Status: completed

Ariel's Tree

Seven minutes in heaven

I was having a pretty good time with Ariel but she seemed quiet. Maybe she was just nervous. "Hey there, you two!" Clare sang out. We turned around and saw her standing there with Willow.
"What's going on Clare?" Ariel asked.
"I have a little surprise for you!"
"Oh no..."
"Just come on!"
Clare took Ariel and me by the hands and pulled us through the crowds of people as Willow struggled to follow behind. We stopped in front of a door and everyone seemed to know what was happening besides me.
"Clare..." Ariel groaned.
Clare opened the closet door and pushed us inside. "Seven minutes on the clock! No coming out until time's up! I'll be standing in front of the door." Clare shouted out.
Oh, I know what this is. It was that thing called seven minutes in heaven. I'm not too sure how much I like this.

~Ariel's P.O.V~

Clare is so dead when I get out of here. I looked over at Trevor. He looked just as awkward as I must've looked. "I'm sorry about Clare. She can get kind of out of hand at times." I said to him even though he didn't seem to be listening.
"Yeah, it's alright. Willow can be the same way," He said in return.
I figured Willow must be Trevor's friend. We stood there in silence for the longest time. I wanted to say something but I was just too mad at Clare and I knew I might snap at him on accident if I did say something. I could tell he wanted to say something too but he was the shy type. He ran a hand through his dark brown hair and I realized I was starting to like him. That made me absolutley terrified. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, Clare opened the door and let us out.
"You're. Dead." I said to her. She just smiled and nodded. "We're leaving. Now." I took vuher by the wrist and started pulling her away with me. "Wait, wait!" She shouted.
"What? I'd like to go home now so I can strangle you."
"Let's say goodbye to the boys."
We walked over to the boys.
"Sorry guys. We're gonna get going now. Ariel, say good bye." Clare gave me a little poke.
"Bye." I stated. I turned around sharply and stormed out the door. I got out into the cool night air broke into a run towards the car. Clare brought me home and I ran up to my room. I thought over what had happened and realized how stupid I had been. I just made myself look like a complete idiot in front of this guy who I may potentially like. I had to think of a way to redeem myself. I knew exactly the perfect thing. The Sadie Hawkins dance.


~Tree's P.O.V~

What had happened that night? I thought she liked me and then all of a sudden she just turned all bitchy. I really hope I didn't blow my chance. I knew I should've made a move or said something when we were locked in the closet. Willow started telling me about Ariel's friend, Clare. He said they had a lot in common and he was starting to like her.
"Things with you and Ariel need to work out so things with me and Clare can work out too." Willow said. I knew I had to make it up to her somehow.
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sorry i havent updated! the play i'm in right now is driving me up a wall and i seriously have had no time to even think for myself. I also lost my notebook last night and almost had a stroke because I lost it. I legit almost died. But i found it so everything is all good. Thats the last time I let that thing out of my sight. but anyway thanks for keeping up with this for those of you that have. go make me happy and get me some readers, commenters and subscirbers! love you guys(: