Status: In Progress

Set Fire to the Rain

More Than Words

Shannon and I had a wonderful lunch. When we made it back to his apartment, he told me why he had decided to make the trip out early, and we had a wonderful easy conversation. Thinking back on it throughout the rest of my day made me break out into spontaneous smiles for no reason whatsoever. I couldn't help it. It had been wonderful just being together again. Being back behind my desk and finishing up my daily routine, my thoughts continuously went back to our lunch date, fondly remembering the simple things we had talked about. How he had explained why he was here a day early, among other things...

"After we talked last night, I didn't like how you sounded. I was really worried about you. It fucking killed me not being here for you when you needed me. That was the worst feeling in the world. I literally wanted to jump a plane and leave last night, but I had to pack and get a few things taken care of before I could leave. Then I called your boss to see if I could steal you away for a little while, once I got in. He was really cool with it. I needed to see for myself, that you were alright, El. I hope you aren't mad for me calling Mr. Grant like that."

"God no, I'm not mad. I thought it was incredibly sweet and incredibly crafty Mr. Leto."

"Yep, that's me. Craftyyyy." He said laughing at himself. " So this morning when we talked, I was already on my way here."

"Yep, you are definitely very crafty." I poked at him. "I'm so very happy you are here right now, because I have missed you so very much. Technology is great and all, but nothing beats the real thing." I said looking up into his eyes.

"I couldn't agree with you more." Leaning in he gave me the simplest of kisses.

"Have you decided on where you will spend the day on Saturday?"

"I have. And I hope that Errik won't take offense to this, but I thought I would go see Mags in the morning and have breakfast with her and Evan. I don't really know Errik and his friends. And it should be a day for them to spend together being excited as a family, and not worried about entertaining a guest."

"I don't think he will be offended at all. I think he will appreciate what you are doing. You are amazing."

"Nope not me. You sweetheart, are the amazing one, and I can't wait to see you in this dress I keep hearing about. I know you will look gorgeous, because you always do."

"Oh gag! You are such a kiss ass Shannon Leto!"

"Am not! I am simply speaking the truth." He laughed and pulled me into his side as we sat on his couch in the living room listening to music. "So... Do you have plans for this evening?"

"Well, I had planned on going home after work, cooking dinner for Jake and I, then curling up with my laptop and having a Skype session with my boyfriend in California. But because he is sitting next to me, I'm hoping that maybe said man, will not only join us for dinner, but maybe spend the night at my place too." I said softly.

"I would love to come for dinner but I can't stay the night sweetheart. I am supposed to meet with someone at the record company first thing in the morning for my brother. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, I understand."

"Listen, what are the plans for the Kyms bachelorette party?"

"Ummm, yeah that."

"Sweetheart, you know that you aren't getting out of that right? There is no way that Kym is letting you out of your bridesmaids duty. Not that the idea of you watching half naked, super buff, Australian guys is all that appealing to me, mind you." Shannon groaned.

Yes, Kym had gone batshit crazy when she heard that the all male review, Thunder From Down Under, was going to be in NY during the month of August. The second she heard about it, she was all over it, and insisted that the bridal party and her friends, all go to the show. I absolutely did not want to go. It wasn't something that was entertaining to me in any way, but since Kym was not only my best friend, and the bride in this case, I really didn't have a choice in the matter. The bridal party was going to stay at Kyms apartment afterwards and we were going to all get ready for the wedding there. It was easier that way. Shannon was originally supposed to come in on Friday night, so I was going to be busy anyway. But now that he was here early, all I wanted to do was spend my time with him. Especially since we never have time to spend together.

"Believe me baby, I have no desire to see any of those posers dance around. The only man I want to see dancing, is you." I said wiggling my eyebrows at him. " I am only doing this for Kym and because she won't let me out of it."

"Who knows, maybe you will have a good time."

"Maybe once we leave the show and go on her planned bar crawl, but I'm still unsure. Being out like that in public, with David being who he is, makes me nervous. The only saving grace, is that I will never be alone. I will always be surrounded by friends." Even as I said the words, I didn't feel so sure. Because deep down, I know that if David wanted to get to me, he would find a way. He always did.

I felt Shannon tense beside me, at the mention of David's name. "I'm not liking the idea of you going out after either, but you deserve to go out and have some fun with the girls for a change. When was the last time you did that? I bet you don't even remember do you."

"No, I don't. Actually, I don't think I've done anything like this since before I was married. That's really very sad. I can tell you, I have never been to see an all male review before. The whole thing just never appealed to me. I'm actually a little bit terrified. With Kym in charge, oh my god.... It will be interesting to say the least."

"I love your friends sweetheart, but Kym kind of scares the ever loving shit out of me."

"Shan, I've known her for years, and she still scares me on a daily basis." And we both started to laugh.

"How's Jared doing?"

"He's doing great actually. The man can't sit still to save his life, but he's really fucking happy. I think it may have to do with a certain friend of yours. They had a great time when she came out to visit. He was in seventh heaven. He and Zoe really are great together. I'm really happy for them, and I like her. She keeps his ass in line; doesn't put up with any of his shit, but is really kind hearted. He needs someone like that. Very similar to someone else I know. I really wish you would come with me to California."

"I know. I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I talked to Mr. Grant and he agreed that once Kym comes back from her honeymoon, I can take my two weeks vacation and come stay with you in Cali. How does that.." I was immediately swept up in a tight bear hug and he was kissing my neck and the side of my face.

"Are you fucking serious!? You really mean it? When does Kym get back?"

"Two weeks." I giggled.

"Ughh, really? That's like a fucking year away." Shannon groaned as he pulled away leaving a strong arm wrapped over my shoulder.

"Um, no babe, it's only two weeks." I poked his ribs joking around. "But it feels more like 10 years if you ask me. It's better than nothing though. I can't wait." I leaned in kissing him softly, reaching my hand up to run it gently over his stubbled cheek, feeling that spark between us immediately. The alarm on my cell phone went off on the coffee table in front of us and made me jump slightly, causing Shannon to laugh at me. I punched him softly saying, "Jerk."

"Time to go already?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I need to get back to work so I can see you again later."

"Come then, gorgeous. I'll drive you." He called for his car and after a few minutes, we made our way downstairs to his waiting car and he drove me back to the studio.

We said our goodbyes in the car, and he promised to call me when he was there to pick me up at the end of the day. After I leaned in and kissed him goodbye, I pulled back feeling the sudden urge to say those 3 huge words. I didn't, but for the first time ever, I knew that if I had said it, I would have truly meant it. Now wasn't the time. Besides, if I did, would I have scared him off, making him run for the hills? I couldn't take that chance. Not yet anyway. Just the realization of how I felt for Shannon, was enough to make me walk into work with the biggest smile ever, and filled with complete and total joy. Wow, where had that come from? The only answer I had, was Los Angeles, California.
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One more update for tonight! Hope you enjoyed. Thank you for the wonderful comments, they keep me inspired and motivated and just plain happy! :) Love to all my readers!
