Status: In Progress

Set Fire to the Rain

You Can Leave Your Hat On

After work on Friday night, I went straight to Kyms apartment to get ready for her bachelorette party. We were all meeting there, taking a limo from her apartment to the venue, then after the revue, we were going on a bar crawl. Oh joy. I had brought an overnight bag with me and my dress was already at Kym's apartment, ready to go for Saturday. Jack had been nice enough to offer to stay with Jake for the next few nights so I wouldn't feel like I was abandoning him. Besides, I think we all felt better with Jack staying there to make sure David didn't make any un-scheduled appearances. He had been trying unsuccessfully to convince Jake to meet with him lately. Jake had been shutting him down at every turn. Can't say as I blame him, given the situation. But we all knew that David wasn't going to give up on any of us without a fight. I was currently changing out of my work clothes and into a pair of form fitting jeans with a bit of bling on the pockets, and a black shirt that hung off one shoulder. I took my hair down and pulled it into a side pony tail, curling the ends into waves. Then I touched up my make up and lip gloss.

I left the bathroom in Kyms bedroom, to find the girls gathered in the kitchen, already holding a glass of champagne. I was handed one immediately. Oh boy, this was going to be a very long night. I never, ever drink. I took the glass and looked at Kym with apprehension. She walked around the small island and came to stand next to me. Knowing how difficult this whole thing was for me, she wrapped her arm around my waist and and pulled me close.

"Thank you for doing this. I know how hard this is for you. It means so much to me, you couldn't possible know. Especially since lover boy is in town. I know you would rather be with him right now, but I promise to make tonight unforgettable. Just so you know, I would never make you do anything you don't want to do; like drinking or touching hot dancers. I'm not a complete bitch." She whispered into my ear.

"Oh honey, I know that. And I have no doubt, that tonight will be anything but unforgettable, as you put it. Don't worry about me and lover boy. We spent last night catching up with each other at my place. And no, not in the way you think, you sick and twisted woman. Besides, I don't think you are allowed to touch the dancers, FYI."

"Oh for fucks sake El, you really need to get laid. And I'll touch whoever I damned well please." She said only loud enough for me to hear, as I nearly choked on my champagne.

"God. Kym don't push. We will get there. Eventually." Ok maybe a lot sooner than that, but it had not happened last night, as tempting as it had been.

So, Shannon had changed his mind about staying the night at my place. He figured that since he was coming to dinner anyway, why not stay, and then just drop me off at the office on the way to his meeting. It was a real pleasure having him drive me in to work the next morning. He walked me up to my desk, making sure I was tucked safely inside for the day, like the true gentleman he is. I could really get used to that routine. That simple act had only confirmed for me why it was I loved Shannon so much. I wanted to tell him so badly that I love him; but how do you tell the one person responsible for breaking down ever barrier you had built up over the better part of your whole life, that they had not only broken it down, but destroyed it and had become the very essence of your heart and soul. He had become so ingrained in you that you couldn't imagine ever being without him. It would very literally destroy you if that person were to leave you or if something were to happen to them. If anything were to happen to Shannon, I would die without him. He was my other half. My better half. Loving him was like breathing. It had become the most natural thing in the world. Everything changed for me the day he walked into my office, he had saved my life that day, and I have never been happier, and I wouldn't change a thing. So how do you tell someone all that, without scaring them away? Answer, you don't. I will keep it to myself, and just enjoy being with Shannon. Blissfully happy.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the buzzer on the speaker system going off. Kym ran into the hallway and pressed on the appropriate button and listened responding when necessary. She came back and smiled at all of us. "Limo is downstairs waiting for us. Lets grab our stuff and hit the road ladies! Hot naked Aussies await!!" She cheered. I chuckled and shook my head. "You ladies make your way down to the car, I have to grab a few things. I'll meet you down there."

"What's up? Do you need help?" I asked her. Kym shook her head no.

"Nope. What I need, is for you to get your sweet, sexy ass down to the car, so we can go see some hot Aussie sexiness! Now go!!" And she ran off towards her room.

"Alright. Pushy, pushy. I grumbled."

"I heard you! Now go!"

I groaned, grabbed my small purse, and headed out and downstairs to the waiting bright pink limo. Oh, for gods sake. That's Kym. In your face, and she just doesn't care. I climbed in behind the rest of the girls, as the limo driver pulled out another bottle of champagne and poured everyone a glass. All together there were 15 of us going out tonight. The driver made his way around the side of the car to help Kym inside. I heard them talking and the sound of the trunk shutting before Kym climbed inside with a huge shit eating grin on her face.

