May The Rain Fall Softly

May The Rain Fall Softly

I remember when I was a little kid my grandmother would ask me, "Do you believe in fairy tales, Spencer?"

And I'd say, "Yes, grandma."

Then she'd smile, give me some candy, and then tell me a fairy tale I had never heard before. She would do that every time I'd see her.

Then as I got older I stopped believing in the fairy tales, like all children do.

Then one day towards the end of my grandmother's life I was visiting her because I knew she wouldn't be around for much longer.

And once again she asked me, "Do you still believe in fairy tales?"

I smiled, but I shook my head, "No grandma, I don't."

She sighed heavily and gave me this really disappointed look. Like I had just told her I was a meth addict.

I never did find out why she was so disappointed in the fact that I didn't believe in fairy tales. She passed away a half hour later.

I had asked my mother about the disappointed look once.

"Your grandmother was always a little bit loopy when it came to fairy tales," Is all she said.

I shook my head a few times, bringing myself back into reality.

I sighed heavily as I looked up at the dark gray sky. It was only two in the afternoon, but it felt like it was six since the sky was so dark.

I stepped out of my apartment and headed down the empty sidewalk. No one wants to walk in this weather. No one, but me.

See, I loved weather like this. I always thought the best while walking in the rain.
It wasn't raining yet, but I knew it would be within minutes.

I stared at my feet as I walked.

One step.
Two step.
Three step.
Four step.

BAM! I collided with someone and fell onto my butt. And just then the clouds decided to give into the temptation. Rain poured down and soaked me within seconds.

I looked over at the girl sitting on the concrete, staring up at the sky with a small smile on her face.

She was dressed rather oddly.

Her hair was black with some lime green pokadots here and there. And I must say it was extremely choppy and poorly cut. Upon her head she wore a plastic, Barbie tiara.
Her eyeliner was running down her face at rapid speeds, but she didn't seem to care.
She wore a white, extremely old looking shirt that said, 'The Cure' on it, along with Robert Smith's face. She wore a long sleeved rainbow shirt under her other one and so many jelly bracelets and bangles.Then she was wearing a lime green tu-tu. One leg had black and white stripped stockings, covered with fishnets and the other leg had just fishnets.
And lastly she was wearing bright pink Converse.

I stood up and walked over to her, "Hello?"

She stared up at me with this dazed smile on her face, "Hello there."

Her smile reminded me of someone.

"Sorry for running into you."

"Oh, it's fine. That happens sometimes."

"Need help getting up?" I asked her.

She giggled, yes giggled at me. <br>

"No," she said, "I'm just fine down here."

"Oh," I replied, "Well, then I guess I'll be on my way."

She pouted, "But it's such a lovely day. Won't you join me?"

I shrugged, "Why not?" I then sat back down next to her.

She smiled at me and then went back to watching the sky.

"I'm Spencer," I told her.

She looked back at me and smiled that dazed smile of hers, "I know. You're from Panic! At The Disco."

I laughed; sometimes I forget I'm famous.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"You can call me Lizzy."

She then whispered, "And I'ma princess."

"A princess?"

She nodded rapidly.

And then it hit me, she reminded me of my grandmother. Her smile was so much like my grandmother's and their eyes sparkled the same way when they said, "Princess."

"Spencer," she whispered.


"Why dont you believe in fairy tales anymore?"

My eyes grew wide, how did she know I didn't believe in them anymore?

I looked back over at where she was sitting and saw she was no longer there. I glanced around and didn't see her anywhere.

"Lizzy?" I yelled.

I then heard footsteps coming towards me, from behind, so I turned around really fast.


Ryan gave me this confused look, "Who's Lizzy?"

"Did you see a girl just now?" I asked.

Ryan shook his head, "No, dude, you've been sitting here for the past half hour, talking to yourself. I was just out walking, enjoying the rain and then I see you sitting here. So I decide to be a creep and watch you to see why you're sitting here, like this."

I let out a shaky sigh and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked.

I just nodded.

Then I remembered my grandmother's name was Elizabeth and when she was younger she went by Lizzy.

Ryan walked me back to my apartment, "So why were you sitting out there?"

I smiled and for a second it felt like my grandmother's smile, "Just enjoying a beautiful day."

Ryan looked at me funny, but let it go, "Okay, see ya."

I waved bye to him and then walked into my apartment.

The first thing I did was I walked over to a picture of my grandmother and I from when I was a kid and dusted off the thin layer of dust that was on it.

"I do believe, grandma."
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