Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 30


Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I felt sick. I wanted to be sick so bad. It wasn't morning sickness, I knew that, and I knew I wouldn't actually be sick but I was so fucking nervous! Oh god, Jack would be waiting at the end of the aisle, at the end of the pier, waiting for me. Oh god. I was shaking, I couldn't stop shaking. Why couldn't I stop shaking?

Vienna adjusted my veil and smiled at me. "Seriously Lexie, stop freaking out! It'll be fine! He loves you!"

"But what if he doesn't? What if he's only marrying me because of the baby?" I was panicking so bad. What would happen if he said no?

Vienna rolled her eyes for the millionth time and my mother sighed with her. "Sweetie, he's not. He's head over heels for you! And you're head over heels for him too right?" my mom asked. I nodded. "Well there you have it! It's fine. Everything will be fine. He loves you, you love him, you're having his baby-"

"Which is just making me look fat and ugly in this dress!"

I was wearing and ivory coloured floor length dress, tucking in just under the bust, flowing in drapes over my bump to the floor. I had a thin, short longsleeved cardigan type thing made of lace or something. I don't really know...I just knew it looked gorgeous...on the hanger. My hair was curled and falling about my shoulders.

Vienna put her hands on my shoulders. "You look beautiful, okay? And Jack will think so too. He always thinks you look beautiful, you should hear him when he's at ours, Zack can't shut him up! Just breathe, you need air!"

I nodded and gulped, breathing in and out slowly. Finally I was calm enough and I didn't think I looked that bad actually. So mom smiled, took my arm, Vienna and Millie went ahead of me, Millie as the flower girl, and I headed down the pier managing not to trip up or faint under the pressure of everyone watching and waiting. My hand absentmindedly stroked my three month old bump as moral support. But then I saw Jack turn from Alex at the alter, who was adjusting his bow tie thing, and his eyes that lit up at the sight of me made everything okay again.

I knew this was what I wanted. He was what I wanted. My eyes fixed on his and I was unaware of anything besides the soothing sounds of the waves tickling the beach below and Jack's enchanting dark eyes. I had never seen eyes more beautiful in my whole life before. He was just perfect.

Before I knew it, I was by his side, my hand in his and we were saying the I do's. Everything was a blur really, I didn't understand much apart from the fact that Jack and I now wore matching rings and his lips were moving ever so softly against mine.


"Well, Jack, you did it baby. I never thought you would, but you did. You went and got yourself a girl, and settled down. And what a hell of a girl you got! You know she'll be an awesome wife because she loves our music! That's always a bonus point! I'm just so proud of you dude, like I'm really happy for you. I've never seen you this happy since you were stood outside the Home Alone house, and I've known you since high school so you know...But in all honesty Jack, you're my best friend and I'm so glad you both sorted yourselves out so that we could see this day. I love you both, and maybe one day I'll forgive you Lexie for stealing my husband away!" Alex speech was only short, but I knew that everything he wanted to say couldn't be expressed in words. We just had that sort of bond. But when he toasted to us and we looked at each other, his eyes were happy and sincere, mine were filled with gratitude, and we understood each other perfectly. He really was the best friend in the world.

Lexie's mom did the father of the bride speech...well mother of the bride speech. And then it was time for our dance.

We barely registered the other couples joining us to take their dance. As I swayed with Lexie and held her close, I whispered into her ear, "You look so beautiful. I really do love you."

She looked up at me, eyes glistening, threatening to cry. "I love you too Jack."

Then I kissed her, and that was all that could be said for the moment.

We waved goodbye to everyone when we left for the airport, and I reminded Alex to take care of Lisa. They were happy, and back together, and this time I knew they would last.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I don't even know what the whole situation with Alex and Lisa is, I know he stopped wearing his ring, but I really don't know that much about their private lives and I kinda don't wanna know cos you gotta respect their privacy right? and I just want Alex to be happy, and I just thought she made him I put her in it cos I felt bad Alex was the only single one in this fanfic and I didn't know who else to put in :')

anyways, next chapter will most likely be the last one! Hope you liked it! can't wait to start on the next!!!!