Status: TY <3 <3 <3 2 Subscribers means so much to me! - Lexi

Save You

If it takes me forever, I just want you to know

The brown eyed boy lifted the boy gently, laying him down when they got to his little cottage, which was surprisingly equipped with modern amenities. "can you tell me your name? " The brown haired boy asked, the blue eyed boy still shaky.

"Joshua. Josh mostly." The blue eyed boy said." Josh Ramsay, if you want to get into technical terms."

The brown haired man nodded, " I'm Pierre. No need for last names, Josh." He sighed, brushing the blue hair out of the boy's eyes. "You have nice eyes, by the way."

The blue eyed boy blushed, his eyes almost sparkling. "Thankyou." He was too baffled. A hunter usually called him a freak of natur,e not saying he had nice eyes. Blue eyed vampires were rare for one reason only: most hunters wanted to use them for their own sick games. He was almost neraly a victim of one.

Pierre heard footsteps, turning tot he door. "You gotta hide." Pierre said, his voice smooth, trying to calm the blue eyed boy down. The blue eyed boy obeyed, hiding, his pale skin contrasting, it seemed as though he had strange marks, like tattoos. one was on his left arm and one on his right.
♠ ♠ ♠
A million thank yous to my 2 subscribers.
You are perfect and no one can say anything less.
BTW, what are your first names : ) I need some extra vampires for a later part!