Status: In Progress

Set Fire to the Rain

Psycho Killer, Qu'est-ce Que C'est

It was a really long fucking day. It started out rotten, had a great middle and a horrible ending. After receiving my birthday gift from David, and a huge amount of persuasion from the people around me, well more like my arm was twisted and the police were called in to take a report. I declined to press charges yet again, but allowed them to do the usual report taking routine, that I was all too familiar, much to everyone’s dismay. I only wanted it be over and done with and move on. I was tired and grouchy and wanted only to go spend time with my family. The shit hit the fan when Jack heard through the grapevine that is Kym, about the lovely bouquet of dead black roses and dead parakeet hanging by what appeared to be a shredded piece of an old shirt that had once belonged to me. David was all about symbolism and shit. I really hated when he did things like this and it honestly scared me to the core. Which is why Jack was ready to jump the train and scour the city looking for the piece of shit scum, and I have a feeling that Jared, Shannon, Tomo, Ryan, Jono, and Evan would have been right next to him. Though after much convincing, I had them all back in the comfort of the rear conference room working on the plans for their big day coming up. No need for their plans to get fucked up because of a small dispute on my part. I would never forgive myself. Jared and the guys had explained that they would be in town over the next 4 weeks working and playing, and they would love to meet up again if possible, though I have heard it so often before, I never expect anything from anyone. MJ had been talking constantly with Evan over the past week and had met up a few times, to which I am happy. The second Jono saw MJ walk into the restaurant his eyes lit up he moved his seat so he could talk with her more easily. The whole thing was absolutely adorable. He is a really nice guy, and so long as he treats her right I am good with that. Work went as it usually does, busy, busy, busy, and no more interruptions from the devil so I am trying not to go in that direction with my thoughts. Sometimes it can’t be helped when the trigger factor happens, and I know he wants it that way. All I want is peace.

It had been at least 6 days since the Leto boys had been in the studio, and I was actually enjoying a slower Friday afternoon getting ready to close up for the day, when the phones started to ring at my desk.

“Good afternoon, Fuse Studios how may I direct your call?”

“Well, good afternoon to you too beautiful. I am actually looking for this really cool chick. She works at the front desk there, and I told her before I left there about a week or so ago, that I would like to try and meet up again if possible. You may actually know her, she goes by the name Eliza Cahrter,” I knew who it was immediately. Shannon. It was the gruff, rumbling voice that only he would have. I gave a small laugh to his greeting.

“Hmmm. Well, I’m not sure I am able to give out that information, sir, seeing as it’s personal. After all I am a professional and I could get into a lot of trouble, if anyone found out I released that information to someone over the phone.” I answered in my slight southern accent with as serious a tone as I could.

“Well, I would never want to cause any problems. Do you think I might be able to leave her a message, then she can decide whether or not to return my call?”

“I think that’s a fair compromise.” Of course I was now joking with him; I would never make him leave a message while we were already talking. It was just I was actually enjoying myself, and I wasn’t used to this feeling at all. It felt like I was flirting.

“Hahahahaha! How are you doing?” He asked.

“Hey Shannon, I am doing ok. How are you? Busy, I’m sure” I said.

“Aha! You knew it was me! Amazing.”

“Amazing, huh? Why amazing?”

“No reason. Listen, I was wondering if maybe you wouldn’t like to get together tonight and go somewhere with me.” He said in a very cute, almost childlike voice.

“Umm, yeah, listen, I don’t da…” and I was cut off by his next sentence immediately.

“Please, before you say no, and that you don’t date, or any other excuse you might be able to come up with in the next minute while I talk you into actually saying yes, answer me this. When was the last time you actually went out and did something fun. Had a good time, went to a concert?”

“Fun? A concert? Umm, honestly, maybe never.” I grumbled under my breath. I was really embarrassed now. I don’t know that I had ever admitted that to anyone openly before.

