It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Home Sweet Home

After the seemingly extremely long plane ride, we finally landed. Zacky and I carried the now sleeping Vivica and Damion out to the car after getting my luggage.

"Can we go get food? Real food?" Rachel inquired in the parking lot.

I shrugged. "It's up to them; they're driving."

Brian and Zacky both said they didn't care. "I'll call the others and see if they want to join us," Zacky suggested."Casey will freak."

I turned to Zacky and crossed my arms. "You didn't tell Casey I was coming back?"

"Well, uh, no," he answered nervously. "We wanted to surprise her is all."

"She's going to kill you, you know that right?"

"But it will be funny."

I shook my head and got into the passenger's seat. Zacky hopped into the driver's seat and turned the car on. "You're not mad, are you babe?"

I sighed. "I guess not. Just don't let her get mad at me, or I will be." Zacky laughed and pulled out of the airport parking lot. I listened to Zacky tell all the guys to meet us at a restaurant that I hadn't heard of when I was here. And of course, to Matt he added, "And don't tell Casey." I just rolled my eyes.

We arrived at the restaurant moments after Brian, Rachel, and her kids got there. I opened the back car door and gently shook Damion. He yawned and blinked up at me. "Come on sweetie, we're going to get some food." He put his little arms out to me and I lifted him out of the car.

Zacky did the same with Vivica and the four of us joined Brian and Rachel at the door. The waiter led us to a room in back, since our party was going to be so large, and got two booster seats for the Vivica and Damion.

"So, who's Casey?" Rachel asked me as we waited for the others to reply.

"She's Matt's fiance and one of my best friends."

Almost as soon as the words were out of my mouth, a loud voice exclaimed, "RAVEN!" All eyes shot to the doorway and there stood Casey. She still looked about the same; only this time, her choice of wacky hair colors was black with purple streaks throughout.

I stood up and met her embrace. "Oh my God! I've missed you so much Ra." She let go of me and turned angrily to Matt and Zacky. "You guys are such assholes! I can't believe you didn't tell me about this!" The two just chuckled and didn't say anything.

I looked over at Rachel and smiled. "Casey, this is my friend Rachel. Her and Brian are...uh...seeing each other. Rachel, Casey."

Rachel stood up and shook her hand. They both sat down. Suddenly, Casey gasped. I swear I thought she was going to keel over from a heart attack. "Are those two yours Raven?!?!" she asked excitedly, indicating Vivica and Damion.

I nodded. Casey took a closer look then gasped again. "Zacky's the dad, isn't he?!?!"

"Yes I am," Zacky answered her, then kissed me lightly on the cheek. I smiled and laced my fingers with his under the table.

The others filed in at different intervals. The waiter took our orders and while we waited, we all chatted about different things. I got to know all the girlfriends. They all were really nice to me. Rachel seemed to be getting along with everyone as well. I guess I shouldn't be surprised; Rachel got along with virtually everyone.

After the meal, Zacky and I left because Damion and Vivica were nodding off. We told everyone goodbye, got back in the car, and drove off.

"So, where are they going to sleep?" I asked Zacky on the way to his house.

"Well, there's the guest bedroom. They could sleep on that bed until we get them something else." I gave him a concerned look. "They'll be alright, I promise. If they get hurt or something, you can kill me."

I laughed. "Okay, I'll hold you to that deal."

When we arrived atZacky's our house, I got the sleeping kids out of the back and Zacky carried my stuff. Zacky led me to the guest room, where I laid Vivica and Damion. I kissed their foreheads then left with Zacky.

"So, are you happy to be back?" Zacky asked when we had settled on the couch.

"Mmmhmmm." I laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and played with my hair. As we sat like this, I prayed that nothing would split us up again. Maybe for once in my life, that won't happen.
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Sorry about the wait. Hopefully, I'll feel like writing tomorrow sdo I can get the next one up for you.

Comment and tell me what you think please!

M. Vengeance