‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Rude awakenings and pissed off exes.

That night we ate dinner as a family. Our parents were so consumed into Dominic, having him call David's mom and dad, Nana and pop pop. I snorted at their ridiculous nicknames, causing them to glare at me. I cleared my throat and took another bite of my food.

"Gamma," Dominic addressed my mom.

"Yes, sweetie?" she replies, running a hand through his hair.

"Bite?" Dominic asks with a grin. At which she gave in, letting him have a bite of her food. I rolled my eyes at how he knows how to play the adults, totally reminding me of David.

"Well, dinner was good," David complimented as we walked back to the cabin. Gaby and John decided to go to the adults cabin today, letting David and I have our own little cabin.

"I can't believe they ditched out on us," I groaned, while playing a movie for us to watch. Dominic's eyes were slowly closing, and so I picked him up to bring him in bed.

"Yeah," David chuckled, following me. He watched as I gently placed Dominic down, kissed his forehead, shut the light off and walked out of the room.

"What?" I ask with a light giggle.

"Nothing, just how good of a mom you are," he complimented, taking a seat on the couch and yanked me with him. I laughed as I plopped down on his lap and smiled.

"Kind of reminds me of old times," I reminisced.

"Yeah, speaking of which," he chuckled, digging into his pocket. I quirked a brow as he scanned through his phone, then widely smiled. "Ready?"

"Hmm," I nod. Suddenly I saw the old picture we took when we were seventeen, two years ago. I bit my bottom lip and shifted my eyes to his. "You kept it?"

"Yeah," he sighs with a breathless look on his face. I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach, causing me to lean forward and cuddle him. Surprisingly I still have the phone he bought me back then, and I know the very same photo is in there as well.

"Wait, how did you get that photo?" I ask, confused. I recall taking the photo with my phone.

"That New Years, I sent it to myself when you cleaning all crazy like," he explains with a half hearted smile. "I didn't want to lose the memory."

"Makes sense," I nod. A yawn escaped at which he patted my legs.

"Let's go to bed," he offers, at which I stood. We glanced at Dominic whom is asleep in the bed. "Is there enough room for us?" I giggled a little.

"Yeah, he can sleep between us?" I suggest, and he nods.

"Okay," he nervously agrees. I removed my clothes, knowing David is watching, and slowly took my bra off. "Monique."

"Hmm?" I mumble, glancing at him.

"Not cool," he grumbled, taking his shirt and pants off.

"What?" I snicker, standing there in just my underware.

"You know what," he breaths out. I grabbed a shirt and tilted my head to the side.

"We can't do anything with Dominic in here, David," I remind.

"I know and that's why it's not cool," he chuckles. I grin with satisfaction, and slipped my shirt on.

"Welcome to life of having a child," I state and slipped on some pajama shorts.

"Wouldn't want it any other way," he whispered and got in bed. I gently move Dominic over and crawled into bed as well. I glanced at David, watching him as he stared at Dominic. I wanted to read his mind at that very moment as well.


An obnoxious sound awoke me from my dream, my eyes dart open and glare in the direction of which it came.

"What the hell is that?" I growl, when Dominic started screaming. I quickly hush him, trying to calm him down. David shot up and ran to his phone.

"Hello? Oh, hey. It's my son, he woke up cause of your call. Why are you calling so early? Oh really. You expected me to come back this early? Yeah, like that was going to happen. We need to talk, Kiley." David paused for a while, at which I assumed was her yelling at him.

"Come on baby," I whisper to Dominic and lead him into the kitchen. I started making break fast, as he watched cartoons. Next thing I know, I heard David yelling from the room. I winced at the painful sounds in his voice as he continued to scream.

"Mommy?" Dominic sweetly asks, in his adorable child voice.

"Yeah, baby?" I reply, he walked into the room and glanced down the hall. "Don't worry about it, Dominic. Just go watch cartoons, food will be done soon."

"Eat?" he inquires, at which I smile.

"Yes, eat, in a minute," I assure at which he ran then jumped on the couch.
"Aye, settle down!" I shook my head and continued making breakfast.

"Yeah!" Dominic yells back and continued to jump around the couch.

"I swear, Dominic, don't push my buttons, now sit down and watch TV," I snarl. Dominic took one look at my serious expression, and immediately got off the back of the couch and sat down properly. I nod with victory and finished breakfast.

"Hey," David entered the room as I set the table with food.

"Hi," I reply. A small smile escaped his lips as he took a seat. Dominic rushed over and jumped on the table, then into his high chair. "Dominic, so help me."

"Mommy," he squealed. "Eat."

"Stop doing that," I demand and gave him his food.

"What is he doing?" David inquires.

"Climbing over the furniture and just jumped into his high chair, he knows better," I explain. David raises a brow.

"Well what's the problem?" Wow, I slap a hand to my forehead and shook my head.

"He can hurt himself," I remind. David stared at me dumb founded, at which I laughed.

"You have a lot to learn, David," I tease.

"Yeah," he mutters. I took a few bites after giving Dom his food.

"What's wrong?" I inquire.

"Kiley is pissed," he mumbled.

"How bad?" I quirk a brow.

"Not sure yet," he sighs.

"Go," I whisper, feeling pain. Tears stung my eyes, but I held it together.

"No," he declines.

"David," I plea. "Don't ruin something good."

"Stop, Monique, stop."

"Okay," I bit my bottom lip and stared at him. He leaned over and kissed me.

"I want you," he whispers. "I want Dominic." he glances at Dominic, whom his stuffing his face like his father. "I want this."

I just smiled, and leaned over, kissing him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D awww David and Monique. <3

Also thank you for the comment, I appreciate it. Made me want to update a lot quicker, wont lie. lol.