up! She's sleeping!" I whispered to him.

"Why's she here anyways?" Alex asked.

I looked a little awkwardly at them. "I...I just...well she got hurt...and I...well I didn't want her missing out on Meet and Greets or anything. I just thought maybe this was the best" I really didn't know what to say. I knew WHY I'd asked the security guard to ask her hear, but I wouldn't say. Yeah they were like my brothers, but even brothers have secrets. They'd just think it was stupid. 

Alex rolled his eyes at me. "I know what it is. Jackie here has a little crush on our new friend."

"No...that's not it...not at all...I just know. She helped us out so..."

Rian shook his head. "Dude, this isn't a good idea. We're going back to America tomorrow, remember? To start on the new album? You can't get friendly with her...I mean she's a fan. You don't date fans. Number one rule, remember what happened the last time?"

Oh yeah, I remembered alright. Who could forget?

"Well...if I ask her to come back with us, it's nothing to do with the band. If I asked her to live with me then what's it got-"

"You cannot be serious? Why the hell would you do that? You don't even know her! She's a fucking stranger!" It was Rian that blew up at me, but everyone else seemed to agree. I could see it in their eyes.

"Oh, hey, sorry, erm I guess they didn't know this was your dressing room when they shoved me in here..." Lexie said, suddenly sitting up and putting a hand to her stomach. I presume that was where it hurt.

"Hey, Lexie, what you doing in the next few months? Like uni or anything?" I asked hopefully.

She shook her head. "Nah, I've been saving up to go visit America. I wanna spend a few months there just seeing what it's like to live there before I decide what I wanna do with my future."

YES! I knew the guys were face palming and rolling their eyes. But frankly? I don't give a fuck. "Lexie, I have a proposition for you..."
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know it's short but I'm writing on my iPod in my cried :') gotta resit English...hope you enjoyed it anyways! And thank you to the subscriber! Alex I changed it to Lexie because otherwise I'd confuse myself so now that's your nickname!