It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

A Promise to Self

Sunlight filtered into my hospital room, awakening me in the morning. I don't even really remember falling asleep. Oh well, that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I get to see Zacky today, something I surprisingly recall from yesterday.

I looked up at the clock hanging from the wall across from my bed. 8:45. I sighed feeling defeated because I had no clue when someone was going to come in and tell me I could leave.

I decided to pass the time watching T.V. Of course, there was nothing on, making time pass more slowly. Aggravation was starting to settle in.

Finally, after about a painfully long hour and a half, the door to my room opened, revealing a young nurse followed by Rachel and Casey. Casey was carrying Damion while Rachel was holding Vivica's hand leading her.

"Mommy!" the kids shouted the second they saw I was awake. Casey set Damion on the ground and they both ran over to my bed. the two climbed up and hugged me as tight as their little arms would allow.

I smiled brightly. If there was anyone in the world that could make me happy, it was definitely these two. I lifted them onto the bed and hugged them both tightly, never wanting to let go again.

The nurse cleared her throat, dragging everyone's attention to her. "Miss Callister, we will be able to release you today. You just can't do anything too taxing while you're out. Also, we'll be giving you a prescription for any pain you might feel."

I couldn't help the huge grin that was spreading across my face. I was so glad to get out of here. Hospitals have always made me antsy.

The nurse smiled and left the five of us alone. Rachel squealed and embraced me. "I'm so happy you're getting out of here!"

Casey joined her and held out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to me. "We brought you some clothes to change into and took your other clothes home last night to be washed."

I took them and thanked her. Casey and Rachel picked the kids up and I peeled the hospital sheet away. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Almost the second I did pain shot through the back of my head, leaving me light headed. I grimaced and grasped the bed's headboard for support.

I heard the girls gasp and both were at my side in a heartbeat. "Are you okay?" Rachel asked, alarm in her voice as well as on her face.

I nodded and stood back up. Luckily, the pain didn't return and I was able to stay like that. Casey and Rachel sighed in relief as I started changing out of the hospital clothes. Once I was finished getting dressed, I turned back to them and said, "Do you know where Zacky is?"

Casey nodded smiling. "I figured you'd ask that. Yeah, we'll take you to him." It took all the control I could muster not to jump up and down.

My two friends led me to the elevator and pushed the up button. I didn't pay attention to what floor we were going to because I was too nervous about what I'd see when I saw Zacky. How badly hurt was he?

The elevator came to a halt and we walked out, heading down another hallway. Finally, Rachel and Casey stopped in front of a door. "In there," Rachel announced.

I smiled brightly and opened the door, stepping inside slowly. Luck was on my side for the second time today; Zacky was awake and staring at the doorway. His face softened and he grinned at me. I returned it.

"I see you're okay," he said quietly. "Bastards wouldn't tell me if you were okay."

I laughed as tears slipped down my cheeks. No, I wasn't sad; I was extremely happy. I made my way over to the bed. Zacky struggled to sit up and winced as he did so. I bit my lip. I can't believe I got him into this. He must be in so much pain.

As if reading my thoughts, Zacky said, "Don't worry about all this. It's not as bad as it seems really."

Casey and Rachel, who were still in the doorway, let the kids down. Vivica and Damion shot over to the bed, jumped on, and hugged Zacky. He hugged them back smiling.

"How are you feeling?" I managed to whisper after a few minutes.

Zacky looked over at me. "I'm fine. What about your head?"

"It's fine. Hurts a little."

Casey and Rachel joined us and picked up the kids. "We'll let you two have some time alone before the others bombard this place," Casey stated, rolling her eyes.

Vivica and Damion waved at us and the two of us returned their waves smiling. Once the were gone, Zacky's smile faded and he averted his gaze to his hands in his lap. I frowned and sat on the edge of his bed. I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace and whispered, "What's wrong Zacky?"

Zacky looked back up into my eyes. His green eyes were filled with pain; a pain I had seen there too many times. "Are you going to leave me again?"

His words stung and I'm not sure why. I knew for sure I wasn't going to leave him again no matter what. We had been separated too many times and the kids would be devastated. "No. Not again."

Zacky smiled, relieved. "Good." He pecked my lips gently. "I love you Ra."

I pressed my lips to his passionately and Zacky returned it. I pulled away moments later and said, "I love you too." I laced my fingers with his and placed my head on his shoulder.

Zacky kissed the top of my head and squeezed my hand. With his free hand, he rubbed my back lightly.

The two of us sat like this for a while until the door burst open, causing us both to jump. In trudged Matt, Brian, Johnny, and Jimmy.

"Woo! You're alive!" Jimmy exclaimed running over to us. I giggled a little at his enthusiasm and Zacky just rolled his eyes.

The other three joined us. "How are you guys feeling?" asked Matt looking us both over.

"Fine," we answered in unison.

The four guys raised their eyebrows at us, then shrugged. Johnny spoke next. "So when do you get out of here?"

Zacky shrugged in response. "No idea. The doctor is suppose to tell me later. Hopefully not much longer."

The boys continued to talk about random topics and I decided to stay out of their conversations. Instead, I cuddled with Zacky contentedly listening.

Hours passed and finally a doctor came in whom I recognized was the same doctor that talked to me the night before. He gave Zacky and I a funny look. The two of us ignored it and continued cuddling. The doctor gave up trying to split us up and said. "Mr. Baker, you will be able to leave tomorrow if everything continues to look as good as it does now."

Zacky and I shared a smile and the guys cheered in one way or another. I think being stuck in a hospital all day has messed with them.

"But," the doctor began again, "as for the rest of you, I must ask you to leave. Visiting hours are over." With that, he exited the room.

"Well, that's balls," Brian complained. The rest of us agreed.

The guys said the farewells then left the room so I could say goodbye. I gave him one more careful hug before standing up. My butt was sore from sitting down all day and my legs were heavy as well. I turned back to Zacky who looked disappointed. I leaned down and kissed his lips. He immediately deepened it.

I pulled away after a few minutes. "I'll be here tomorrow morning bright and early to pick you up. So that means you have to be up," I scolded playfully.

Zacky chuckled. "I will mother."

I shook my head and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you in the morning then. I love you. And thanks for saving my life."

Zacky smiled his amazing smile. "No problem babe. I love you too."

I headed to the door and waved one last time before walking out. I was so relieved that Zacky wasn't in there dying. I would never have been able to live down the fact that he was dying after trying to save my life.

As I walked out to the parking lot where I found Matt waiting to give me a ride home, I made a promise to myself. That oath was I was never going to let any force on the planet separate me, Zacky, and the kids ever again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long for me to get posted and I'm sorry it sucks so bad especially since it took me so long to figure out the ending. But, I will be writing and epilogue to sum it all up and hopefully it won't take as long because I have it mostly planned out. So if you're still reading this, keep an eye out for it!

M. Vengeance