All the girls erupted into cheers and started clapping and hollering. Kym took a glass of waiting champagne and the maid of honor, Jaquie, made a toast in honor of Kym and her upcoming marriage. Then Kym made a toast that we have an unforgettable night together, thanking us all for being there to celebrate the last night of her single life with her. The limo started moving, and we made our way to the venue.

When we finally arrived, we all filed out of the car and stood at the entrance, while Jaquie talked to the person at the ticket window, we stood around and talked. Most of the other ladies were really excited about seeing the male review, but I couldn't help but think of Shannon. With that I pulled my cell phone out of my bag, to see if I had any waiting messages and smiled when I saw I had 2 waiting texts.

S-- I miss you like crazy. Have fun! I can't wait to hear if I have any real competition in the dance department. Text me when you get in. xo

I responded to him right away of course.

E--I miss you more! I am standing in line getting ready to start my night with the girls, thinking of you. You couldn't possibly have any competition in anything, baby. I will text you the second we get back. Yours always... xoxoxo

The other message was from Zoe.

Zoe--hey sexy! I heard you r going to c half naked Australian men tonight! U lucky bitch! I'm so jealous right now! I so want to b there w/you! Just kidding. Lol! Have fun and call me Sunday after your wedding marathon. We need to go to lunch or something. I love youuuuuu!!!!!!

I glanced up and saw that Kym was standing at the ticket window talking to the people behind the glass partition trying to straighten something out, so I wrote to Zoe while we waited.

E--I love you tooooo! I will definitely call u Sunday after the wedding marathon, as u put it. Don't be jealous. I am not all that excited about this whole thing. I've never done this before. I'm kind of scared. Lol! I'd rather b with Shannon, quite honestly. Lol. Duh. But I miss u too and we def have to meet for lunch soon. Not your boyfriends version of soon either. The tease! ;)

A minute later I had a response from both Shannon and Zoe.

S-- damn straight your mine, woman. Don't you forget it while those naked foreigners are shaking their 'assets' in your face. Talk to you later sweetheart. xoxo ;)

E--no worries baby. If anyone tries to put their 'assets' in my face, I'll be running in the other direction. I don't want to see anything they are shaking. I just want to see you. Still missing you. Xoxoxo

Zoe--sounds great! Stuff a few green backs down their bareback sides. Lol! Have fun and enjoy the view for fucks sake El! <3

E--whatever you say love. Ttys. Xoxoxo. <3

"What ya doing?" Kym said from behind me, while peeking a glance over my shoulder. "Talking to your sexy boyfriend?" She asked with a knowing look.

"He sent me a text as did Zoe. I was simply replying to them."

"Mmhmm. Sure. You can't even go one night without talking to him can you?"

"No, I can't. Happy." I said putting my phone away.

"Yes, very!" She said, bouncing up and down now in front of me. "Ok, we settled the ticket situation ladies, and the tables should be all ready for us. So what do you say we get this night officially started, with some really hot ass!?"

All the girls started to squeal, clap and yell in unison. I just smiled and shook my head already knowing it was going to be a really long night. The bouncer at the front door took the stack of tickets from Rachel, one of the bridesmaids, and allowed each of us into the venue. We were shown to our reserved table right up front. A perfect view and there was a chair with a giant white bow on the back, no doubt for Kym to sit in. We all took a seat, and watched as other ladies and gentleman alike filed into the establishment. The place was packed. I was a bit surprised, but I guess I shouldn't have been. Kym was sitting right next to me and Jaquie on the other side of her. The waitress came around and took our food and drink order. I ordered a salad, chicken parmesan and a water to start. I never drank, and since I had already consumed a few glasses of champagne and was feeling a bit happy, I didn't want to end up a drunk disaster and hung over on Kyms wedding day.

We all enjoyed easy conversation, and it was enjoyable getting to know all these different women and how they knew Kym. It was fun. The food and drinks were served and we just enjoyed hanging out. I was having fun so far, and would have enjoyed the evening continuing on without any changes. However, the lights dimmed and music began to pulsate. A man walked onto the stage, introducing himself as Robert, the MC for the evening.

"We have the distinct honor of having a bride-to-be and her bridal party with us here tonight. Her name is Kym, and she is getting married tomorrow!" We all cheered along with the people around us and Robert went on to introduce the guys from Australia. "Here they are ladies and gentleman, for your viewing pleasure, the men of Thunder From Down Under!!!"

