It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Saying Goodbye is Always Hard

I woke up the next morning in the bed alone. I sat up and took a few minutes to get woke up. I looked over at the digital clock on a nightstand and saw it was 11:30. My eyes widened; I hadn't called work. I was so going to get fired!

I leapt out of the bed, threw on my clothes, and flew down the stairs. At the bottom, I had to slow down because I started to get a little light headed. I found Zacky, Rachel, Brian, Vivica, and Damion all in the living room.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty's up," Brian remarked slyly.

I glared at him. "Shut up Brian. Why didn't anyone wake me up? I do have work you know."

Rachel stood up. "Calm down Raven. I called your work and told them what happened last night before I took the kids to school. Everything's fine. Just come sit down."

I sighed in relief and sat next to Zacky on the floor with the kids. Vivica crawled into my lap. "So, when do you guys leave for the next venue?" I asked Brian and Zacky.

"Today," Zacky answered. I looked over at him slightly confused. I figured he would get to stay another day.

"Today?" I repeated.

"Yeah, Matt called and said we had to be back at the bus no later than one."

"Oh," I said flatly.

Zacky wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. "We only have a few more weeks left so I'll be back before you know it. Besides, you're suppose to think about my propostion."

I had almost forgotten about our deal we made last night. I honestly wanted to just say "I want to go more than anything in the world", but knew I should put some thought into it. I didn't want to just jump into this; knowing my luck something weird and unexpected would ruin everything.

"You two going to see us off?" Brian inquired.

Rachel gave him an appaled, shocked look. "Of course we are!" I laughed. I couldn't believe how fast she had fallen for Brian.

A few hours later...
Rachel and I followed Zacky and Brian back to the venue to say goodbye to them. Vivica and Damion were in the back in the carseats Rachel had. I wasn't sure how I was going to explain to them that their dad that they had just met was going to be leaving again.

We arrived at the venue and I get Vivica and Damion out of their seats. Rachel had walked over to Brian and Zacky had come over to us.

"They got cozy quick, didn't they?" Zacky said, indicating Brian and Rachel.

"Yeah they did." I looked over at them and saw Brian peck her on the lips. I smiled to myself. They did look pretty cute together. Too bad he was leaving.

Zacky held out his arms to the kids and they both went to him. "I'm gonna miss you two," he said as he hugged them.

"Daddy leaving?" Damion asked, sadness in his eyes. I automatically felt bad.

"Only for a little bit. Daddy will be back before you know it," Zacky told him.

Vivica stared up at him, the same disappointment in her eyes as her brother's. "Don't leave," she practically demanded.

I decided I had better try to help. "Sweetie, daddy has to. It's for his job. It will only be for a little while."

Tears started to fall from their eyes. I felt absolutely terrible.

Zacky turned both of them to face him. "Here, I'll tell you what; if you two are good for mommy while I'm gone, I'll do whatever you want with you when I get back."

The two smiled a little but still had tears coming out of their eyes. I could tell Zacky was starting to feel as bad as I did. They finally nodded and snuggled their heads into his chest. He kissed them both on top of the head.

Rachel came up a few minutes later and tapped Zacky on the shoulder. He turned to her. "Want me to take them so you two can be alone?"

Zacky looked over at me and I nodded. He handed Rachel the kids and she took them back over to where Brian was standing.

"I'm a terrible father. I spend a few days with my kids and then I have to leave again."

"Zacky, you're not a terrible father. It's not your fault you have to leave." I sighed. "If anything, it's my fault. I should have told you about all this earlier than I did."

"I still feel bad," he stated stubbornly.

"They'll be okay in a little bit. I promise."

Zacky wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. He lifted my head so I was looking him in the eyes. "Are you sure you really have to think about going back?"

"Zacky," I whispered a little annoyed.

"Raven," he mocked.

I smiled and kissed him lightly. "Yes, I do. Just be patient."

"Fiiine..." he groaned. "I better get going."

I nodded. Zacky pressed his lips to mine passionately and held me close. When we finally pulled away, he pecked me one last time on the lips and said, "I love you babe. See you in a few weeks."

"I love you too." He smiled and walked over to Brian and the two of them got onto their tour bus. Rachel rejoined me and handed me Vivica and Damion. They still had tears running down their cheeks. I squeezed them both. It was then I realized how much I was going to miss Zacky, too; even if it was only a few weeks.
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Aw, sad chapter....Sorry about the wait. I kept getting writers block and stuff...

Comment and tell me what you think.

M. Vengeance