Status: completed

Ariel's Tree

Will you go with me?

The Sadie Hawkins dance was the only other chance I had. I still had all weekend to get up the courage but my nerves were getting to me and I began to get anxious. I decided to call Clare and tell her what was up:

Me: Clare, I have a situation...

Clare: 'Situations are irrelevant now!' I'm sorry... I had to...

Oh Clare... Always making Ronnie Radke song references. I couldn't help but laugh which eased the nerves a little.

Me: Alright but in all seriousness, I need some advice.

Clare: About? Is it Trevor?! It's Trevor, isn't it!? I knew you would start to like him eventually!

Me: Ok, ok, yes! I like Trevor, ok? I want to ask him to the dance. What do you think? How should I do it?

Clare: Yes! Do it! That's perfect! Just go up to him tomorrow in the hall way and ask him. He'll say yes, don't worry! He likes you! Willow told me so.

Me: He does?! You're sure?!

Clare: Yes! Go get him! I'll be there for moral support. I'll see you tomorrow!

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I was too worried about seeing Trevor and asking him to the dance. I made a deal with Clare. If I asked Trevor, she would ask Willow. I got to school, met up with Clare and started wandering the halls looking for Trevor and Willow. We saw them at Trevor's locker and I immediately began to feel uneasy. "There they are! Let's go!" Clare encouraged. I unwillingly made my way over to them with her. "Don't worry about a thing." Clare tried to reassure me. "The worst thing that could happen is he says no. But he won't don't worry!"
I just had to believe her. "Hey girls, what's going on?" Willow greeted us. My eyes were locked on Trevor the whole time. I saw him pull out a small black box and then slam his locker.
"Well, go ahead Ariel. Ask him!" Clare gave me a little push towards him.
"Ask me what?"
I can't do this... I'm so shy with everybody. Alright, suck it up and do it.
"Oh, um... Well I was just wondering if... if you would go to the dance with me?" I tried to say it as fast as I possibly could.
"Oh." Was all he said at first and I knew he was going to say no. "Yes, I'd love to go with you, Ariel!"
"It's fine, I knew I shouldn't have- Wait. Did you just say yes?!"
I was so excited that I couldn't even contain myself. I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
"I also wanted to give you this." he continued to say as he pulled away. He handed the little black box to me and said he was sorry about Friday night. I smiled and opened the box. As I looked down at the contents of the box, my smile faded and my jaw dropped to the floor. I couldn't believe what was inside.
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so i recently got a not so nice comment on this story so to that person: you suck. honestly i don't care what you think. i wrote this for fun, not for criticism and I'm not trying to be perfect. I'm only 16 years old, give me a break. i tried taking a new perspective on a character just to see what it would be like and if you don't like that then don't read the story. its as simple as that. I normally don't write in first person either. This is the first time I've tried writing in first person. obviously, there's need for improvement, I'm human; I'm not perfect. nobody is but that doesn't mean you can just go ahead and point that out for me. i skimmed the comment because it was basically useless. i write because its better than self harming which i used to do so i suggest you just back off and critique someone else. good to know you find nothing good about it. too bad i don't give a shit. this story obviously means something to some people and they've told me that. so bye mean commenter and have a nice life.