Status: completed

Ariel's Tree

The party

It was the night of the party and I was not at all ready for this. Clare came by around seven and we got ready together. We got to the party around eight-thirty. "Do you see Trevor?" Clare asked as she looked around. I looked around too but I didn't see him.
"No. I don't see him." Clare and I wandered around a little. I was surprisingly disappointed that Trevor wasn't there.

***************************************** (Tree's P.O.V)

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "What's that?" Willow asked.
"I dunno. Let me see." I said as I unfolded the paper. There was an address on it. I soon realized what the address was for. "The party! Damn it! I totally forgot!"
"What party?! I like parties! Can we go?! Please?!"
"I don't know. It might be too late now."
"Let's just go check it out. Please?! Can we?!"
"Alright, fine."
Willow and I made our way over to the house. There were tons of cars outside the house and the music was pounding through the open windows.
"Looks like it's not too late after all!" Willow exclaimed. We walked up to the door. I took a deep breath and turned the door knob.

****************************************** (Ariel's P.O.V)

"He's still not here yet?" Clare shouted over the loud music.
"I haven't seen him." I answered disappointedly.
"Well let's walk around one more time. Maybe he slipped in and we didn't notice. There's a lot of people here anyway."
I knew it was hopeless but I went along anyway. We entered the living room and the front door opened. I saw Trevor walk in and instant butterflies hit my stomach.
"Look! There he is! Ooh and he brought a friend!" Clare informed me. I didn't even notice the other guy with him because I was too focused on Trevor. Clare waved the guys over. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as they got closer and closer. I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing but it was no use.
"Hey Trevor!" Clare said, "We're glad you could make it! Ariel was worried you weren't going to make it."
"Shut up Clare." I mumbled under my breath, giving her a little nudge. He looked at me and smiled. I almost melted. His smile was perfect.
"Oh yeah, this is my friend." He said, breaking my day dream which made me miss most of the conversation that just occured. I looked over at Clare and she had that look in her eye that told me she liked Trevor's friend.
"Well, Ariel, say hi to your date for this evening!" Clare said, nudging me towards Trevor.
"Um... H-Hi." I stuttered.
He gave me a sweet smile and said " Hey there."
"Well, you're coming with me. I want to get to know you more and give these two some time alone." Clare said to Trevor's friend while linking arms with him and taking him away. I watched Clare walk away and then my eyes dropped to the floor. I thought I had heard him say something so I looked up at that perfect face but that's when our eyes met. At that moment in time, everyone in the room seemed to fade into the background. All the noise diminished and it felt like we were the only two people in the room.
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i wish i had more readers but thanks to the people who are reading it(: i know it's not one of my best but it was one i had to write. be sure to check out some of my other stories too!