“I’m sorry, what did you just say! Maybe never! No, unacceptable. Let me get this right, you work for a music studio, surrounded by musicians every day and you have never been to a concert? That’s fucking insane Eliza, I’m sorry, but that’s unacceptable! Give me your address and I am coming by to get you at 5 tonight.” That was the end of it. He wasn’t going to give on it, I could tell. I had a feeling the man could be as stubborn as a mule if he wanted. So I gave him my address and both my numbers giving up any chance of getting out of tonight.

“Do you mind if I ask where we are going tonight, who we are going to see?” I asked in a small nervous voice.

“Well, actually, someone gave me tickets to see Adele, and I remember you saying how much you like her when we were at lunch last week, and I thought of you immediately. Don’t worry sweetheart, it’s going to be great.”

“Easy for you to say” I mumbled.

“Alright, I need to go, see you tonight!” And with that, he was gone.

What the fuck did I just get myself into? I am so screwed. I should call him back and cancel right now. David will find out, and he will hurt him, or worse. This is not good. I sat at my desk with my head in my hands going over all the possibilities not happy with any of them. There was a slight tap on my right shoulder and I nearly jumped across the room.

“Shit! Kym you scared the crap out of me.” I hissed at her.

“What the hell has you on edge? You look like you’re ready to jump out of your skin.”

“That’s because I just got a very interesting phone call from a certain man asking me to go out with him tonight.” I said in a soft tone.

“Holy mother fucker! Seriously? With who? What did you say? Where are you going? Why didn’t you call me right away!?” She was losing it completely in seconds.

“Kym, breath, please you are freaking me out more than I already am.”

“Yeah, sorry. But spill it sexy.”

“Let’s see, Shannon Leto, I had no choice he made the choice for me, and we are going to see the Adele show tonight. However, I am very seriously re-thinking this idea. It’s a really, really, bad idea. The whole David thing is going to destroy everything. He will come after a really nice guy and make his life a nightmare. He doesn’t deserve my shit Kym. No one does. You know the threats he’s made. I can’t risk it!” I gasped rubbing my hands through my hair and then over my face. I was really not happy and seriously concerned about what my psychotic ex-husband would do when he found out that I was actually going out with another man. It made no difference if it were on friendly level or more than that, he would go crazy, and I really don’t want anything happening to Shannon or his family. They had done nothing other than be completely nice to me when I was totally vulnerable, only to end up with a psycho-nut case in their lives. That’s not fair to them, not to any of my friends. So what do I do now? Shit.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! You are going to see Adele! I freaking love that woman! And with Shannimal to boot! Holy hell, I knew he had a thing for you, you lucky bitch! He wouldn’t leave your side the whole time he was here that day and he was soooo concerned about you! Don’t you dare cancel, you hear me! Because I will call him and tell him you lost your sanity if you do.” She would do exactly that, if I knew nothing else of my best friend, she was true to her word. “I can count on one hand the number of times you have been out in the past 20 yrs. woman, you need this desperately. Go, have fun. No expectations. See what happens. If nothing else, you end up being great friends.”

“Maybe that’s all I will be able to give Kym, I just don’t know.”

“Well, right now, all he’s asking for is that you join him tonight, so start there.”

“What if I am too broken to ever move on from where David left me? Is that fair to anyone?”

“With all the love you have to give, that’s not possible. Now, I am going to tell my wonderful boss that I am going to cover the rest of your shift, so you can go home and get ready for your big night.” She said with a huge ass grin on her face and giving me a giant hug, then she was off and running around the corner. Yep she was proud of herself right now. And I could strangle her for it, in the most loving way possible.
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Yep, I felt like being super generous tonight so I posted another update! I know it's short, but I hope you like it. If you have commented, thank you so much! It means a lot to me! If you haven't commented yet, please comment and subscribe and tell your friends about the story. Make me happy!! I love comments! :)

Another shout out to the amazing Whitney from for making the banner for my story. I love it so much! She's the bomb! Check out her site!!!
Thanks for reading, love you my darlings!! <33