Status: A working progress

I Got Your Picture I'm Coming With You

Chapter 9


Considering we had gone to bed the latest, I woke up the earliest. It must have been about nine thirty in the morning, but the guys were still snoring away. I daren't move my head in case I hit Jack's chin, we were so close. I could almost feel his stubble on the top of my head. His arms were secured around me, and I was enjoying being the small protected girl. But what I didn't realise was how I had fallen asleep. My leg was hooked over his hip...not entirely appropriate I know, but I wasn't moving. I was too comfortable.

Well, I was, that is, until I felt something poking me. In THAT area. You know what I mean.

I gulped loudly and Jack groaned in his sleep and pressed himself closer to me. That was quite...erm...prominent now. I'm not going to lie, I liked it. Yes, that's perverted but it felt kinda good. And that just made me embarrassed. I pushed his shoulder a little. 

"Jack, Jack wake up!" I whispered, trying not to wake Alex or Rian. It would be so awkward if they saw or found out.

"No..." Jack mumbled and nuzzled me.

"Jack, seriously, wake up."

Finally he opened his eyes and I lifted my head a little so I could get lost in those chocolatey eyes of his. "What?" he grumbled.

My cheeks flushed a deep red. "Erm...well I can feel...I mean, your little's kinda...uhm...this is really awkward know what I mean. It's embarrassing for me to say..."

Jack stared for a moment and then laughed, loud enough to wake the other two sleepers. 

"Dude...what the fuck? I'm trying to sleep over here!" Alex yelled. Yeah he was annoyed.

"Sorry, just Lexie here has a, a BIG problem, she needs my help and I find it quite funny." He winked at me when he said big. I rolled my eyes.

"Please don't tell me the sexual frustration finally became too much?" Rian complained. Oh god. I just buried my head deeper into Jack's chest.

He chuckled. "Well I guess you could say that..."

"DON'T WANNA KNOW!" they both shouted, but there was a hint of laughter in their voices. 

Jack gave me an evil grin and pressed himself further against me.

"JACK! Would you fucking stop that!" I complained, liking the closeness but not liking the fact that it was in a car with two of his best friends and that it just made me want him more. 

"Oh you know you love it."

"What the hell are you doing to the girl?" Rian questioned.

"No! We might regret him answering that!" Alex said, some genuine fear in his voice.

"Well I wanna know why her leg is draped over him...they must have been quiet because I didn't hear a thing..." I heard Rian say, teasingly. Oh well thanks, that was really helping the situation which was not awkward in the slightest...the little fucker.

"I...erm...I just...I don't know...I normally sleep like this at home..." I said, trying to defend myself.

Jack looked at me with wide eyes. "Your parents let your boyfriend stop over usually?"

"NO!" I shouted too loudly, turning a deeper shade of red.

"Damn girl, why you always try to kill my ears?" Alex groaned.

"Sorry...I...well I don't have a boyfriend. I just tend to sleep with one leg stretched out, the other closer to my body."

"Well you're definitely closer to someone's body..." Rian mumbled.

"Fuck you asshole," I replied.

"Ergh. Enough. Time to go get breakfast." Alex adjusted his seat so he was sat straight. Rian did the same. Jack didn't move.

"Jack, you coming?" Alex asked, getting out the car.

"Nah, I still wanna sleep a little bit," Jack mumbled. Was it me or did he look embarrassed.

Rian shrugged and we watched them go to the diner through the rear window.

"So why don't you wanna go get breakfast?" I asked.

"I don't want them seeing my mr happy thank you very much!"

That made me laugh. "Dude, did you ever watch Straight To DVD back? The whole thing is basically you naked. Why worry now?"

"That's different! This is...embarrassing...because then they'll know..."

"Know what?" I asked looking into his eyes.

Jack looked straight back at me. "Know how much I want you."

Oh no. This couldn't happen. I was a fan, and we were looking for his girlfriend an child. As much as I wanted him...and I'm not gonna lie, I think a part of me fell in love with him last night. Knowing how vulnerable he was. Knowing that he could be serious. He'd looked so beautiful underneath the moonlight. Seeing him near tears...that was what had done it. But Vienna. Where did she fit in all this? "Jack...we're looking for Vienna, remember? This...we can't happen, even if it's just once...I don't want to be any reason for you to be held back from your family."

Jack smiled and shook his head. "Look, yes you remind me of her. But...I don't love her like that anymore. I feel bad. That's it. And I wanna make up with her as a friend. I just want to get to be a dad. I don't want Vienna as a lover. I...I know it hasn't been long but...I want you. I can trust you. I haven't told the guys as much as I told you, and I've known them for years. You're...different. I didn't see it at first, but you are. You steal my shirts, you like your eggs sunny side up, you always have to wear a bright colour no matter what, your eyes go blue when you cry, and I hate seeing you cry, you're not afraid to back chat me, you still fan girl all the time, you have to listen to Actors before bed so you don't cry yourself to sleep, you get scared. You get scared that you'll be left feeling alone like how you felt when he just used you. I hear your nightmares...I hate hearing them. Sometimes I'll just sit outside your room playing guitar until you stop. I just can't stand hearing you like that."

