It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Does He Love Us, Mommy?

Rachel's P.O.V.
Ever since we left the house earlier something had been bugging me. Something someone said to be more specific.

"Besides, you're suppose to think about my propostion."

What had Zacky meant by that? Sounds like he's going to kill her if she doesn't meet his damands; like in some of those kidnap movies. But she wouldn't date a kidnapper, would she? She did get engaged to someone who was obviously unstable. The thoughts made me shudder.

I watched Raven strap the kids in and walk to the front seat and get in. I sat in the driver's seat, wanting to ask her about what Zacky had said, but decided to wait.

"So, where to?" I asked her after we had been on the road a few minutes.

She looked up from the window. "Home if you don't mind Rach." Her reply seemed distant and distracted. She turned back and looked out the window without another word.

I looked into the rearview mirror at Vivica and Damion in the back. Their cheeks were tear-stained and they were being way too quiet. They were never this quiet. Zacky leaving must have hit them harder than we thought it would.

When we arrived at Raven's house, I asked, "Mind if I tag along? The afternoon's going to be pretty quiet and lonely for a few hours until I go get the kids."

Raven nodded and got out of the car. I followed suit and unstrapped Damion from his seat. She got Vivica out and we headed up to her house.

Raven's P.O.V.
I unlocked the door while holding a limp Vivica. It felt as if I was carrying a dead body instead of my two year old daughter. I shivered at the thought; images from the night before returning.

I stepped into the house with Rachel holding Damion following close behind. A day of desertion had done absolutely nothing for this place: it was extremely chilly in the house and had an almost haunted feeling about it. Maybe leaving this place behind wasn't such a bad idea.

Rachel closed the door behind her. "Damn, it's freezing in here. I'm going to go start the fireplace." I nodded as she handed Damion to me and followed her into the living room.

"Mommy," Vivica mumbled. I looked down at her. "Tired." Damion yawned in agreement.

"I'm going to take these two upstairs," I told Rachel.


I walked up the stairs where just the night before I had kicked my ex-fiance down. I couldn't help myself and had to looke at the wall on the landing. There wasn't any blood, so I figured the cops had cleaned it up or something.

I placed the twins in their beds and watched them both get comfortable. I tucked them in and kissed them on their foreheads.

Just as I was leaving I heard a small voice call out to me. I turned back and saw Damion standing up in the crib. "Yes, honey?" I said as I walked back.

"Does daddy love us?"

The question came suddenly and caught me completely off guard. I bent down to his level and looked into his eyes. "Of course. Why would you think he didn't?"

"Daddys don't leave." Two stubborn people should not have children. These last two statements made me wonder just how much these two really understood.

"Damion, if daddy had the choice, I know he would have stayed because he loves us." I bit my lip, not sure if I wanted to say what else was on my mind. I didn't want to get their hopes too high. I sighed and went ahead and said it. "We might go live with him when he gets done with his work."

Now, Vivica was also standing up in her bed listening. "But, you two have to be good like daddy said." They both smiled brightly, brighter than I thought they could have managed in their current moods, and laid back down. I smiled at their sudden change in mood and tucked them back in for their nap.

I think my decision has now been made; but just to lock it in place, I wanted to talk to one more person.
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Well, there you go. Tell me what you think!

As for the next update, I don't know when it will be. I kind of need to figure out an overall direction for this. So, if you have any suggestions, feel free to PM me and share them!

M. Vengeance