The lights changed with the music and the guys who couldn't possibly have been human came out on stage and started their performance. The second they started to strip, my hands flew up to my face and I hid. Kym being the person she is wouldn't let that stand. She was going to torture me thoroughly. Grabbing my wrists she pulled them down and shook her head at me, smiling. Then mouthed, ' you will watch this show dammit!' I bit my lip and turned probably three shades of red. Next she pulled out a stack of 1$ bills and handed them to me. "For you to donate to a good cause." I looked at her clueless. "You stuff a bill in their thongs when they dance for you." My jaw dropped.

"Fuck no! I can't, I won't!"

"I will be insulted if you refuse, and won't ever speak to you again."

"Ughh! You suck monkey balls!!!" I groaned at her into her ear. I knew I wouldn't get out of this. Damn her. I crossed my arms and pouted. Yes, I actually pouted like a 4 year old.

We were about 5 songs into the show and Richard came back out, introducing Steve, the next dancer of the night. He was tall, tanned, very muscular, and all the girls were literally drooling over him. Kym was bug eyed and damned near jumping the table to get to him. He was good looking and all that, but to be honest, I just didn't find any of the guys tonight appealing, in that way. I must have it bad. Kym looked at me and frowned, then shrugged it off as Steve, danced his way over to our table and held his hand out to her. She placed her hand in his and stood up happily. i think she would have followed him anywhere. He led her up onto the stage, and stood there with an arm draped over her shoulders holding her close. Kym was in seventh heaven, soaking it all in.

"So, gorgeous. What's this I hear about you getting yourself hitched?"

"That's right. Tomorrow I'm marrying the love of my life." She was beaming.

"You sure this mate is the right one, and I can't do something to change your mind?"

Kym pulled away from him, looking him up and down and said, "By all means give it your best shot. But the spot in my heart and soul is already taken honey." Then she smacked his ass and handed him a couple dollars.

"He's a very lucky man." Steve laughed.

"Fuck yeah, he is. Now are you going to dance for me or what sexy?"

"By all means, have a seat." Gesturing to the chair that had been brought out and placed just behind them.

The strains of 'You Can Leave Your Hat On' began playing, as Kym sat down, and Steve started his routine. I found the song quite appropriate for her. Steve wore a 3 peace suite with a top hat, and began by placing the hat on Kyms head. She then cocked it over her right eye and winked at Steve and blew him a kiss as he continued to disrobe in front of her and as he ended up with less and less clothing on, he allowed her to unbutton and unzip his pants. Kym being the vixen she is, she didn't use her fingers to unzip his pants, no. She used her teeth. That went over REALLY well with Steve, and the crowd loved it.
By the time the song was over, his thong was stuffed full of dollar bills, and he was blushing profusely. Lord knows what Kym had done where our eyes couldn't see. She was sneaky like that. And who knows what she had been saying to him the entire time she was up there. When Kym stood up, Steve gave her a tight hug and she hugged him back. Of course in pure Kym fashion, she gave his ass a tight squeeze of appreciation, pulled back and winked. She looked over at our table then before walking off stage she very quickly grabbed Steve by the elbow and pulled him close, whispering something into his ear. He turned in our direction with a devilish grin and looked down at her and said something back to her briefly. She was up to something, and we were screwed. Steve disappeared back stage and Kym was once again sitting next to me with a shit eating grin on her very satisfied face.

"Someone looks very pleased with herself." I said to her, as we all looked at her in curiosity.

"Yeah, woman, what is up?" The girls started to question her.

"So, who has the better ass? Errik, or Steve?"

"What did he smell like?"

"Were his muscles as hard as they look!?"

The girls were shooting rapid fire questions at her regarding the mans body, but I only wanted to know what the hell she put them up too.

"What did you do?" I asked once again giving her the most serious look I could right now.

"Oh, my dear Eliza, patience. You will find out soon enough." Oh fuck.

Richard was back on stage, and speaking to the audience. "So a little birdie has informed us that we have a newbie in the house tonight. Someone who has never had the full experience of an evening like this. And we want to show her exactly what she's been missing all these years. Eliza, welcome to the best night of your life!" Just then, 4 dancers made their way out from back stage, and right for us. Their eyes were totally focused on me. I went stock still and looked at Kym in terror. I was so going to kill her.

She looked at me and smiled the blew me a kiss and waved, mouthing 'have fun', as I was literally picked up and dragged onstage to a waiting chair, and my never ending humiliation began. It was going to be a really long night.
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Update! Hope you enjoy this one. It was fun to write. Love to all my wonderful and amazing readers. Comment, subscribe, and recommend!
