It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It


Zacky's P.O.V.
I took Vivica and Damion to the park and let them do their own thing. They both ran over to the sandbox. I chuckled to myself and sat on the edge. Vivica pushed a bucket toward me.

"Help," she commanded. I laughed and picked up the bucket.

After we finished making a totally awesome sand castle, I bought them both ice cream. When I handed it to them, they both squealed in delight. They are so fucking adorable.

I pulled into the driveway, turned the car off, and got the twins out of the car. They were a mess. I laughed. "Did you two eat your ice cream, or try to wear it as make up?"

They smiled up at me as I opened the door. I sat Damion and Vivica on the couch. "Stay here while I get something to clean you two up with," I told them. They giggled as I left the living room.

On the way to the bathroom, I passedmy our room and saw Raven unpacking her things. I smiled to myself and tip-toed into the room.

Raven's P.O.V.
I'm starting to get worried about Zacky and the kids. I almost wish they hadn't even left. After hearing about a guy that wants me dead, I'm afraid for their safety as well as mine.

As I was putting some of my clothes in one of the empty drawers, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. My heart practically stopped and my blood ran cold. I felt every muscle in my body tense up. It's happening. I'm going to be killed by a total mad man!

My hands instinctively gripped the ones around my waist. I tore them off with less effort than i figured I'd need and flipped around, ready to fight if I needed to.

When I turned around, I didn't see the man Max had described earlier, but instead it was Zacky. He stared at me with concern and shock written all over his face. I let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the dresser.

"Did I scare you that bad?" he asked, walking over to me.

I nodded. "Don't do that."

I stood back up and looked over his shoulder and saw Damion and Vivica in the doorway. They both ran over to us. "Mommy! Daddy bought us ice cream!" Damion announced, stating the obvious considering it was all over their faces.

I laughed and picked him up. "Looks like there's more on your face than what you ate. Let's go clean you two up."

After Zacky and I got the twins cleaned up, we played with them until they wanted to go to sleep. Zacky and I returned to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So, why are you so jumpy?" he questioned. I figured he was going to ask eventually. I would have never flipped out that bad unless there was something on my mind.

Deciding against lying, I said, "I'm worried."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. "About what?"

"My old boss came over today. You know, the one from when I was an assassin." I felt Zacky's grip tighten; I'm sure he hated talking about this. I went on. "He told me that there's a guy looking for me and he wants me dead for killing The Avengers." Tears stung my eyes as I finished.

"You aren't going to break it off with me again, are you?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, I was going to let you make that decision."

"Well, then I say we stay together. I love you too much to let this happen again."

"I love you too. But, promise me that no matter what, you'll be careful."

Zacky nodded and kissed my forehead. "I promise."

I just hope he could keep this promise as well as he kept the one we made in high school.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there you go. Again, sorry about the wait. Between finals, softball, and friends pissing me off, I've had a lot on my mind. So, yeah that explains why it took so long. Please comment and tell me what you think! You're awesome if you do!

M. Vengeance