Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 4


He asked me to go to America with him...and live with him for a little while. I'm sorry...what? Like...he was asking me to go to his home and I barely knew him...I mean I was going anyway, and yes, I was going to be going to Baltimore and taking pictures outside their houses, like Jack did with the Home Alone house. But really? Why would he ask a fan to his home? I don't understand. Wasn't it a little weird to have a fan hanging around all the time? 

I said yes, of course I'd say yes. I'd saved the money for the flight and living and such so that was no problem, and now I'd have more money because I wouldn't be staying at a hotel for a while. I had to talk to my family about it, they knew I wanted to go to America and I was going in a couple of months anyway so that was no problem.

The problem was that they thought I was joking about it being Jack Barakat that I was going with. They knew my obsession, so they knew how much I loved him and how many times I fantasise about him and fangirl, so they assumed this was some joke on them. Then they found it funny that I was such a good actress and seemed very convincing when I denied it was a joke. They came to the conclusion I was going alone. Well...I suppose that's better than them thinking I was going off with a 24 year old guy, when I was 18. I mean, six years...not a huge age difference...but my parents had always said the maximum age difference I was allowed was three years. A nice normal age gap. But of course, I wasn't dating him, as much as I may wish I was. Moms just jump to those conclusions though, don't they?

My phone went off as I was in the middle of packing. Dear Maria...that meant it was one of the All Time Low guys. Yes, I had them all in my phone. Jack made them. I'd chosen Dear Maria for them because it was like a national treasure to all hustlers, you know? I checked the ID...Jack.

"Hey, Jack...I'm just packing..."

"Awesome! So I'm still meeting you at the airport right?" It had been a week since they'd left, I stayed behind to get flights and everything sorted.

"Well duh, I don't fancy getting lost in the US on my first day over there!"

He chuckled. "Of course, I'll be waiting for you. You know where you have to make the switch right? From New York to Baltimore?"

"Yeah. Just step off in New York and get the next flight to Thurgood Marshall Airport. I memorised it. I'll be fine."

"How'd you know? It's your first time in America so...oh wait, you can't see me sticking my tongue out at you, can you?"

"Erm surprisingly no, this is a phone call, not a video call," I said, laughing at him.

"Right...well this is only like a thought but when you get here, do you wanna get ice cream? And maybe a burrito?" He was already planning lunch? I wouldn't even be there until tomorrow.

"...Okay then? But wouldn't it make sense to have the burrito first?"

"Nope. Ice Cream first. Ice Cream is good!" Oh dear. Welcome to the world of Jack, I thought. But I loved it, and not secretly. I would be taking all my ATL merch for them to sign and such. I needed Jack to sign everything. Or I would die. Literally. Like I'm not even joking. I will die if he doesn't sign my stuff. I hope he doesn't mind me taking my posters...oh well. I don't give a fuck if he does mind really. He invited me.


"Come on, Lexie, where the hell are you?" I mumbled to myself, as another group of girls noticed me and started pointing. It had been like this all day. Fans coming and going, begging me to take a picture.

I sighed as the over excited fifteen year olds ran over and dared each other as to which one would ask me if they could have a picture. I pasted a smile onto my face. "Hey girls, what's up? Apart from the sky...and me." Yeah I wasn't being funny today. I just couldn't be bothered. I think they could tell because they were kind of awkward and as soon as they'd all had their pictures, they walked away, stealing glances at me on the way out. They were probably disappointed. Oh well. Did I care? Not really.

Okay so I know that's rude, and I know that I shouldn't have thought it because those are the people that got us here...but I just...I was impatient an nervous. I didn't want what had happened last time to happen again. I hated thinking about it, let alone talking about it. Hence why none of the fans or blogs or anything knew anything about it. And I didn't plan on telling anyone either. It was in the past. That was it, I had to move on. Even if the guys wouldn't let me.

Oh god, did I really want to do this again? Wait, I had to. I just had to know Lexie. It was something in her eyes that had pulled me in. I know, I've turned into a soppy old git haven't I? Where was that girl? I needed her to hurry up. Just to calm my nerves. Even if it was to tell me she'd changed her mind about staying with me.

After another half an hour, I saw the girl with the skunk inspired hair and let out a huge sigh of relief. Thank the lord for that. Lexie was fumbling around with her bags, and when she finally looked up, I was making my way over to her.

She smiled as she saw me. "Oh, Jack! Hi! Sorry, just bare with me for a minute. I know I put it in here somewhere...please don't tell no no! No! Oh god no, this can't be happening. SHIT!"

