Status: In Progress

Set Fire to the Rain

I Promise

“Sooo, it’s someone’s birthday today huh? Anything in particular you are wishing for on your very special day today?” A flirty voice whispered from over my shoulder, and actually made me jump slightly.

“Actually, no, other than being able to spend time with my kids, that’s all I am really looking forward to at the end of the day thank you,” I said to Jared with the biggest smile I could muster. It was at then that I noticed that the entire group was trying very hard not to break out into laughter at the look of surprise on his face. He had been shot down, and wasn’t expecting it in the least. Kym and I exchanged glances and I said to them, “Alright, guys I think it’s time to get to the restaurant. Let’s go.” And I led the way out of the front door.

On the way out, I had texted MJ and told her where and when to meet us, and she said she was on her way. So that was taken care of and I noticed that Jared, Shannon and Tomo were walking slowly next to Kym and I, and the rest of the group was walking just behind us. Along the way I noticed some of the glances our way because of whom we were walking with, but didn’t pay them much mind, it came with the job.

“Alright, guys, so what the hell is going on with all of you?” I asked directly towards Jared.

“I don’t know what you’re implying ma’am. Is there something that I have done that I should know about” he asked.

“First off, Mr. Leto, I am not a fucking idiot, so I know that there has been something up with all of you since the second you walked into reception earlier. So spill it. I am no fool, so please don’t treat me as such. I mean no disrespect when I say this to you.” I told him, well really all of them.

“I uh, I …” Jared became silent for a moment and took a deep breath. Glancing towards me Jared continued, “I am really sorry. We meant no disrespect to you, I promise. I guess sometimes we get a little bored, and when we see a beautiful woman, our adolescent ways take over and we can’t help but have a bit of fun. Sometimes at the expense of the person we direct it at. No harm intended mind you. You are different though aren’t you? You see, when we stepped out of the elevator doors we saw that you looked, I don’t know, sad, or something, and we thought maybe if we had a bit of fun, it might make you smile. I guess you could say we kind of made a bet to see who you might flirt back with first if one of us made the first move. Obviously, I was wrong, we were wrong about you.” With that admission, we continued to walk on in silence together.

“That was an ass move you know. None of you know Eliza from a stranger on the street, and you have no idea what the fuck she has been through. No matter who the hell you think you are, she didn’t deserve to be treated that way,” Kym began to go off on one of her protective tirades and I put a gentle hand on her arm to let her know it was alright.

“We are really sorry Ms. Cahrter. Really, we meant no harm in this little bet, I guess we called it. It won’t happen again. Like J said, it was all meant in fun.” Tomo tried to explain.

“Guys, listen, I’m a big girl, and there was no harm done, so why don’t we let it go and move on to something else. I knew something was up, that’s why I asked. No harm no foul. Just forget it ok?” I suggested with a smile on my face, trying very hard to move on from this suddenly strange subject.

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Kym bounced next to me.

We soon arrived at the restaurant not too soon before MJ and Julie did, while enjoying an easy conversation with Shannon, Tomo, Jono, Evan, and Ryan.

“So you mentioned that you have kids’ earlier, do you mind if I ask how old they are?” Shannon asked me with a smile.

The waiter from the ‘Southern Grill Restaurant’ grabbed the appropriate number of menus plus two, and took us back to our table in the back so as not to be disturbed while we ate.

We all took off our jackets and we hung them up in the nearby closet before we sat. I walked around the large table and placed my bag on the edge when I was startled by the chair being pulled out from behind me so that I could sit. I tilted my head to the right and noticed the bright hazel eyes that met mine as he slid the chair slowly in while I sat down. A true southern gentleman, I had to smile at that.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Leto,” I said. “And to answer your question from before, yes, my son Jake is going to be 18 and my daughter Marguerite is 20. Mags attends NYU art school right now, and is actually going to be joining us for lunch with her roommate, and Jake is a Senior in H.S. this yr. So he won’t be here obviously.” I said with a huge grin spread across my face. Whenever I spoke of my children, I couldn’t help the pride that would pour from every part of my being. It just happened. They are everything to me.

“Oh, and please stop calling us by Mr. It makes us feel fucking old as shit. Except when absolutely required of course,” Shannon whispered into my ear before walking away to have a seat next to me. I nodded back to him in response, letting him know that I completely understood.

“Didn’t Mr. G also say it’s your birthday today?” Jared asked with a goofy smile.

