It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It


Zacky and I shared indescribable looks. An alarm suddenly went off in my head; I had to move. I jumped off the bed with Vivica in my arms. "Zacky, I need you to stall Lance for me and don't let him hurt Damion."

"Good, I'm ready to give that cock sucker what he deserves." He started to leave but I pulled him by the arm into an urgent, breath taking kiss as if this could be the last one. "Be careful," I told him. Zacky smiled and ran out of the room. I followed but went in the opposite direction toward Rachel's room.

The light in Rachel's room was on and when I walked in I saw Brian getting ready to leave the room and Rachel was on the bed with Chase and Kendall clinging to her for protection.

Brian looked at me when I walked in. "I'm guessing you know what all this fuss is about?" I nodded in response. "Well, I'm going down there to get his sorry ass out of here."

I almost protested but then thought against it. I was probably going to need all the help I could get. "Okay, I'll be down there in a minute. Zacky should be down there already." Brian hurried passed me and I turned to Rachel.

She got up and put her arms out to Vivica. Vivica hesitantly climbed into her outstretched arms. "I'll take care of these guys," Rachel stated. "I just wish you would stay up here too though. It's going to be dangerous. He wants you dead after all."

"Rachel, I have to. This is my battle and I'm not just going to let Zacky and Brian fight it for me. I got them into this and it's not fair if i let them take care of my problem. Besides, Damion's my son."

Rachel shook her head. "You are way too brave, Ra. I don't think I'd be able to go through with something like this."

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to do this stuff...

I smiled half-heartedly at her then bent down to talk to Vivica. "Be good for Rachel honey." I kissed the top of her head and left the room, closing the door behind me.

Zacky's P.O.V.
I got down the stairs just as Lance was starting to open the front door. He was holding Damion in his arms. Damion was screaming bloody murder and pounding his little fists on Lance's back. Looks like my son's a fighter.

There was no way I was going to let that waste of space and human life get away with my son. Without even warning him, I threw myself down the remaining stairs and punched him in the lower back. I didn't want to do anything that might hurt Damion as well.

Lance cried out in pain and shock and flipped around to face me. I saw there was dried blood against his skull and smirked. "Did your ex-fiance do that to you?" I asked him mockingly.

He growled. "You're that guy Raven's been fucking aren't you?"

"I'd prefer it if you didn't use such language around my son. And yeah actually. But, unlike you, it was one night." Then, to add effect, I added, "It was a pretty amazing night too."

Lance gritted his teeth. "She would go after something like you."

I ignored him. "Now, I think you should hand my son over and leave quietly or you will regret ever meeting me."

He laughed a laugh that sounded on the verge, if not already there, of craziness. "Hell no! Damion here is my bait to get to your precious Raven."

"You fucking son of a bitch!" I began to throw a punch into his face but he held up Damion in front of it. I barely stopped myself before I socked my son in the face. Lance let out that high, insane cackle again.

"Look at that weakling, Zack. He has to hide behind a little kid." Brian walked up beside me and crossed his arms. "Looks to me like you're outnumbered now buddy."

I felt a tap on my back and someone whisper, "Cover me." Brian must have heard Raven's order because he started trying to distract Lance so he wouldn't look at us.

"You know Lance, only cowards hide behind a kid so they won't get hurt," Brian jeered. Raven and I started making our way to a point where she could carry out her plan.

"I don't see why you like Raven anyway. You're probably a gay, cock sucker." I was surprised at how well this was working. Lance hadn't taken his glare from Brian for a second.

"Okay, that's good," Raven breathed. I stopped and watched her slip out from behind me and behind the angry Lance.

"I bet you'd rather take it up the ass anyday," insulted Brian. Just as soon as the words had left his mouth, Raven flung her arms around Lance's neck in a chokehold. Lance dropped Damion in shock and he hit the ground with a thud. I saw Raven's eyes squeeze shut in a silent apology.

I took advantage of the moment and scooped Damion up. He was still screaming, but I found he wasn't hurt too bad. He would just probably have a few bruises.

"You fucking bitch," Lance gasped.

Raven grinned. "Yeah, and don't you forget it." She squeezed causing him to choke and make gagging noises, then let up. Obviously, she was going to torture him. He definitely deserved it.

I decided I had better take Damion upstairs; he didn't need to watch this. I turned around and headed up the stairs. As I walked, I smiled to myself knowing we had the upper hand.

Hopefully, that wouldn't change.
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There you go! Sorry for the cliffhanger again it's just I don't want the chapter to grab and I want you to keep reading:D! So, tell me what you think. Hopefully I'll have the next one up within the next few days.

M. Vengeance