It's in Your Face But You Can't Grab It

Deceit Brings Fire

Lance's P.O.V.
I was driving home from work thinking about my day. I had gotten a lot of work done. And my reward was the same as it had been since I had gotten my new hot secretary; sex. Unlike with Raven, it was what I wanted every time. Not just sometimes, every time.

I smirked to myself but my smile immediately faded when I drove into the driveway. I saw some guy walking out of our house to his car which was parked out front. Who the fuck was this bastard and why was he in my house?

When he was gone, I got out of my car and slammed the door. That bitch was probably cheating on me! No one cheats on me and gets away with it!

Raven's P.O.V.
I heard the front door open and figured Lance was home. Well, here goes. I quietly closed the door to the twins' room and went down the stairs.

"Lance! I need to talk to you! Now!" I hollered from the living room.

Lance entered from the kitchen, his hands behind his back. Oh if he has some kind of forgive me gift, I will be really pissed.

"No Raven. I need to talk to you. Who the fuck was that guy?"

I was caught a bit off guard but not much. "That was Zacky. He's an old friend of mine and the father of my children."

His mouth gaped. "You're cheating on me with that bastard aren't you?" he asked as he took a few steps toward me.

I wasn't going to lie; there was no point. He cheated on me too. "Yeah, I did. But you've been cheating on me too. So you know what Lance? It's fucking over! Who the fuck is this 'sex kitten'?" I demanded angrily.

"How do you know about her?" he asked in obvious shock.

"I had to come back and get my phone last night and I heard you talking on the phone."

He stood there, probably thinking how could he have been so careless. When he didn't answer, I said, "Well Lance, I hope you have a nice life with your little 'sex kitten'." Then I threw my engagement ring into the fireplace.

Something must have snapped in him because he charged at me. He caught me off guard and hit my left eye.

I was way off on what was behind his back. It was a knife. Lance lunged at me with it held out and I barely dodged him. What the fuck was this? I break up with him and he wants to kill me?!?

I ran to the stairs and started climbing them. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my back between my shoulder blades. I arched my back in pain and flipped around. He was standing there with the knife held up, my blood dripping off of it. He started for me again but I kicked him and he fell to the landing.

I ran the rest of the way up the stairs, skipping two or three as I went. I sprinted down the hallway to our room and slid a box out from underneath the bed. I threw all the pictures and random things out and found what I was looking for.

I made sure my old gun was loaded and ran out of the room, hoping to get to the twins' room before Lance could. Luckily, Lance was just getting up the stairs. I saw blood drip from the back of his head onto the ground.

I raised the gun and pointed it at his chest. He laughed hysterically. "You don't have the guts to pull that trigger Raven. So give it up!"

Oh, he had no idea what I had the guts to do and what I didn't. Yeah I might not have the guts to kill him anymore, but I did have the guts to shoot him so he'd be out of the way.

"Lance, if you come any closer, I'll shoot," I warned him.

He laughed again and started toward me. I moved my target to his ankle and pulled the trigger. He screamed and fell down the stairs again. He didn't make a sound.

I saw my chance and ran into the twins' room. They both were screaming at the top of their lungs now. I picked them both up and left their room.

I ran down the stairs and spat on Lance as I passed him. He groaned in pain and aggravation as I jumped over him. I heard him try to stand back up and fall down as I made my way to the back yard to get Cerberus. There was no way I was leaving him here. We've been through too much together.

As I ran around the house with Cerberus at my said, I head Lance yell from inside the house, "I'LL GET YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU, YOUR KIDS, YOUR DOG, AND THAT BASTARD BOYFRIEND OF YOURS!"

I gasped and started running harder. Damion and Vivica were screaming louder than ever now. I felt tears on my cheeks and wished I could brush them away because it felt like they were freezing there.

As I bolted down the street toward Rachel's house, I wondered why no one was helping. I mean I know this is a pretty desolate street, but someone's got to hear my kids screaming or see a woman running with a dog and two upset kids.

I started cutting through yards so I'd get to Rachel's faster. Finally I reached her yard and practically leapt to the door. I didn't bother knocking and just busted in. I slammed the door behind me and slid to the ground.

"Raven? What happened?" I heard Rachel almost scream. It was the last thing I heard before blacking out.
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I told you this one would be much more exciting. Like I said last time, if you have friends that read fanfics and you like this one and the prequel, tell them. I need more readers...

Comment/banner? Both would be stupendous!

M. Vengeance