It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

*** Off Conscience

"Oh shit! Hold on. I should probably tell Rachel we're leaving," I said as we got to the parking lot. Zacky nodded and we returned to the club.

We found Rachel and Brian at the table with Matt. "Hey, Rach, we're leaving," I informed her. She stared at me confused. I turned to Brian. "Can you take her home?"

"Yeah sure. Where are you going?"

"With Zacky." Rachel and Brian both gave me weird looks but I ignored them and returned tot he parking lot.

Zacky was waiting for me by my car. "Mind if we take your car? I rode with Brian."

I shrugged and walked over to the driver's side.

"Wait, can I drive?" he asked.

"Sure, whatever." I tossed him the keys and walked around the car to switch him places. Zacky started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

About five minutes into the ride, it started to sleet. "Well, that's just our luck isn't it?" I said with fake optimism.

Zacky laughed. "It's alright, we're almost there."

A few more minutes passed and we arrived at a hotel. I should have seen this coming. I felt myself smirk slightly and I hid it by looking out the window.

"Well, here we are," Zacky announced as we got out of the car. I shivered as the cold sleet hit my bare skin and started to run for the entrance. I heard Zacky chuckle then follow me.

The two of us entered the hotel. I got a few stares from people in the lobby but I ignored them. I was pretty used to it. I laced my fingers with his as we crossed the lobby and stepped into the elevator.

Once the elevator stopped, I followed Zacky until he stopped in front of a door, dug in his pocket, and pulled out the card key. He slid it through the slot and opened the door.

"I figured you want to go someplace more private so we could talk," he said.

I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Talk huh?"

"Yes, talk."

"Well, maybe I don't want to talk," I stated as I turned away so I wasn't directly facing him. I saw his expression turn to shock which caused me to giggle, giving my whole act away. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck making me smile.

"I still love you Ra," Zacky whispered.

Guilt reared it's ugly head back in but I fought it back down. I'm through with Lance. I already decided I was going to end it tomorrow when he got home. So you know what conscience? You can fuck off.

"I never stopped loving you Zacky. No matter what I told myself, I knew I was lying."

Zacky turned me around so I was facing him. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. "Have I ever told you you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met?"

"Probably at some point. But I'm sure you tell all the girls that."

"Nuh uh," he said while laughing.

"You're a terrible liar." He smiled evilly and started kissing my jawline. I stopped him; he was still giving me an evil grin.

"Am I making you feel guilty, Raven Callister?"

"No, you're not Zachary Baker. I just need to do something." I pulled out my phone and called home. "Hey sweetie," I greeted Lance when he picked up.

"Me and Rachel are going to get a hotel room since it's sleeting."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then," he said on the other line. He sounded "tired" but I'm sure he was faking it.

"Okay, love ya." I shut my phone and tossed it onto a nearby table.

"What was that about?"

"I want Lance to think I'm still oblivious. It will be more of a shock when I end it that way."

Zacky smirked at me. "You are an evil girl."

I shrugged. "So, he deserves it. He hasn't had sex with me for what seems like forever. Probably because he's been fucking some whorish secretary."

Zacky pulled me back into him and attached his lips to mine. I moaned as his tongue began to massage mine. He slipped his hand under my skirt and started stroking my inner thigh. We broke the kiss momentarily so I could remove Zacky's shirt.

After a few more minutes, I slid my hands down Zacky's chest and started working at his pants. Once they were off he kicked them away.

"Well this is fair," he said after pulling away.

"What?" I started kissing his neck and he let out a moan.

"I'm completely naked and you're still dressed."

I stopped and looked up at him. "Not my fault."

"Good point." He pressed me into the wall and started removing my corset. When he got it off, he threw it across the room and removed the rest of my clothes. Now, the two of us were completely naked. I started feeling self-conscious because he was just staring at me. I felt myself blush. Zacky ignored it, picked me up, and placed me on the bed.

He started stroking my sides, then he cupped my breasts. I moaned as he started caressing them. He moved his hands to my waist and started placing small kisses on my body.

When he finished, he entered me, and started moving at a slow pace. I started moving my hips in rhythm, causing us both to moan in pleasure. We soon picked up the pace and I let out a scream as I hit my orgasm. A few minutes later, Zacky released inside of me and laid down next to me.

I placed my head on his chest and allowed my breathing to return to normal. Zacky wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair. "I love you so much Raven."

"I love you too Zacky." Soon after I had said this, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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Sorry about the wait everyone!


M. Vengeance