It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Things That go Bump in the Night


I awoke to the sound of footsteps sometime later. I looked around the room then down at the bed and saw Zacky wasn't next to me. Being paranoid already, I panicked and jumped out of bed.

I quietly opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. The hallway was somehow different. It seemed...almost eerie, like something was just waiting for me... I dismissed the thought, figuring it was just my paranoia acting up.

I looked down the hallway toward the kids' room and saw the light on. I sighed in relief; Zacky must have gotten up to check on the twins.

I picked up my pace as I neared the door then stopped suddenely. An awful smell filled my nostrils and made me gag slightly. It was like the smell of rotting, decaying flesh.

My heart rate probably jumped to 100 miles an hour. I slowly inched my way to the door again and heard cackling from inside. It was triumphant, as if whoever it was had accomplished some evil, sinister deed.

Courage finally awakened in me and I took the last few quick steps to the doorway, bracing myself for what I might see. All the bracing in the world couldn't have prepared me for what I saw.

The first thing to catch my eye was the crimson blood splattered everywhere. I felt my insides tighten. I let my gaze follow one of the trails of blood which led me to Damion's tiny, now lifeless body. He was slit open from his small neck to his belly button and his entrails were hanging out. A small shriek erupted from my lips but I couldn't move. Fear had paralyzed me.

A few feet away, Vivica's body was strewn in much the same fasion as Damion's. This couldn't fucking be happening. It was so unreal.

Movement from the other side of the room made me jerk my head in that direction. Lance was kneeling over Zacky's body with a knife held in his hand. Zacky's neck was slit open and blood was spewing out of it. His eyes were rolled back only showing the whites.

I must have shrieked again because Lance turned his head in my direction. A grin spread across his face when his eyes took me in. It was one of the most horrifying, wicked grins I had ever witnessed. "Ah, Raven. So glad you cold join us. You're just in time for the big finale."

I wanted to scream anything that came to mind at him. But, I couldn't. My throat seemed to have closed and my mouth seemed sewn shut.

Lance slowly slid the blade down Zacky's chest to his stomach. Blood trickled off the sides of the blade as he did so. Once he was finished, Lance discarded Zacky's body near Vivica and Damion's and started toward me.

My mouth finally over came it's supressor and I let out a blood curdling scream. "WHY ARE YOU FUCKING DOING THIS TO ME?!?" I yelped taking a few steps forward, barely realizing I was walking. "THEY DID NOTHING TO YOU!"

He let out that hideous cackle again and I gritted my teeth. "I'm only giving you the fate a whore like you deserves." His reply was way too calm and i hated it.

"You're a fucking bastard!" The words were flying out of me without control. Tears started to fall from my cheeks and hit the ground. He started advancing again and I lost every ounce of courage and started backing away. I hit the wall and knew it was all over.

Finally, Lance lunged at me, that knife held out and pointed at my chest. I took a deep breath, let out a scream, and waited for impact.
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And that's all for tonight! Tell me what you think!

Yeah I ended up having to retype this because my internet went wacko so you should really comment and make me not so mad...

M. Vengeance