Status: completed

Ariel's Tree

The new kid

Things began to get even weirder around here. I asked my mom about the tree but she said she had no idea what I was talking about. She said I must be crazy. Later that night, my friend Clare called me up:

Clare: Ariel! Guess what?! Oh my god, you'll never guess! I'm so excited! Ahh!

Me: Woah, woah, woah, Clare! Calm down! What is it?

Clare: There's this new guy at school! He's like mega gorgeous! You and him would look so cute together! Let me set you up with him! Please?!

Oh right, I had missed school that day...

Me: Clare. This kid just started going to our school today. You don't know his name and you don't even know what he's like! He could be a total douche just like all the other guys in our school.

Clare: Oh c'mon Ariel! Be optimistic! For me?

Me: I dunno Clare... I mean-

Clare: At least let me invite him to Jason's party on Friday night? Maybe you guys can hit it off then! Please?!

Well... Clare is my best friend and I'd hate to let her down but-

Me: Alright.

Wait... Did I just say that?! No, no no! I take it back! Wait!

Clare: Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you Ariel! You're the best!

Me: Yeah, yeah, yeah, love you too. I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone with Clare, I began to feel nervous and uneasy. I've been to tons of parties like these before but something about meeting this strange new guy made me nervous.


The bell rang. Of course I was late to class... again. Luckily for me, the teacher hadn't started the lesson yet so I slipped in through the door and slid into my seat next to Clare. I pulled out my barely done homework and tried to finish as much as possible before my teacher collected it.
"Class!" She said.
"God dammit, woman!" I thought to myself.
She continued on "Class, your attention please! I would like you all to meet our new student, Trevor!"
"Alright, last number." I thought while trying to concentrate on finishing my homework. Meanwhile, next to me, Clare was having a spaz attack and was hitting my arm and covering her mouth so she wouldn't scream in excitement.
"Ariel! Ariel!" She half-whispered, while attempting to hold herself back.
What?!" I almost screamed back at her.
"Look! That's him!"
I looked up at the boy and my heart skipped a beat. My eyes locked with his deep beautiful blue ones. He was absolutely...
♠ ♠ ♠
Another day, another chapter! hope everyone is liking it! please please please read my story and check out my other stories as well! subscribe and comment! if you comment i may mention you in the next author's note and check out your stories, poems or whatever you have posted on here(: