It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It


It's been about a week since Max delivered his dreadful news and things have been surprisingly peaceful. Of course, that's only speaking in the sense that nothing has happened. I have been nothing close to peaceful the last week.

I hopped out of the car from a trip to the grocery store and walked to the back to get the bags out. Zacky had taken the kids with him to see his parents. Vivica and Damion really liked their grandparents, which isn't surprising; Zacky's parents had helped me out a lot after I heard about my parents' deaths.

I made my way up the door balancing the groceries in my arms. I carefully opened the door, surprisingly without dropping anything, and entered the house. I closed the door using my hip and started toward the kitchen.

As I was putting things away, I heard something come from the direction of mine and Zacky's room. I wrinkled my brow in confusion. They weren't home already, were they? Zacky's car was still gone and I would have heard them come in. I shifted the spaghetti sauce I was holding to each hand nervously. I quickly put it away and went to find the source of the noise.

I made my way slowly down the hallway toward where I thought the noise may have come from. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me:

I left the door unlocked.

I gulped, knowing there was no way that was just Zacky in there. My mind wouldn't let me believe any form rational thinking at the moment, though.

"Zacky?" I practically croaked. My throat was dryer than a desert. I received no answer, so I continued toward our room.

I stepped in the doorway slowly, hoping to God it had only been Cerberus in our room. Well, I was half right.

I examined the room and was horrified at what my eyes beheld on the floor. Cerberus was lying on his side bleeding profusely from a stab wound no doubt. Tears immediately slipped out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Without thinking, I ran over to Cerberus's lifeless body and knelt beside it. I can't believe he's gone. We've been through everything together: from my parents' deaths to the recent episode with Lance.

I heard the click of a gun being cocked and turned my head to the sound.

"Hello Raven," a man said from the shadows. He stepped forward revealing himself. He was dressed in all black. The man was bald with an eye patch and many scars adorning his face and hands.

Anger flared up inside of me. "How could you do this?" I screeched at him, balling my hands into fists. "He did nothing to you, you fucking bastard!"

The man just smiled wickedly down at me. "I don't think you're in any position for name calling, dear."

I just glared up at him knowing he was right. I suddenly felt really stupid; I just walked into a situation where I could be killed completely unarmed. Damn, how many other stupid mistakes am I going to make today?

"Why can't you people just leave me alone?" I whispered helplessly. The end was near; I could feel it.

"Payback's a bitch. I would think that would be a lesson I shouldn't have to teach you of all people." He scowled at me.

I heard the front door open, making my heart stop. No, they can't be back, not now. Sure enough, I heard the innocent giggles of Vivica and Damion. The door opening had made my oppressor turn his head.

Now's my chance.

I sprang from my place beside Cerberus and bolted toward the man. He was a lot smarter, faster, and stronger than I had predicted. The man turned back to me and swatted me like a fly. My head connected with the wall forcefully and everything went blank.

Zacky's P.O.V.
I heard a loud thump almost as soon as I had stepped through the door. I put the kids down in the living room and headed toward the sound. From the doorway, I saw a lump in the middle of the floor and the silhouette of a man. Shit, he found us, but where's Raven?

The man hadn't seen me and was walking toward the back wall. Seeing what would probably be my only chance to do this, I quickly made my way to the bed and pulled the gun Raven had hidden under her pillow out.

I cocked it and turned it on the intruder, which had gotten his attention. He was standing over an unconscious Raven with his own gun pointed at her. I pulled the trigger and hit his gun hand. He cried out in pain and dropped the gun.

"Get the fuck out of my house and I won't kill you," I growled at him, hoping the kids would stay where they were.

He just stared and laughed at me, obviously not caring that I had just shot his gun out of his hand or threatened him. I walked over toward Raven, keeping my gun aimed at the man. Suddenly, he pulled a box of matches out of his pocket and lit one. I stopped and stared. What the fuck?

"I think it is I who will be killing you." He threw the match on the bed and it immediately caught on fire. I was too shocked to react to his next action; he picked up his gun and pulled the trigger. I felt a searing pain in my stomach and placed my free hand over it.

The man cackled as I doubled over. I'm not sure if it was anger or pain that drove me to do what I did next. I aimed the gun at his head and shot. The bullet imbedded itself in his skull and he fell over.

I looked behind me and saw the flames had over taken almost half of the room. I had to hurry. The pain in my stomach was unbearable and it was bleeding like crazy. I just hoped I'd be able to get Raven and the kids out of here.

I moved as fast as I could over to Raven's unconscious body almost tripping over what I now realized was Cerberus's dead body. I removed my hand from my wound and attempted to pick Raven up. After a few attempts, I managed to get her over my shoulder. Now I just have to get the kids and hope I don't pass out before I get them outside.

As I made my way down the hall, I heard Vivica and Damion screaming bloody murder. Spots started appearing on my vision.

Come on, just a little more.

I got down into the living room where the kids were and picked them up. Their screams seemed inhumanly loud as I carried them out of the burning house. The spots on my vision were almost taking it over as I made my way to the curb. I placed Damion and Vivica in the grass next to the curb and felt my knees give way underneath me. Finally, everything faded to black and I fell to the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
And there you go! I'm going to finish this soon so yeah...Comment please!

M. Vengeance