It Was Always You


Elena's POV

I was sort of nervous about going over to Damon's house today, but I put the thoughts of what was going on between us..what ever that was to the back of my mind as I walked up to the door. I was about to ring the doorbell when the door opened and Damon stood there with a familiar smirk on his face. “Hello Elena.” I heard him say flirtatiously. I mumbled a “Hello Damon.” as he stood to the side for me to walk in. I did as he expected, then the two of us walked into the other room.

“So onto the reason I came here, is Stefan still pretending he has no humanity?” I questioned as the two of us sat down on the couch. Damon tilted his head to the side as he stared at me, he appeared to be thinking about my question. “Yeah, but I think he misses you.” He mumbled the last part but I heard him anyways. “Oh.” I simply replied as I looked down at the floor. I had tried to get Stefan to stop pretending he didn't care multiple times but it never worked.“Well.” I paused to think of a question that he could easily answer. “How are you?” I asked as I turned my attention back to Damon.

“Great.” He answered, a huge smile on his face. I rolled my eyes as I spoke my next words carefully, “This is awkward.” He shrugged a smirk on his face, “Sort of, but why wouldn't it be..I kissed you.” He said as my eyes widened a bit. “I thought we agreed to not speak of that again.” I said, sighing as he slipped his arm around my shoulder. “Come on Elena.” He spoke softly, as he held onto my chin. “You know you enjoyed it.” He continued as he looked down at my lips then up to my eyes.

I bit my lip trying to think of the right words to say. “I uh..better get going.” I told him standing up and quickly glancing down at the time on my phone. “I'm supposed to pick Jeremy up at the airport.” I said nodding to myself as Damon just tilted his head to the side a smirk on his face “Alright, may I come with you?” He asked as he stood up waiting for my reply. I nodded even though just being around him made me nervous.

“Yeah sure, but we better get going his flight should arrive soon.” I informed Damon as my eyes looked towards the door. He gestured towards the door as we walked over to it then out to his car. I could just imagine what Jeremy's reaction would be when he saw that Damon came with me to pick him up.
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I think this was a pretty good way to start off this story, I've been wanting to write a Delena fanfiction for awhile now!