It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

I Think I'm Paranoid

Raven's P.O.V.
"Mommy," Vivica said after what had been...I don't really know how long. I really didn't care either.

I lifted my head from Zacky's chest. I saw his shirt was soaked with my tears. I silently apologized then looked down at Vivica. "Yes honey?"

"I'm tired." She started rubbing her tiny fist in one of her eyes then laid her head back on my side. Damion, who was on my other side, had his head in my lap and was about to pass out as well. I smiled and picked them both up. I laid them on one of the boys' beds and sat down on the edge.

Zacky walked over and sat down next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "We should probably head downstairs soon."

I nodded. I knew he was right. I'm sure everyone wanted to know why I turned up at one of my best friend's house with a dog, two screaming kids, a black eye, and a slice across my back. They deserved an explanation. They were all my friends and they cared about me.

Once the twins were asleep, I rose from the bed and went downstairs. Brian and Rachel were on the couch with the boys sitting in front of them watching T.V. When Zacky and I entered the living room, Rachel looked up at us and said, "Chase, Kendall, go on up to bed now."

"Aw mom do we have to?" Chase, the eldest, whined.

"Yes." They both reluctantly gave her a hug goodnight then headed upstairs. Rachel turned off the T.V. "So, what happened Raven?"

I sighed and plopped down in a nearby chair. "Lance happened that's what." The sadness from earlier was replaced with rage again. "I was going to confront him about the conversation I had heard but apparently he had something to say to me first. Somehow, he found out about Zacky and started asking me about him. I told him the truth and that I was ending it. He went crazy and chased me with a knife." I had to stop because now I felt tears again. God, I feel bipolar.

"So, he wanted to kill you because you were doing exactly what he was? What a hypocrite," Rachel said shaking her head.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"What are you going to do now Ra?" Brain asked.

I hadn't thought about that. What was I going to do. I obviously couldn't stay here; especially not after this. Lance's threat still rang clearly through my mind and made me cringe. I pushed it away. "I'm not sure."

"I say you should call the cops," Rachel suggested. "Get that bastard arrested. He definitely deserves it now. You can stay here as long as you need to too."

"I don't know if I can." Not that I didn't want him arrested; it was just I wasn't sure if I could tell the police what had happened without completely breaking down and blubbering. "Physically I mean, "I added after seeing Rachel's confused/disgusted look.

"Then I'll do it for you. You and Zacky can stay in the guest room tonight, if Zacky planned on staying."

I sighed. When Rachel's mind was made up, there was no use in trying to change it. "Okay, thanks Rach."

She smiled and went to get the phone. Brian got up and gave me a hug, then followed Rachel. I got up from the chair I was in and headed for the stairs with Zacky following me. I looked into Chase and Kendall's room to check on Vivica and Damion. I saw they were both still sound asleep and closed the door.

Once in the guest room, I sat down on the bed. I'm starting to get worried. What if Lance comes here and kills all of us in our sleep or something? Was he serious when he said he was going to kill us? I pulled my knees into my chest and hugged them.

"Zacky, I'm worried," I told him finally.

"About what?"

I hesitated. I didn't want to worry him more but he needed to know. "Lance said he wanted to kill us. And by us I mean me, the kids, and even you." Tears burned my eyes again but I forced them back.

Zacky sat down next to me. "Come back to California with me."

"What would that do?" I asked, my voice rising in an uncontrolled anger. I got up and walked to the window. "Everywhere I go, trouble seems to follow me."

I didn't hear Zacky get up and the next thing I knew I was in his arms facing him. "Raven, I'm tired of seeing you get hurt and doing nothing about it. I'm done just watching. I'm going to help in any way possible."

The tears I had fought earlier were now flooding my eyes and trailing down my cheeks. I laid my head against Zacky's chest.

"Raven, I love you more than anything."

I squeezed him and whispered, "I love you too."

Zacky lifted my chin and placed a small kiss on my lips. I returned it gratefully and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I pulled away when I heard someone clear their throat in the doorway. I looked over and saw Rachel. "The cops said they'll send someone over there to get him and tomorrow their coming here to talk to you."

"Okay, thanks again Rachel." She smiled and shut the door.

Zacky and I decided to go to bed after Rachel had left. I stripped down to my underwear and slipped into the bed next to him. Zacky wrapped his arms protectively around me and I cuddled as close to him as I could.

I was almost afraid to fall asleep because I didn't know what would happen. If something happened to anyone: Vivica, Damion, Zacky, Brian, or Rachel, I would never be able to live with myself. Why do I always seem to drag the people I care about into all these bad situations?
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go. I'm not sure when I'll get the next one out. I'm not exactly sure what I want to happen just yet.

I have a feeling this weeks going to suck so make me feel better and comment?

M. Vengeance