“Yeah, unfortunately.”

Shannon sat there with a questioning look on his beautiful face, but said nothing. Almost like he knew, I didn’t really want to answer, or that the answer would be too much. He was the type that liked to sit back and observe and take things in. Something I can appreciate. I absolutely hate being the center of attention. He is very intelligent but he only seems to talk when its necessary. At least that’s the vibe I am getting, I couldn’t put my finger on it. He is a prankster, partier, and playboy from what I have heard, and It scared me. Is it a good way or bad way, I haven’t decided yet. Jury is still out on the brothers…

“What do you mean by that if you don’t mind me asking?” Tomo asked along with Jared.

“Let’s just say, my birthday is not something I care to celebrate or remember and leave it at that.” I must have said it with a bit more sadness in my voice than intended, because the looks I received were not what I had expected from those around me. So I smiled to try and lighten the mood.

“Well, first of all, you don’t look like you could be anywhere near old enough to have kids as old as you have.” Ryan said in his slightly raspy voice and a smile on his face. I admit, he has a great voice, and I really do love their music. I know they will make it big when they hit their stride.

“Thanks for that, Ryan, I appreciate it, I think. I still can’t believe I have kids as old as they are. Now that’s depressing.” I hung my and shook it slowly more to myself than anyone else.
“Like I said, you just don’t look like you could have kids that old.”

CRACK!!! Jared and Shannon both managed to swat poor Ryan upside the head and in the arm at the same time. I actually might have choked on my water if I had been drinking it. It was really fucking funny. I mean part of me felt bad for the guy, but then again, it was just plain funny. Ryan sat there dumbfounded and the rest of the group was hysterical laughing.

“Seriously ass! Do you not have any manners at all? Didn’t your mom ever teach you not to talk about a lady and her age, ever? Idiot! Now apologize to the lady, and mean it!” Jared all but growled.

His band mates sat there with huge ass smiles on their faces as the poor kid was scolded and told about the dos and don’ts of manners by his idols. I could do nothing but sit and wait for his apology, while trying not to smile.

“Ms. Cahrter, I am really very sorry. I meant no disrespect to you or your kids, or to insinuate that your age be anything other than very, very young. You are really fucking hot and if I was a little older I would so do,” THWACK!!! Another smack to the back of Ryan’s head. “Owwwww! Fucking hell dude, that mother fucking hurt!”

“Finish that statement muddafugga and you’ll be eating lunch through a straw. Do we understand each other?” The older Leto brother growled.

“Yes sir. Sorry sir. Sorry ma’am.”

“Not a big deal, really. I am just fine.” I had to chuckle at them. What a crew they all were together. This was turning out to be one of the more enjoyable babysitting details I have had to do in a long ass time, I was really enjoying myself. That’s a first.

“Hey, Birthday Girl!” Was yelled from the front door and I looked up at that, seeing my beautiful daughter walking towards the back of the building with her roomie in tow. When she caught sight of whom I was sitting with, I think I might just have seen the biggest smile to ever exist on her incredible face.

The rest of lunch went amazingly well, great conversation, lots of laughter and time flew by so quickly. Not only was MJ able to talk with Jared, Tomo and Shannon about music and art but they just talked about life and things they all had in common. We joked around, talked about Louisiana, how I was from there and I had family that still lived there, the things we missed about home. It was a great lunch. Julie was a bit star struck and didn’t say a whole lot, and Kym was her loud, energetic self. She, Tomo and Jared got along really well. It was nice to sit back relax, and just watch them all interact together. I do believe this is what normal is, or at least what normal can be like, and I love it. I would love more of it. Lunch was over and MJ and Julie started to say their goodbyes to everyone while making our way to the front of the restaurant. MJ ended up hitting it off with Evan and they exchanged numbers agreeing to text or call later on in the week and try to get together while he was still in NY. They actually were very cute together, I had to admit. I hate to admit I really enjoyed this lunch and was disappointed to be heading to the front door so soon. The second we left the front door and went to go find the girls a cab, I felt the change in the air, all the hairs on my neck and arms stood on end, as did Mags. I stopped short in my tracks and started to look around slowly out of the corners of my eyes. No, this could not be happening today. He’s around, I could feel him there, watching in the shadows, lurking somewhere. Not good. I was trying desperately to keep my shit together, but this was not an easy task given the situation. The only thing I wanted to do was to get the girls the fuck out of there and safely on their way back to campus. The next thing I knew, a pair of blue eyes were standing just below mine as her hair was whirling around her face in the breeze, concern etched all over her beautiful features.

