It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Don't Do Anything Stupid

I was awakened the next morning by the feeling of someone or something climbing onto the bed. I yawned and opened my eyes to see Damion and Vivica crawling up to me. I smiled at them. "C'mon mommy and daddy! It's time to wake up!" Vivica informed us exuberantly.

Zacky sat up next to me. "Okay, we're up. Just go to the living room and we'll be there in a minute," he said with a yawn. They both giggled, hopped off the bed, and left the room.

Zacky laid back down and stretched. "We should probably get in there," I said, placing my head on his chest. "They tend to get really impatient."

"Wonder where they get that," Zacky murmured with a smirk. I slapped him playfully on the chest. "Okay, I'm going. Damn." I laughed as he got out of the bed and put on a pair of boxers. He came back over to the bed and kissed me lightly on the lips. "Take your time. I can take care of the kids."

I smiled up at him, grateful for the extra few minutes to stretch. I wouldn't be in bed much longer; when I get woke up, I usually don't go back to sleep. I stretched out my limbs for about five minutes, then decided to get up. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a Motley Crue T-shirt and went into the bathroom. I washed my face to wake myself up. I didn't really feel like messing with my hair much, so I just brushed it and pulled it into a ponytail.

I walked into the living room and found Zacky on the couch and Vivica and Damion on the floor with a bowl of cereal watching Spnogebob. I chuckled a little. "If they make a mess, you're cleaning it up."

They all looked up at me. "They're doing fine now," Zacky said, pointing out the obvious.

"I'm just saying." I sat down on the couch next to Zacky. Cerberus came trotting in from the kitchen and jumped on the couch. He put his big head on my lap.

"I'm going to take the kids somewhere today," said Zacky. "I promised them after all."

"Okay. Where are you going to take them?"

"Dunno yet."

I laughed. "I see how much planning you've done."

He stuck his tongue out at me, causing me to laugh harder. "You're a dork."

"Yup, and don't you forget it."

"Hard to forget something like that," I said through my fit of giggles. I haven't been this giddy in what seems like an eternity.

Zacky gave me a look between amused and hurt. "You're being mean today. After what we did last night-" He stopped, remembering the kids were in here. I arched my eyebrow. "I'm going to stop there."

Zacky got the twins ready to leave around one. As they were going out the door, I kissed both of the twins on the forehead. "Be good for daddy you two." I pecked Zacky on the lips. "And you; don't do anything stupid."

"Okay, I'll be sure to do something extremely stupid then," he replied jokingly. I just rolled my eyes and watched them go out to the car. I closed the door and wandered into the living room. I laid down on the couch and turned the T.V. on, not really paying any attention to it really. I was too preoccupied by the many thoughts whirring around in my brain; most of which I can't even sort out to describe. I felt my eyes start to droop and eventually dozed off.

I was woken up soon after by the doorbell. I groaned, wondering who decided to come to the door while I was napping. I slumped to the door, mumbling under my breath. I pulled the door open, ready to yell if it was someone selling something, but was shocked at who I saw standing in the doorway.

It was my old boss; the one that practically ruined my life. But, he looked a lot different. He had lost a lot of weight, and he had bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days. "Raven? I'm so glad I found you. I need to tell you something important."
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There you go! Please, please, please tell me what you think! Sorry about the wait, I've been kind of lazy lately...But, the more comments I get on this one, the faster I'll have the next one up!

M. Vengeance