"Woah, woah! What's wrong?" I asked with wide eyes.

Lexie looked up, tears in her eyes, making her eye colour turn to more of a blue than anything. "My smashed in my bag...that's my iPod AND my DVD now! FUCK MY LIFE!" 

Oh shit, there were kids around and parents giving us looks. "Hey, it's okay, calm down! We'll go to the store, I'll get you another DVD, it's fine...okay?" She sniffled and nodded. Must be some important DVD...

*thirty minutes later*

We dropped her stuff off at my house, and we were on our way to the store in my car. I turned the radio on, smiled to myself and snuck a look at Lexie. She was trying so hard not to sing along, hand over her mouth. I was trying so hard not to laugh...almost as hard as she was trying to not sing.

And just a few moments later..."I THINK SOME DUDE JUST GRABBED MY JUNK!" Yep, Lexie couldn't hold it in. As I laughed at her, she yelled along to our song.

"You realise I don't care if you sing along right?"

Lexie nodded. "Yeah but I just don't want you getting a big head being around a fan."

"Too late for that. Sorry."

"No problem. To be fair, I don't really care if you hear me singing along. You'll hear me singing in the shower, in the kitchen, when I'm changing, walking down the street...just every time possible." 

I rolled my eyes and made out like I was annoyed. But honestly? I liked it...she would be singing along to something that I was 25% of. Okay I was smug...and getting a bigger head.

We pulled up alongside the store, and she ran in. It was one of those entertainment stores where they had all DVDs, CDs, video games etc.  By the time I caught up with her, she was already clutching whatever it is he wanted to buy. She held it tighter to her chest as I approached. "Jack...erm, I think I'm gonna pay for this myself after all. I mean it's not like I don't have the's fine. I don't need you to pay for me."

I shook my head. "No, it's fine, it can be like your welcome present or something from me. I promised I'd pay for you so I will. Come on, I'll take it to the cashier."

She blushed. "No, you're already letting me stay with you, I should pay. I'll just...erm...go pay."

"Look, I don't care what you say, I'm paying. You're a guest, I'm supposed to be hospitable. It's not like I don't have the money."

"I'd really rather you didn't..." What the fuck was up with this girl? Like seriously? 

"Dude just give me the damned DVD!" I said reaching out for it. She took a step back.

"No!" I lunged for it, she stepped further back, tripped, I fell over her feet and we both ended up on the floor, me on top of her. I managed to get a nice close up look at her face. She had a pretty face. Of course, that wasn't the only advantage. 

I pinned her down and reached for the DVD she hadn't wanted me to see. What was it? A fucking porno or something?

I picked it up and...well it wasn't a porno. Not exactly. Depended on what you classes as a porno. "Straight To DVD? This is the DVD you smashed?"

She nodded, timidly while I was still laying on top of her.

I laughed at her. "Okay, I really don't care that this is the DVD you wanted, it's okay, I actually find it quite flattering," I said, winking.

"Ern...okay...but could you get off me now?"

" fan has ever said THAT to me before." She rolled her eyes, but a smile played on her lips. I got off and pulled her up."Right come on, let's get your DVD. If you're lucky I'll even sign it for you!" I said, acting all excited and girly about it.

She laughed and I paid the guy at the till, then we headed out to the car and drove home. I helped her unpack, but she insisted a playlist to unpack to. So I put my iPod on shuffle and we rocked out to my music. Of course, Lexie pulled out her merchandise and made me sign everything. Some of the stuff she put on the walls, other stuff went straight in the draws in case they got ruined. It really didn't matter because I could just get her a copy and sign it again, but it mattered to her.

After a hard days work, we collapsed on the couch and yes, we did watch Home Alone. We flicked popcorn at each other,  hit each other with jelly snakes, and ended up rolling about on the floor as I tickled her. 

"JACK GET OFF ME!!!" she said in hysterics. I just grinned and tickled her even more.





"NOOOOO!!!! You split us up!!! I must exact my revenge!!!"

Lexie laughed and I saw that twinkle in her eye again. I was just about to 'exact my revenge' whether she liked it or not, but then people came in my door and...

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Fuck you Alex. I wanted that spare key back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I have to apologise for any spelling grammar or words that are wrong because I'm writing this mainly on my iPod and it's auto correct sucks -_- thank you to the people who commented/subscribed!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! I hope Alex likes this part where she gets pinned by jack...thank you guys for reading so much! But like I said, may not be able to update as often because of coursework and exams, but I promise you I shall try my best!!! Gave myself a night off work today :')