“Mom, what is it? Did you see him, did he do something today that you didn’t tell me? Please, you are freaking me out. Your hands are shaking.” I hadn’t even realized that she had taken my hands at the time. I wasn’t even aware of the men surrounding me with concern all over their faces. Kym had a cell phone to her ear already, probably calling the studio to give a heads up and check in. I don’t fuck around when I get these feelings. You never know when it could end up badly or end up being nothing at all. Though I would prefer the latter, we all would.

“No, I didn’t see him, just had that feeling since I was on my way to work this morning. I’m sorry, it’s probably nothing, and you need to get going. Call me the second you get to class ok? Stay together you two! Be safe ok. I love you.” I was trying really hard to stay positive and not scare the guys any more than I had probably done already. Shit I had fucked up.

“Kym, what did they say?” Mags asked.

“No sign, but we need to get back.” She smiled back.

The guys stood around in slight confusion, with Shannon not leaving my side and promising Mags we would get back safely.

“Thank you. You don’t have to do this, and you have no idea what you are getting
involved with, but my mom is my world, so please, just make sure you get her back safely.”

“That’s a promise. And I am not worried about an explanation right now; let’s just get back to the studio.”

With that, we packed the girls up in a hailed cab and sent them on their way. The guys decided that given the circumstances we would do the same instead of taking the short walk back to the studio. With the number of people in our group we would have to take 2 taxis, but Shannon said he didn’t want to take any chances and they others agreed.

“I have a fucking crazy ex-husband who used me as his own personal punching bag, and nearly killed me on more than one occasion. He loves to make re-appearances on special occasions to make my life a living fucking nightmare. It just never seems to end.” I spoke out loud in the cab, I don’t know if I was saying it to Shannon, Jared or to myself, but it was out there as a reminder once again of what I have gone through. With that he put a muscular arm over my shoulder in a protective fashion. That was the first time a man has done that in a very long time. Kym noticed the small action from the front seat of the taxi and gave a small nod in approval and faced forward once again.

When we reached the office and went upstairs, I noticed security standing around my desk; I knew that my best friend had not told me everything outside the restaurant. I turned to look at her and pleaded with my eyes to answer my unasked question. Because right at that moment, I could not find the words to ask what was going on in my head.

“Eliza, I am sorry, I just didn’t want to say anything in front of the girls or freak them out any more than they were. You had a delivery, of sorts I guess.” She said to me in a small voice.

I walked slowly towards my desk and around the back where my chair was situated and saw a very large white box sitting there. Mr. Grant was also standing there with security, and had offered to take me somewhere else, but I didn’t answer him. I briefly heard him ask the guys if they would like to be excused to the conference room to continue the meeting when I heard,” Fuck you if you think I am leaving her with this fucking mess right now. I am not leaving her side, do you understand me?” Shannon growled.

“We aren’t going anywhere either. So forget it,” Was chorused by the rest.
I reached out very, very slowly towards the box as if it might explode at the slightest touch and began to pull the top half of the box off so that I could see what was inside, though deep inside I really didn’t want to know.

Pulling the top off, there was a black envelope sitting on top of the folded white tissue paper. I picked the envelope up, gently sliding the note from within the confines of the envelope and began to read the handwriting I knew. David.

My Lovely Eliza-

You are looking even more beautiful today on your birthday than you did yesterday. As I told you the last time we spoke, you are mine, and no one else will have you, ever. I will do whatever it is I have to do, to get you back and make our life together the perfection I know it has the potential to be. As always, I will be watching.

Love and Devotion always-

“Is he fucking serious?” Kym said from next to me.

“Always has been.”

Slowly I reached into the box and began to pull away the white tissue paper to reveal what was hidden beneath…. Then my heart dropped.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update! :) A cliffhanger too! Bahahahaha! Hope you are enjoying the story so far, please leave me comments and subscribe! It makes me happy to see what y'all think. :D

Oh, and I have a new story layout! Huge thanks to the amazing for designing my banner .Thank you so much Whitney! I am still having issues with the title placement, but when it's figured out, it will look perfect! I love it so much! She has amazing stuff, so check out her website. :)

If you have never heard of Endless Hallway before, you should definitely check them out. Their music is amazing and their live shows are just as great!! <3