I smiled weakly at him. "It always does. I didn't realise you were playing for me though."

Jack stroked my face. "Every time I play from now on, it's for you. Hell since I met you! Do you think it's possible to fall in love with someone after a few weeks?"

"How would I know? I've been in love with you since the radio started to play dear maria," I confessed with a laugh.

He smiled sweetly, and his brown eyes had never seemed so bright before. Then his mouth was on mine, and the kiss was sweet and hot and gentle, filled with everything we wanted to say.

It's strange isn't it? How just one night can change everything. That one conversation determines your future.

I'd never had sex with someone in a car before, but I had a feeling Jack was an expert. He certainly seemed to have the technique. We were both in sync with each other, both ready for more but fearing the unknown. The pleasure was worth the hardness of the back seat and Jack's slight roughness. But I liked it. I liked it a lot.

Hm. One conversation. It would be one conversation that would bring my whole world crashing down around me and make me regret ever agreeing to coming on this trip. One that would break my heart, and hurt me as I pretended I had never heard it all for the sake of someone else's happiness. 

But of course for now, I was blissfully unaware. 


We helped each other get dressed again, laughing like maniacs as we did so. Mainly because it was funny watching her as I tickled her. I helped her out the car and we walked, holding hands, to the diner. Lexie stopped me just before we went through the doors.

" know?" she asked timidly.

I grinned at her. "I don't see why not. We'll just let them figure it out, see how long it takes."

She giggled. "Oh and I just wanted to say thank you...I forgot to say it. You know, for keeping me on track every time I feel like shit, especially at night."

I squeezed her hand. "No, don't worry about it, it was my pleasure." I kissed hr forehead and we headed into the diner. 

We walked hand in hand until we saw their table. They both had hoods up and were hunched over, in the furthest corner booth they could get. Lexie got in first opposite Rian and I slipped in next to her.

"Why do you look so terrified? You hiding from someone?" Lexie asked.

Alex risked raising his head. "We saw - GAH!" His arms went back over his head as some girls passed. He lifted his head a little to check they were gone, and then tapped Rian.

"They left?" Rian asked, eyes searching the place wildly.

Alex sighed inion relief. "Yeah, we're all good. Coast is clear. We saw some girls in All Time Low shirts, and that would have been fine except they started talking about how much they want our babies and started going into graphic detail. We got the idea they'd the crazy fans, so we hid. I hop we don't meet them in the Chicago show...then again we haven't even leaked that we're playing so we should be okay. God fans scare me offence," Alex finished, directing his last words at Lexie.

"Non taken. I accept that's what I'm like, and I'm proud to be a hustler!" Lexie said, pumping her fist. Had to love her. I mean come on? Who wouldn't? She's awesome!

We ordered our breakfast and tucked in, making small talk. Every one of us too hungry to really make an effort. When we'd finished Lexie excused herself to go to the bathroom. Then I got the looks from my friends. You know what I mean. The "I'm disappointed and worried but you're still my friend so I'll be careful what I say and make out like I'm happy for you but I still want answers and I'm not sugarcoating anything I say" look. 

"What?" I sighed, knowing what was coming.

"Sex hair Jack, you and her. Spill." Yup, straight to the point, blunt. That was Rian for you.

I shrugged. "What's there to explain? Sex hair pretty much says it all."

They both groaned. "Look, Jack, if she makes you happy, fine. But it's exactly the sane as before. You fell too hard, too fast without getting to know her. And she's a fan! I mean she's nice but still!!! What the hell are you thinking man?" Alex said, a note of worry in his voice.

"It's different with Lexie. We talked properly, last night and thus morning. I know her. I trust her." I really did. And that was why I could never tell her the whole truth.

"We're just worried. We don't want to see you go through what you did last time," Rian said.

"Don't be. Like I said, she's different. She won't hurt me. I'll be fine. I'm happy," I said smiling. They both eased up and smiled back, nodding. Maybe they could see it, that I really was happy. I was starting to get a piece of myself back.

Lexie came back and I kissed her lightly before we headed back to the car for the long drive to Chicago. That was good, it meant more time with Lexie, snuggling because she was still tired. She really was beautiful. When she woke from her nap we put acoustic versions of our songs on and sang along for her, in preparation for our surprise show. We had to practice somewhere after all. And it made her happy. Which made me happy.

Little did I know in a couple of days, her happiness would be a mask. And she would pretend like she was fine because I wouldn't be honest with her, for fear of losing her. I was right when I'd told Rian and Alex she wouldn't hurt me. Because I would be the one to hurt her first. And it would be worse than the first time round. 
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know it's short, but I was writing it in my iPod and I kept gettInf distracted :') but I hope you liked it! There will be more tomorrow! AND HEY! A week since I met @shehasn0idea LOVE HER ON TWITTER!
Love you for reading! Thank you or subscribing! Let me know what you think guys!!!!