It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Dust in the Wind

Raven's P.O.V.
My eyes fluttered open. I bolted upright, remembering the man from earlier. I looked around the room and saw that I was no longer in mine and Zacky's room, but instead in a white room with machines around me.

"Raven! You're awake!" someone exclaimed from somewhere nearby. I turned in the direction of the sound and saw Casey and Rachel coming toward me.

The first thing that popped into my head was, "Where are the kids? And Zacky?"

"The kids are right over there in the chairs sleeping," Rachel said quietly.

I relaxed a little. "And Zacky?" I repeated.

Rachel didn't say anything for a second. I prepared my self for the worst. "I'm so sorry, Ra," she said, placing a hand in mine.

Casey joined us and wrapped her arms around me. "He's in critical condition. He was shot in the stomach."

Finally, my worst fear had come true; Zacky had gotten hurt probably trying to save me. My eyes began to water and tears trickled down my cheeks. He's probably dying in there and it's all my fault.

I cried for about ten minutes, then finally gained a little composure. Casey let go of me and sat on the edge of the bed. "Can you tell us what happened?" she whispered gently.

I nodded. I explained to them what had happened from me returning home and hearing the noises to being thrown across the room. I could only guess at what happened after I was knocked out. I stared down at my hands almost the whole time.

A few minutes later a doctor walked in. "Ah, Raven. You're awake. How's your head?" he asked walking over beside my bed.

"Hurts a little," I murmured without looking up.

"Okay." He began performing the tests to make sure I didn't have a concussion, then said, "Well, considering the damage, you're doing pretty well."

I didn't care how I was at the moment. "Do you know how my boyfriend's doing by any chance?"

"What's his name?"

"Zack Baker."

"Well, he had a pretty nasty wound when he came in, but I think he's going to make it."

I laid back and let out a sigh of relief. The doctor laughed. "I bet that's a load off your mind."

"You have no idea. When will I be able to see him?"

"Probably tomorrow," he answered. "But now, you need to get some sleep."

I nodded and he left the room. I'm so glad Zacky's going to make it. I still feel bad for making him go through with this, though.

"Well, we should probably go. It's almost 3 A.M.," Rachel said getting up. "I can take the kids for you, if you want."

"Thanks Rach." She gave me a hug then picked the kids up.

Casey hugged me tightly. "Here for only a week and you're already in trouble. That's our Raven."

I managed to giggle a little. They both said goodbye again and left the room. I placed my head on the pillows and stared at the ceiling. I finally drifted back to sleep happy that Zacky was going to be okay.
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Well, I guess I'm not going to finish tonight. I'm getting writer's block and that's not cool. I am sorry though and I'll try to finish ASAP.

Please comment and tell me what you think!

M. Vengeance