It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Let's Start Over

I hissed and cringed as a paramedic cleaned the injury on my head. He said it wasn't too bad and that the only real thing to worry about was getting light headed on occasion and of course some tenderness. Tenderness I thought was putting it lightly.

Rachel had called the police on her cell phone after she had calmed down from the shock. They had told her that they had tried to call here, but the line came up busy because the line was out. I wondered why they hadn't come here to make sure he hadn't attempted to pursue us. Cops were so stupid sometimes.

I looked down on the floor where Zacky was playing with Vivica and Damion to take my mind off the pain. I was surprised at how quickly the kids had taken to him; usually they were apprehensive about new people. They probably get that from me.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" the paramedic asked me.

"Um..yeah my shoulders. He slammed me against the wall. I don't think anything is broke."

"I'll just check anyway."

"Knock yourself out."

The cop that was in the kitchen talking to Rachel and Brian came into the living room and and sat in the recliner near the couch that paramedic and I were on. "So Raven, you're sort of a hero now, aren't you?"

"I guess so." I winced as the paramedic put pressure on a sensitive spot. "They all helped to though. Even my dog Cerberus." Cerberus, who was lying at my feet, wagged his tail at the mention of his name.

The cop laughed. "Can you tell me what happened? I mean before he came here?"

The paramedic finished up and I pulled the robe Rachel had lent me back over my shoulders. "Well, I found out he was cheating on me yesterday night and was going to confront him about it. Really end the relationship but you get the point. Anyway, he found out that I had cheated too." I saw no point in not telling the whole story.

The cop gave me a look but didn't say anything. So, I pressed on. "He got angry and pulled a knife on me. He chased me up the stairs and I pushed him down, which somehow allowed me to get away and I came here."

The cop stopped to think a minute, then asked, "Has he ever been violent before?"

I shook my head. "No. At least not as long as I've known him. This is the first time he's been aggressive with me."

"He must not like to share. And he sounds like a hypocrite to me. But who knows why people do the things they do."

I looked back down at Vivica and Damion and they were both staring up at me curiously. I smiled at coth of them. "They yours?"


"Cute kids. Well, I better be on my way. Thank you for your cooperation Miss Callister."

"No problem." I watched him, the paramedic, and his partner leave. I laid down on the couch and covered my eyes with my arm. A headache was starting to butt its ugly head in.

"You're a trouble magnet you know that?" Zacky infomed me.

I removed my arm from my eyes and glared at him. "No I had no idea."

He laughed at my sarcasm. "It keeps things interesting though. So, I guess in a way, I kind of like it."

"Well, feel free to take my place anytime you want." I placed my arm back over my eyes to shield them from the light.

"Are you okay?" I nodded in resonse.

I heard Rachel and Brian come in and sit down in some chairs. "Are you going to die Ra?" asked Rachel jokingly.

"Yup. I have seven days to live." She didn't reply so I removed my arm again and looked over at her. Her face was solemn. "I'm kidding Rach."

"Oh," she turned red and took a quick sip out of her coffee cup. I decided to sit up so Zacky could come sit with me. He picked up the kids and placed Damion on my lap.

"So, what now?" Brian questioned.

"Well, I guess I can go home now. But, other than that I don't know." I stroked Damion's hair and he laid against me. The little guy was probably exhausted. I was so glad the two most important people in my life right now were safe.

The four of us talked for a while longer until Damion and Vivica fell asleep. Zacky and I decided to take them upstairs and attempt to get back to sleep. Brian and Rachel bid us good night (even though it was like 3:30 A.M.) and Zacky and I carried our children upstairs.

Once in the room, we found Chase and Kendall had passed out. We quietly crossed the room and gingerly placed Vivica and Damion on the empty bad.

"They're adorable," Zacky breathed as we stood next to the bed watching them. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Just like their mother."

I smiled as he placed a kiss on my neck. "Don't give me that. They're both practically spitting images of you."

"Yeah, but they get the cute genes from you."

I giggled. "Okay Zacky, whatever you say."

The two of us returned to the guest room and cuddled in the bed. Zacky wrapped his arms around me and we sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.



"Come back to California. I know you want to go. We could start over with everything."

I propped myself up on my elbow. "You're not going to give this up, are you?"

He shook his head. "Not until you say you will. Don't make me kidnap you and the kids."

I laughed. "That would get you nowhere. And what about your guys' tour?"

"Damn, forgot about that. Fuck..."

"Here, I'll make you a deal. Finish up the tour, then come back here. That will give me time to think it over and get ready if I decide to go."

He smiled and kissed me affectionately. "Okay, I can live with that."

I laid back down on his chest and attempted to sleep. I really did want to go back with Zacky and start a life with him. I wanted to see if anything had changed and all my old friends there. But, I wasn't sure how the kids would take moving. I don't think it will affect them too much because they're still young but I just don't know. I guess I have a while to think this whole thing over.
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WOO! I don't know when I'll get the next one up. I have an out of town softball game tomorrow and I don't know when I'll be back. But if I can get back earlier enough, I'll try to get the next one up. Comment and tell me what you think!

M. Vengeance