‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Demands and thoughts.

The rest of our day consisted of doing fun things with Dominic. I enjoyed just observing the interactions between David and our son, it was calming. I glanced over to see Gaby walking over with a serious expression.

"What's going on?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"Kiley is here," she muttered, without another say she grabbed Dominic and headed towards the parents cabin. I rose a brow and glanced at David, whom stood there somberly.

"I suppose we should greet her," David coughed. I rolled my eyes and followed him towards the parking lot that is a few feet away from the cabins.

"There you are, David," Kiley sighed, then shifted her eyes to me.
"Can we talk alone, please?"

"Of course," I mutter. I believe I owed her that much, for taking back my man, and ruining her engagement. I walked to a safe distance, and surprisingly I could still hear them.

"Can she hear us?" Kiley grumbled, glancing over. I acted as if I was interested in the palm tree that is directly beside me.

"I don't think so," David answered. "What do you want?"

"You can't do this, David. Our careers rely on everything that happens next," she plead.

"Of course," David choked out.

"What?" Kiley replied, not understanding David. However, I did.

"It's all about the publicity, our careers, everything!" He screamed, throwing his hands up.
"Is that all I am to you? Is a fucking tabloid cover?"

"Oh please, like you haven't told me the same thing," she spat.

"Only because I thought it was all just a joke, since that's what some people have speculated, yet now it's the truth? Wow, Kiley. Here's your next story, Kiley gets dumped by David, after he finds out he has a child, there go run with that one. Play the pitty me card, and get a ton of publicity," David demanded and slowly I saw him walking towards me.

"No!" Kiley screamed, chasing after him. She grabbed onto his arm, at which he turned and shoved her.

"Do not touch me," he calmly warned.
"I don't want another head line against me."

"Really?" she breathed out, shifting her eyes to mine.
"I don't want to do this alone, David."

"Do what alone, Kiley?" He retorted, falling into her pitty me cards.

"My career, we have a place together," she reminded.
"This ring, everything."

"Pawn it off, and it's my house, you were just staying there," David harshly spat.

"It is in my name," she hissed.

"Is not!" he screamed.

"I will make you have the worst name alive, David Porter, if you do this," she warned.

"I look forward to it," he chuckled. I could feel the anger from her, seeing as I have been there before. David just knows how to piss people off.

"Give me the house, and this can go smoothly," she was giving him the choice.

"I'll think about it," he grinned.

"David," I jumped in.

"Monique," he groaned. "Stay over there for a second."

"Just give her the house," I begged.
"Why make this any worse?"

"We will talk about this later," he quietly spoke.

"Listen to her, David, like you have been," Kiley snickered.

"John still has that photo, Kiley," I warn. David perked up with a smile.
"I suggest you watch your next moves, because I think that would be horrible."

"He deleted it," she called my bluff.

"Trust me, John doesn't delete anything," David laughs.

"Then come with me to speak to the press, they'll notice quickly that you aren't around, have you even watched the News yet? Have you seen the magazine for this week?" Kiley asked, changing the topic.

"I have not," David honestly answers.

"Well, I can tell you that they have people taking pictures of us right now. They had one of us on the beach, then one of you kissing her, and they're going to speculate," she sounded desperate. "I can not let my father down, David. Please."

"Father?" I think aloud.

"He's in the business, Monique. There are somethings you don't know about, David, here," Kiley maturely informs. I was taken back by her nice persona as she said that.

"Kiley, just go," David sighs.

"Not without you," she stands her ground.

"David," I sigh.

"Shh," he hushed.
"I will talk to the press on my own time."

"We don't even have that much time here anyway," I remind.

"See, Kiley, avoid the lime light, or even stay here with us to avoid any speculation," David offers. Kiley glances from him to me, then back at him.

"I can't," she barks. "I wont!"

"Then go away," David rudely spat, wrapped his arm around me and walked off. I was being yanked so hard that I could barely turn my head to see her reaction as we left her there.

"That wasn't nice," I scold.

"She's plotting something," he mutters.

"What if she's just worried about her career?" I quirk a brow.

"She's worried about her daddy," he corrects.
"Which I am sure will ruin me."

"Why?" I furrow my brows.

"He's a big publicist around the world, Kiley Jade didn't get here by accident," he explains. "When he met me, he set us up, because we're both hot and new. I actually had a thing for her, but that was because I am guilty for wanting my career more than love."

"Is that why you proposed so soon?" I ask, he nods.
"Wow, David. Wow."

"Don't judge me, Monique. The money is well worth it, I have made a lot." I roll my eyes.

"Then why not give her the house?" I quirk a brow. For once he was silent.
"David...why not give her the house?"

"Does it matter," he grumbles.

"Yes," I hesitantly reply.

"Why?" he turns to me, and we stop walking.

"Because," I choke. "I, I need to know."

"You need to know if I still care about her, huh?" A snort escaped from him.

"This isn't funny David," I curse.

"Why not?" He smirks.

"We are not in high school anymore," I remind.

"Wow, really? I thought this was a school trip," he sarcastically says while looking around.

"Stop," I beg. "Stop!"

"I am with you, Monique. What does it matter?" He groans.

"I don't want to be your second choice!" I shriek, feeling my voice cut in and out.

"You have never, ever, been my second choice," he dryly states, staring me dead in the eyes. Chelsea came back to my mind, and how he had her run around for him. How he practically rubbed her in my face.

"You just like to upset me then?" I tried to make sense of him.

"I suppose," he shrugs and continues to walk.
"However, let's find Dominic."

"No," I didn't follow. David stops walking and slowly turns around to face me.
"He will not be used."

"Huh?" David furrows his brows.

"How you use me, David. I swear, if you fuck with his emotions," I threaten. David just chuckles, walking over and wraps me in his arms.

"I do this to you, for sexual reasons." Is all he said before walking off, with or with out me he was going to get Dominic and spend more time with him. I felt tears prick my eyes as I followed. I knew the nice David was not going to last forever, and it was only an amount of time before the asshole him returns.

"So, what did she want?" Gaby questions as we walked into the room.

"Me," David dryly answers, going over to Dominic.

"How'd that go?" she continues.

"Let's not discuss this," David calmly says while kissing Dominic's forehead.
"Want a nap?"

"No," Dominic yawns.

"Yes, you do," David chuckles. A quick glance at me and he went into the room. I slowly followed and peered in. Dominic cuddled next to David and slowly drifted to sleep, as David had his eyes closed as well with one arm around Dominic.

Were we going to be a happy family? Or was this just a recipe for disaster? I slowly closed the door and leaned against it, closing my eyes with my head leaned back. Please, don't let David be an asshole. Please.
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:D Tralalala, thank you so much to MusicLover525 for always commenting. :] It shows me that you are dedicated and I appreciate it so much. Makes me want to update just for you. <3