Status: completed

Ariel's Tree

First day

Beautiful. I stood there in front of the class, twenty five people looking at me but all I could focus on was Ariel. She reached back and swept her hair to the side and started stroking it; something she does often. My eyes traced the contours of her perfect lips. "Trevor?" I heard my new name being called and breaking my thoughts.
"What?" I said, snapping out of the trance Ariel had just put me in.
"You may take a seat behind Ariel."
As I made my way back there, I heard some of the girls whispering things about me. Was I really that good looking? Nah... I wasn't even sitting down for two seconds when the girl next to Ariel turned around and started talking to me.
"Hey Trevor! I'm Clare and that's Ariel, my best friend!"
"Clare..." Ariel mumbled.
"Oh hush, Ariel. Anyway, I know you're new here and all so we were wondering if you'd like to go to a party with us on Friday night?"
"Uh, yeah sure." I said, not even knowing what to say.
"Yay! Write down your adress and we'll pick you up."
Clare handed me a small piece of paper. What was I supposed to write down? I didn't have an adress. Thankfully Ariel turned around and said "Here's Jason's address. Just meet us there, ok?"
"Y-Yeah, alright."
That was a close one.
School was so different. I didn't understand anything the teachers were saying. Once school was finally over, I had a bigger problem to deal with. Where was I supposed to live now? I can't live with Ariel and I can't get my own place...
I wandered along in the woods behind Ariel's house when I came across the perfect place to live. When Ariel was little, her dad built her a little play house. I walked over to the small white house and walked up the steps. I placed a hand on the door but before I could open it, someone called out "Oakie? Bro, is that you?" I turned around to see a guy standing there who I didn't recognize. Nobody called me Oakie except... "Willow?"
"Yeah it's me, dude! Look at us! We're human!"
"But how did you-"
"The witch woman in the forest! I followed you over there and when I saw you come out human I knew what you were up to. I couldn't let you go through this alone."
"You're awesome. Really."
"Oh, I know. So, this is where we're living?"
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for my commenters 'Billie Joe' and 'Faerey Blood Buddy' and of course my good friend 'CSLanturn' (: you guys are the best! keep commenting and subscribing and reading! It makes me happy!